Tuesday, February 8, 2022

DR. ANDREW KAUFMAN TO DR. JUDY MIKOVITS: Where is the isolated virus?

Monday, February 7, 2022

BREAKING: California's indoor mask mandate will end on February 15th

"Has it really come to this? Child sacrifice to appease these new gods? It didn't make the rain fall for the Aztecs and it won't stay granny in the nursing homes."

At 6:30 pm last night, an estimated 100 police officers in full tactical gear, snipers mounted on adjoining roofs, UAV drones flying overhead, aggressively raided one of our minor supply depots.  They proceeded to confiscate donated and purchased fuel that was destined for our supporters.  This action was a direct action of the police services board interfering with police operations.  This was not responsive . . . .  It was an unnecessary, misguided show of force meant to intimidate Canadians exerting their charter rights and freedoms in their nation's capitol.  It displayed during the police services board meeting on Saturday was not representative of the great lengths that we have worked to achieve over the last 9 days with the Ottawa Police.  

On Saturday in the city of Winnipeg, an angry citizen reported by the media as members of Antifa drove a vehicle into a crowd of demonstrators striking down 4 people.  This was tragic, foreseeable, and quite possibly could have been prevented.  We cannot set the conditions for that to happen in Ottawa.  We have consistently communicated to all police departments since the beginning that this protest can only be resolved through political dialogue, not police action.  What all Canadians want is not within the power of the Chief of Ottawa Police to give.  This can only be resolved by lawmakers, not tyrannical enforcement.  After 10 days of peaceful protesting, it is time to sit at a table and plan a way forward.  We are calling for a delegation from the city of Ottawa to meet with us this Tuesday, February 8th.  As a sign of good faith, we are willing to reduce the honking of horns down to 5 minutes per day commencing at 5pm.  If the residents of Ottawa are hearing horns at 12:01pm on Tuesday, tomorrow, you will know that their city government has no interest in resolving this.  Every time the police conduct an aggressive operation against us, the support for this movement only grows as was seen in Toronto and other cities across Canada this past weekend. 

5:02  The responsible course of action now is for the city of Ottawa to sit at a table to start a meaningful dialogue and to de-escalate aggressive police action and to work with us to resolve this responsibly.  Thank you.  I believe there are some questions.

This here was extremely interesting with Dr. Hodkinson denouncing the lockdowns and the mandates, saying "the mandates have to be lifted tomorrow.  The carnage that's going on out there with our children is indescribable.  There's a degree of exasperation that the world must understand listening to this.  Canada has been thrust forward as the epicenter for a major change in how things are run.  It's going to transform the usual institutions of politics in medicine, in law, and in media.  Make no mistake.  A lot is on the table.  Not just in vaccination schedule, but in the creation of the world that we want our children to inherit."  

Wow.  Thank you, Dr. Hodkinson.  

I hope that Trudeau has found a deep dark hole to crawl down into.  

Has it really come to this?  Child sacrifice to appease these new gods?  Has it really come to this?  Let me tell you.  It didn't make the rain fall for the Aztecs and it won't stay granny in the nursing homes. 


You need more vitamin D than you think

Just be sure to take it with vitamin K2, magnesium, and glutathione.