Sunday, November 6, 2022

So on January 18 [2021], they detect an issue. They do nothing and they kill 60 people at least . . . . After that occurrence, everything else should be considered intentional.

Manufacturers have safety signals in place.  So the signals regarding the unsafe nature of the vaccines were ignored, consistently ignored . . . .  These safety systems exists.  The manufacturers have these systems themselves and they monitor them, and most of the time they detect safety problems themselves.  The vast majority of product recalled are volunteered by the manufacturer.  With automobiles, you get messages from the car deal informing you that this model has a defective part.  Same system exists for the pharmaceutical products.   

8:27  And these systems exist at the federal, state, and county level.  Health authorities monitor and or pull products when there's a problem.   I found one news report in Orange County, California, the Health authority accidentally did their job and on January 18, 2021, which was just two weeks after the rollout of these shots in the United States, they detected a problem with the lot of Moderna, and they said that there were too many "allergic reactions. . . ." And it was reported in numerous news outlets, including CNN, but nothing happened.  And that lot was allowed to continue to be distributed all over the United States, until the end of March, until it ran out, and I counted in the VAERS system over 3,000 adverse events and 60 deaths.  So on January 18, they detect an issue.  They do nothing and they kill 60 people at least, we know that VAERS is under reported.  After that occurrence, everything else should be considered intentional.  And by the way, throughout the world.  This product is distributed throughout the world.  And wherever it's sold in every country, this should be noted by the regulators and nobody did anything.   

10:18  How did this fraud come about with these regulators playing the role of the regulator but they're not actual regulators?  They know, and they're just part of the theater.  I got my information from Katherine Watt, a private citizen and a deep and experienced researcher in legal matters.  She writes at Substack.  It's called Bailiwick News.  She calls it American Domestic Bioterrorism, but it's actually American International Bioterrorism program because it includes many other countries where these products are being distributed. So she revealed this whole scheme, which is actually quite simple.  The United States government and the Department of Defense are running this program.  The U.S. gov't, over many years--this goes back a decade--put in place three key pieces where they removed the regulations that we just discussed.  They removed the manufacturing practices requirements and all the safety monitoring requirements for what they called "countermeasures."  They call these things "countermeasures."  BTW, these vaccines are classified as "Countermeasures."  [Okay, what does that mean?] Countermeasures is a euphemism for weapons.  So the Department of Defense has the right to order these countermeasures, meaning weapons, from private manufacturers, meaning Pfizer, Moderna, and a whole bunch of their suppliers, there's like hundreds of companies that make this.  So these are Emergency Use Authorized, EUA, so no regulations apply to them, and this happens under public health emergencies.  So three things: 1) you have DOD other transactional authority where they contracted bribed manufacturers 2) they make countermeasures, and 3) which are Emergency Use Authorized, and this happens under Public Health Emergencies.  So when those conditions are met, no regulations apply whatsoever.  The only standard for releasing them or deploying them is the United States Health and Human Services, USHHS, had Alex Azar under the Trump Administration, and now currently it's Xavier Becerra.  It's up to that person's sole discretion to deploy these weapons.  If they feel that they may be effective.  That's it.  There's no other standard that applies.   

13:20  Are we talking about Operation Warp Speed, for example? Yes.  OWS is a DOD operation, with the DOD in charge of the entire operation.  Layers of U.S. government that designs, develops, and manufactures these products.  And Pharma is just suppliers.  They execute only orders.  But everything is designed, developed, and manufactured by DOD.  But the legal structure is, once they make these things, the HHS Secretary, Alex Azar, if he decides they may be effective, they're released on the market.  Notice that this is done by the DOD with their suppliers and network and so forth.  DOD is not regulated by FDA.  It's not regulated by "good manufacturing practices" or good "distribution practices," does not have to run clinical trials.  [I don't see how fraud goes undetected.]  The FDA's own website states that 

Consumers expect that each batch of medicines they take will meet quality standards so that they will be safe and effective.

So they expect a certain quality.  But the quality regulators were let off the hook for the COVID vaccine.  Huh.  

Does not have to demonstrate safety and efficacy.  BTW, for these products, no clinical trials are needed because HHS Secretary declares them to be "effective."  They don't have to be safe.  The decision to release them in the market to the American people is left to the sole discretion of the HHS Secretary, in this instance, it was Alex Azar.  The FDA plays no role here.  What FDA has been doing is acting, and playing theater, pretending to be a regulator, so they're impersonating a regulator, and they have no role to regulate these products.  And that's the fraud that has been committed on all of us.  [Among others, I would add.]  We also have leaked emails we see that the FDA pressured the European medicine Agencies to approve these things on specific schedule, and they created this whole panic, by saying, "Oh, my God, if we don't approve by Christmas 2020, the world will come to an end."  So they pushed the European regulators who are also quite aware.  I don't think they're amateurs and they probably investigated the legal structure of this scheme.  And they probably did the same in Australia and everywhere else where they pushed this garbage.  After all the evidence of reproductive healt damage, heart attacks, myocarditis, and nerve destruction, we go to the regulators to have a discussion, showing them the data, but the regulators refuse to look at the data and refuse to acknowledge them.  They tell us to go away, that it's been determined to be safe and effective.  They're acting.  They're pretending.  They're stalling everyone.  We keep going there only to learn that we're barking up the wrong tree. 

19:00  The main perpetrator here is the DOD.  The contracts of the players show that this scheme was planned.  In the U.S. about 400 contracts . . . for everything, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, masks, swabs, test kits, staffing, logistics, everything related.  

Gov't Statistics Will Get You Killed

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Only red #meat, mostly #steaks, animal fat, #eggs, salt, water, black coffee, & #butter.


Earth has been warmer than today for 65% of the last 11,000 years. Cycles of warm & cold are not related to carbon dioxide levels. This hoax only exists in virtual reality.