Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Professionally frightened class asks that we forgive their forced medical experiment

I loved Eugyppius' parting comment to Professor Emily Oster, 

Emily Oster can go fuck herself.

Vintage New York

Monday, October 31, 2022

Because "let's forgive", right? Nope.

Imagine this person telling you to forgive the damage, loss, and horrors of the last 3 years.   

No Amnesty for Defenders of Mass Murder

I answered with the following,

"Pandemic Amnesty" Is a Much Watch

1.  Read the article.

2.  Read the critique.

3.  BTW, big pharma, big tech, & big gov't will not be surrendering big COVID anytime soon.  Why would they?  Would you dismantle or burn to ashes your cash cow?   

These folks implicitly endorse mass murder.  Have they not paid any attention to the numbers?  Are they just responding to the feelings of society or reading their Ouija board?