Sunday, March 6, 2022


Don't take anymore habs for Klaus Schwab.  And please stop wearing his masks.  And when you learn that a store near you mandates that you wear a mask, ignore Schwab's deputies and go about your shopping.  The company is not a private club that charges dues to members smoking cigars in the back room.  It is a private company whose structure and bylaws mandate that they serve the public, whomever that is.  Public service us their business model. If they want to be a private club, then they'll apply for such a business.  Just because a store violates their own bylaws is not an invitation for you to surrender your bundle of rights.  Compliance to anything government or technocrat related is suicide.  We've learned recently that a high percentage of deaths from he vaxx'd are not dying because of an infection due to lowered immunity but to programmed death, meaning that the injections are killing people according to a timed death from the interaction of ingredients in the vaccines. 

Here is the Dr. Mark Trozzi article.  

ALPHA LIPOIC ACID: has mitochondrial, neuro, cardiac and general antioxidant essential functions in the body


Thank you to Lew RockwellDonbass is a region that borders Russia. 


Saturday, March 5, 2022


17 young men who, in their teens, were psychotic.  They were treated by orthomolecular means all across North America, they all went back to college and studied medicine, and became doctors.  One of them was the son of a very prominent American writer and he applied to Harvard Medical School . . . he wanted to study medicine at Harvard Medical School.  They wanted him badly because to get into Harvard you have to have money; not only money but intelligence and you have to have a name.  It all helps.  So he wrote to me before he applied.  He said he wasn't sure whether he should tell the admissions committee that he had had schizophrenia or not.  In the end, he said that he had to be honest and tell them what he had had.  Now the admissions committee didn't want him because they didn't want any schizophrenics but they also wanted him because he had this famous name.  So they said to him, "Come back tomorrow, and we'll tell you what our decision is.  So the next day, he came back, and they said to him, "That we know that you never get well from schizophrenia.  But you are well.  Therefore, you never had schizophrenia.  They admitted him.  And he is now the head of a large pediatric clinic doing well.  

39:20  Another patient of mine, he was very psychotic and was part of a double-blind controlled experiment.  He went through the placebo arm and didn't respond so we put him on vitamins and electric shock treatment as well.  He made a complete recovery.  He studied medicine, became a psychiatrist, and eventually became the president of a large psychiatric association . . . president.  

The third one today, he is today, head of the psychiatric department at a major American university but they don't know his history and he won't tell them, of course.  

The last one was a young man that I saw 4 years ago who came down from Alaska to see me.  Just saw him 4 months