Monday, February 28, 2022

TAURINE: The most effective natural amino acid in covid related brain inflammation and prevention of brain injury

Sunday, February 27, 2022

legislation in TN could set a precedent for other states on:

The fact that states have to pass laws for citizens to get treatment should be a clear sign of how corrupt the medical establishment in the U.S. is.   



Discipline is when your mind is in the future. And that’s it. Put the needs of your future self ahead of your own. How would you work, eat, spend money?  Successful people all have the ability to prioritize the needs of their future-self ahead of their own.  Would your future-self enjoy that party? Would a certain food benefit your future-self?  Stop thinking about how you’re going to feel today; your future-self . . .  Will your future-self look back at your past behavior with regret or gratitude?


Your brain runs on 12 volts of electricity.  It’s an electric organism and you get to pick where that electricity goes.  Law of Attraction is Responsibility for Your Thoughts.  So be clear what you want to put in your brain’s electrical center.  Do you want to have the fear-manufacturing news story so that’s what you’re telling it to look for?  Your brain is being told “I’m going to go look for negative things because that’s what they’re [the media or creeps] telling me to look for.  Do you honestly want to seek out anger, hatred, failure, and lack?  So get responsible for what you put in your brain.  That electricity is precious so it’s going to seek out whatever you show it.  Whatever you’re focusing in, you can’t talk to your brain.  It can only observe what you’re focusing on, so pick those things very carefully.  So show your brain what you want, not what you fear.


It’s the single thing that makes everything else possible.  So to do any of these things well–lime thinking positively, focusing on your goals, waking up early, those things all require something to be in place first.  And that is you.  The one thing you can’t trade in for store credit, or trade in when you don’t like it anymore is you.  The one machine that does all the things is you.  Would you dump a bunch of salt into your car’s gas tank?  Absolutely not.  So when we think about the machines in our lives, we only give them what makes them run at their very best.  We may add premium oil and high grade gasoline to the engine and nothing else. All the thoughts that you have and all the goals that you set passes through you first. So what you put in this machine matters a lot. So what if you treated your body the same way you treated your car.  What would happen if you only put into this machine exactly what it needs to function at its highest level?  Everything that you put into this machine matters and it matters forever–for you, for your goals, for your family.  But if the engine is packed full of sand instead of oil, water instead of gas, what would happen?  It might run for a minute but it will stop working.  It’s going to stop achieving the goal that you want it to do.  The person says I guess U didn’t do what you suggested.  I didn’t set goals properly and didn’t focus on your outcome enough–that’s why you’re not successful.  But what you put into your machine is what really makes the difference.  And whether or not you’re going to get all the outcomes you want this year.  The skin on your arm isn’t the same skin you were born with.  Your body replaces everything over time.  So you get to choose what your body is made of.  Like that skin on your arm right now is made up of things that you ate.  What you put into your body matters for success more than any coach will ever tell you because that stuff is hard to monetize.  Setting goals is wonderful and they’re necessary for success but they’re hard to reach if your brain is running on garbage.  There are thousands of programs that promise to deliver these secrets of what to eat.  And I’ll sum all if those secrets up in 20 seconds.  Stop eating highly processed foods (meaning stop with the fast food), stop foods with high sugar and salt, and fat, and if you don’t recognize an ingredient on the label, don’t eat it.  The linger the shelf-life of the food, the worse it is probably for you.  Don’t eat foods that are drastically altered from their original form, like apple juice, chicken nuggets, vegetables chips, potato chips. The less something has been modified from its original form, the healthier it is.  Plan your meals this year, and include snacks that come from the earth instead of a factory.  Cook rice ahead of time.  Prepare for your cravings in advance; put that stuff in the fridge.  When you’re traveling, find healthy places to eat ahead of time.  Avoid packaged foods in all forms as much as possible.  The good foods are kind of found around the perimeter of the grocery store.  The middle is the packaged stuff.  Choose ethically raised animals.  And this isn’t just some kind of a protest thing.  Not only is it the right thing to do, but those factory-raised animals live horrible lives and those stress chemicals, like cortisol, stay in the animal and in the meat. That’s a fact.  Eating well is not about how long you live, it’s about how well you live.  You deserve high-quality thoughts and feelings, and the machine that makes them is depending on you to get it running at its highest level.  You are in charge.

BREAKING: New York Governor lifts statewide school mask mandate

Children should be happy.  And parents.  And any civilized man, woman, or child.

Poison Control warns COVID-19 tests contain toxic chemical

What would happen if you became suspicious of everything related to modern medicine in the U.S. from hospitalization to drug treatment to medical practitioners?  What would happen if you questioned every procedure, every product, every test?