Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Ethylene Oxide is the number one ingredient in anti-freeze, a massive carcinogen and immunogene.  It'll give you Hodgkin's Lymphoma and greatly increases women's chances of breast cancer.  And it'll fuck with your DNA, literally change the structure of the building blocks of your own body.  In the packaging, it's sterilized and dry.  No effect.  But once you put that up someone's nose where it is wet bingo! it's activated.  Once you inhale it, it's going to kill people.  

Monday, November 15, 2021

Patients are dying of cancer before we're even able to do a biopsy

And if a paper is peer-reviewed, it means everybody thought the same; therefore they approved it

"there is going to be an autoimmune attack because the killer lymphocytes are already there"

Thanks to Z3News.

I thought I would put this up for a little review. It was released back on January 4, 2021, so it's been almost a full year now. But review doesn't hurt; it's part of education. But I fear that even after I've posted close to a thousand posts for this year that still no one in my circles will watch or read or learn from this. Just a few weeks ago I asked someone who had been vaccinated if he knew what a spike protein was. He said no. So people who've received the shot or who lined up first to get the shot because they didn't want to go through the trouble to file for an exemption and honor their bodies, but instead were ethically okay with surrendering their bodies to the state, then I have nothing to offer. 

Acquiring accurate information takes time. Those who got vaccinated should have waited. I do not know what possibly could have been the urgency. They weren't sick. But they rushed.

And I am equally at fault.  For example, though I'd heard that the vaccinated can infect the unvaccinated, I didn't understand how or why.  And that it doesn't take much either.  What is passed or transmitted is not the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but instead it is the deadly spike proteins.  So you can imagine my horror when I asked a vaccinated acquaintance if he know what a spike protein was and he replied with a No.  So people are running around, like a chicken with its head cut off.  But information works in funny ways.  It reminds me of Romeo & Juliet, where Romeo sent a letter to Juliet, a letter that she never received.  So knowledge is not all-powerful, not by a damn sight.  The problem is that we live in information overload.  It's not just that we get enough--we actually get too much.  So much so that too many of us will dismiss information belonging to some fields of study as esoteric or even conspiratorial.  And people do this because they don't have time to read or think or act on much outside of their chosen fields.  Just isn't time in the day.  People work, take a break to eat, maybe run an errand for themselves or a loved one and that's it for the day.  Reading and thinking of the finer points of a subject they know little to nothing about is not going to happen.  So you can know things . . . hell, I even publish daily what I know, what I've read and deciphered, and yet not everybody will see it, read it, or think about it.  It will, like Romeo's letter, get delayed or lost.  

Perhaps one last complaint is that participants in the medical field feel that they owe more to the science and technology that brought them than they do to the people who are actually on the receiving end of medicine.  Few think about the end-user.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite medical doctors that I've learned from and admired, precisely because he stopped and thought about the impact on people.  Whereas Gates wants to kill off the globe, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi wants to protect people.  He knows that healing from this is very grim.  

Her warning that these injections can cause death is confirmed by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, an award winning researcher and former head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene in Germany and was a professor of virology and microbiology for 30 years in Germany. In the statement shown below, he warns that by taking these injections, killer lymphocytes already present in our body will cause an auto-immune attack with terrible consequences for our health and even death. Dr. Bhakdi made this statement:

“The big, big danger about this vaccine is you are shooting the gene of the virus into your body. It is going to go through the body and go to entering cells that you don’t know. These cells are going to start making, not the whole virus, but virus protein, and these cells are going to put the waste of that spike protein in front of their cells. And the killer lymphocytes will see the waste, and, you know, anyone who does not understand there is going to be an autoimmune attack because the killer lymphocytes are already there. It is with this that I will say, “Bye bye,” (death) because you don’t realize what you are going to do. You are going to plant the seed of autoimmune reactions. And I tell you, don’t do this.” 

A final comment.  He is right.  You don't know where the genes of this vaccine will go.  Because they arrive in a lipid nanoparticle, they will definitely be attracted to fatty organs to live off like a parasite.   The first hazard I'd read about these vaccines was the clotting.  Then I'd heard of tremors.  Then Bell's Palsy.  Then cancers.  Then AIDS-like syndrome where your immune system is turned against your own body, so that even if you do fight the spike protein you know you're fighting a losing battle because the longer you fight the more you know that the protein is winning as you grow more fatigued and exhausted.  But problems are broad.  It's not just clotting.  Some get Transverse Myelitis and other health disasters.  It's a slow kill, and the best you can hope for is a slower kill.   Remember, too, that no one who survives these times will avenge those who are dying from this full-blown genocide.  The spike proteins are just an engine for cancer.  We now know that these proteins gain access to the nucleus of our cells.  There will be no Nicolae Ceaușescu moment.

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Vaccine passports are part of a financial transaction control grid that will absolutely end human liberty in the west.

western democracies where we have a balance of power between the bankers and the people.  The central bankers control monetary policy, and the people vote for an electorate that controls fiscal policy.   Now what we’re watching with COVID laws all around the world is that central bankers moving in and exercising essentially a coup de grace, where they take control of fiscal policy as well. 

This is not the first time in history that plague laws have been used to centralize control: control of transportation, control of labor, control of banking, and bank account.  Control of all the different kinds of capital that make up civilization. But the COVID laws are particularly draconian in the history of plague laws, because not only do they control labor, transportation, banking, but now with the advances in digital technology, we’re looking at complete control through the banking system through 100% of all assets ultimately.

So, what happens here?  So, for many, many years, most of us have grown up in a world in the western democracies where we have a balance of power between the bankers and the people.  The central bankers control monetary policy, and the people vote for an electorate that controls fiscal policy.   Now what we’re watching with COVID laws all around the world is that central bankers moving in and exercising essentially a coup de grace, where they take control of fiscal policy as well.  And again with the advances in digital technology, vaccine passports will not be about health.  Vaccine passports are part of a financial transaction control grid that will absolutely end human liberty in the west.  For many years, I have fought and written against central control of the financial system.  We’ve centralized more and more capital, more and more control.  And we’ve done it with tactics called “Divide and Conquer,” and we’ve all experienced many “Divide and Conquer” tactics: men against women, black against white, but now we have a new one: the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.  Because if you’re going to centralize every aspect of people’s lives, and literally strip them of their assets and property rights, you need a new, more venal “Divide and Conquer” and we can’t let that happen.