Monday, December 12, 2022

Bad Manufacturing Produced a Lot of Impurities. But, a Lot of People Are Lucky Because of That

"Why Are Jews the Target of So Much Venomous Hatred? They Not Only Succeed; They Succeed in a Way Which Is a Threat to the Egos of Other People"

More evidence the Fed and China together blew this thing up. The counter-revolution is real

Enter Illegally. Get Processed. Get Released onto the Streets of Texas, Arizona, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, New Mexico, California, Colorado, Iowa, . . . and Be Forgotten

Coming to America! 

I don't think this is what he had in mind. 

If we have no checks and balances, no procedure, no standards, then we have no nation, no country.  It's now only a region of "WhateverLand."

Russia vs. the United States