Friday, December 9, 2022

Caffeine Suppresses Amyloid-β Protein, a Precursor to Plaque Build-Up Leading to Alzheimer's

Caffeine inhibits the build-up of plaque on the inside of nerve cells on the brain.  Caffeine suppresses Amyloid-β protein that leads to Alzheimer's.  One more reason to put coffee on the positive side of the balance sheet of your diet.  

guys who walked in a forest for 6 hours over a 2 day period experienced a 46% boost in natural killer cells . . .

"Regular Shiitake Mushroom consumption resulted in improved immunity, incredibly showing a DOUBLING of NK (Natural Killer) immune cells & 60% increased gamma T lymphocytes"

The state steals your baby, poisons your baby, then kills your baby, but will tell you they do everything for the children

Now you know what they mean by it. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022