Monday, December 27, 2021

LOUISIANA NURSE: More Children Die from the JAB than COVID

JOHN CULLEN: "I testified to a Citizen's Grand Jury arranged by Larry E. Klayman, founder of JudicialWatch & a former DOJ prosecutor.

By means of introduction to the Grand Jury 30 years ago, John Cullen worked at Oracle as a program manager that put together the mapping system that John Hopkins University has been using to track the Coronavirus.  That's his software.  He built it, and early on during the outbreak just using the map, this is the JH official map I noticed there were 10 dead in Bejing.  And so his testimony is going to build on the foundational testimony of Dr. Mikovits.  This is data to support their testimony.  

His observations, he's a quantitative analysis.  He looks at data and renders it understood quickly.  The John Hopkins reports So Cullen started thinking more deeply about what Dr. Judy Mikovits said is that the virus itself, the SARS-Co-V2 virus, and the sickness that we're seeing in the hospitals, asked if that connection has been made?  And so he dug deeper.  What he found was at the CDC's website, the United States was going through a dramatic influenza outbreak.  In fact, at the beginning of the first week, the first week of January of 2020, 4,000 people a week from what's called PNI, pneumonia & influenza, and this was unprecedented.  We never saw anything like this before.  And this was before Coronavirus hit.  And so I was a bit taken aback, and I said, "Wait a second."  Then what happened?  This looks like the worst outbreak of influenza we've ever seen, and, in fact, it was.  What the data shows is that the 2019-2020 influenza season in the United States, according to the CDC, was the worst in history.  The question is--can two viruses spread at the same time?  Why not, right?  Could people have Coronavirus and herpes?  Sure, why not, right?  Could some people have Coronavirus and other people have influenza?  Sure, why not?  We know what the influenza outbreak looked like before Coronavirus arrived.  Let's go to the next slide.  What you're looking at here [16:45] is the CDC's Mortality Data.  So this is different than the upfront surveillance.  This is people who died.  And what we see here, this goes all the way back to October 2016 to the present day, right?  And this is direct from the CDC.  And what you see here is on the right-hand side it's much bigger than its ever been.  Let's go down to the next page . . . .  In Time Magazine of January 2020, telling us this is the worst influenza season the CDC has ever seen.  And Dr. Fauci told us that 80,000 people died in 2017, so that would mean that this was even worse.  So this is Time Magazine, this was published in January 2020, and I would like to enter this into evidence, Mr. Klayman, if this is possible, that this is Time Magazine telling us that this is the worst influenza season the United States has ever seen.  

DR. NATHAN THOMPSON: Bloodwork on Vaxxed Patients Is TERRIFYING

COVID Vaccination Effects on the Immune System

Find Dr. Nathan Thompson's Twitter page here.   

"[From] the flu of 1918, . . . life expectancy fell by 11 years. From 2019 to 2020, the decline was 1.8 years."