Sunday, December 4, 2022

HEARTBREAKING: Baby Will's parents don’t want to use vaccinated blood during heart surgery. They’ve already found hundreds citizens with non-mRNA vaccinated blood.

China is no longer a source of cheap labor to bring down inflation. Many of the sources of low inflation are simply gone now.

Jeez, I liked the comments here by Wall Street Silver than anything in the Wall St. Journal article.   

After lying and cheating on every other pharmaceutical product, every other medical device that they've created, we're supposed to believe somehow they've had a "come to Jesus" moment with vaccines and that [they] aren't lying to us

Four companies that make all 72 of those vaccines, which is Pfizer, Merck, Glaxo-Merck, and Sanofi.  All of those companies are convicted felons, and not only that they are serial felons.  Their business model is committing felonies.  These companies in the last ten years collectively have paid $35 billion dollars in penalties, damages, and fines for falsifying science, defrauding regulators, lying to doctors, and for killing hundreds of thousands of people.  Vioxx, which was Merck flagship product, killed between 120,000 and 500,000 Americans.  This was a pill that Merck was selling as a headache pill, and Merck knew that it caused heart attacks, that it killed people, and they didn't tell anybody.  And they knew . . . we got the spreadsheets that showed their bean counters, their accountants, that you're going to kill so many people per dose we can still make more monet even if they all sue us.  In the end, they killed up to half a million Americans and they got away with it.  They paid $7 billion dollars in fines, nobody went to jail.  So this is a company . . . it requires a kind of cognitive dissonance to believe that these companies that are lying and cheating on every other pharmaceutical product, every other medical device that they create [have] somehow found Jesus with vaccines that aren't lying to us.  The thing is with vaccines, vaccines is the only place they can never get caught because it's illegal in this country to sue a vaccine company . . .

Accountability is coming. @AGHuff is one of the whistleblowers in my case against EcoHealth Alliance for creating #Covid

We're in a stage of demoralization. You can tell because the people have surrendered their literate, Biblical morals. Today, we're all living by the good graces of the State

Every American alive today,  45-95 years old, is living the life of Rip van Winkle, asleep for decades only to awake to find that the country he ess born into is gone.  Oh, sure, there are historical landmarks that you you recognize from 50 years ago. Heck, the ancestral home you grew up in may even still be standing, but the values are gone.  

But it's already been years since you checked out and surrendered the fight to preserve any common decency or sacred values.  You had to earn a ling after all, and nothing could interfere with that.  Plus, America is a pluralist society to begin with, so what does even more diversity matter to you or to anyone else?  May as well embrace what the kids are bringing.  Our parents did, didn't they?  Yes, they did, and we saw how they nursed their demoralization grievously.