Thursday, January 6, 2022



"[FAUCI] and his [Private Investigators] must ignore the fact that AIDS occurs in HIV-negative people."

An excerpt: 

Controlling billions of dollars for AIDs research, Fauci refused to fund any investigators that had the cheek to question the viral cause of AIDS, or who supported using cheap, no-longer-patented medicines to treat it. He directed funds to develop an AIDS vaccine. In the meantime, Fauci pushed AZT (Azidothymidine), a DNA chain terminator. This chemotherapy poison killed some 300,000 healthy people who tested positive on a PCR test for HIV, like with tennis player Arthur Ashe! [who died at 49 years of age.]

RFK Jr. reports that Dr. Fauci has so far spent half a trillion dollars in government research grants trying to produce a vaccine against HIV, supporting “nearly 100 vaccine candidates.”

But what if the “human immunodeficiency virus” (HIV) doesn’t cause AIDS?  RJK Jr. addresses this “AIDS denialist” question in Chapter 5, “The HIV Heretics” (with 145 references, i.e., “endnotes”), and how Fauci and his team deals with them, in Chapter 6, “Burning The HIV Heretics” (with 180 references). 
Respected UC Berkeley molecular biologists Peter Duesberg, cofounder of the first retroviral oncogene and author of Inventing theAIDS Virus, and the late Harvey Bialy, founding scientific editor of Nature Biotechnology and Peter Duesberg’s biographer (Oncogenes, Aneuploidy, and AIDS: A Scientific Life and Times of PeterH. Duesberg), along with others, contend that HIV is innocent. It is a harmless cellular passenger, like a hitchhiker. And HIV infects less than one in 10,000 T cells, which thrive. AIDS, instead, is caused by long-term, heavy duty recreational drug use; taking antiretroviral drugs, like AZT; unprotected anal sex; and, in Africa, malnutrition and bad water. Dr. Fauci has his team suppress these facts. billi 
The claim that HIV causes AIDS is the “critical foundation of Dr. Fauci’s career.” So, he and his PIs must ignore the fact that AIDS occurs in HIV-negative people.

Magnesium deficiency causes... Reduced vitamin D levels & increased mortality

Cause kidney damage is a good thing?

Remdesivir is toxic to the kidneys. That's been proven.  Fauci profits greatly from Remdesivir by having hospitals prescribe it