Monday, October 4, 2021

"My right to critique your fascism, which is what this is, is Constitutionally protected"

This really is the speech of the decade.  

His name is Simon Campbell.  The date of the video is June 18, 2021, so it's a few months old but spot-on and powerful.  In his delivery, he indicts Cherrissa Gibson, Pennsbury’s Director of Equity & Diversity, for unconstitutionally censoring public comment about Critical Race Theory that the district has been implementing.  Campbell also asked for her resignation, along with those of each one of the members of the school board.  This was powerful, and the man knows his law.  He says, 
I’m quoting to you now from the U.S. Supreme Court case, 1964, NewYork Times v. SullivanThis is Constitutional Case Law in this country, and I am quoting you from the U.S. Supreme Court:

The judges wrote that this nation is founded on the “profound national principle that debate on public issues shall be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open.  And that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials."  That’s constitutional law in this nation.  I don’t have to be nice to you, nobody behind me has to be nice to you.  If you don’t like living in the United States of America, then you go and move to Russia, Cuba, or China.  This is the 1st Amendment.  

LadyLiberty1885 reports that 

A Pennsbury, Pennsylvania taxpayer who is also a former Pennsbury school board member, blasted district board members for editing out public comments made a past meeting that were in opposition to Critical Race Theory.

The man pushing back on the Pennsbury school board is Simon Campbell. He and other citizens have been pushing back on Critical Race Theory and have called for the firing of Pennsbury’s Director of Equity & Diversity Cherrissa Gibson.

“What is happening in the Pennsbury School District is disturbing,” writes Campbell in the description of the full video of his remarks to the school board. 

And here is where the district unconstitutionally censored the public's content:

Campbell wrote that as of June 18, 2021, the school board has posted video of its March 18, 2021, and May 20, 2021, school board meetings on its website, but that the tapes state that they have been “edited due to content” and cites the website and the minute markers.

“What has been cut from the posted tapes is public comment by citizens opposed to critical race theory,” writes Campell. 

He's excellent.  

There were other speakers from the public, whom the school board addressed contemptuously.  Check out the brief appearances of those taxpayers. The "Benito Mussolini" reference was directed toward Mr. Robert Rizzo, whom Pennsylvania taxpayers cough up $215,000 annually for the privilege to be abused.  

Tom Giordano explains that 

This line of attack happened because parents in the district obtained internal emails that showed Dr. Cherrissa Gibson, the district’s Director of Equity, Diversity, and Education, calling for the censoring of comments at meetings that she viewed as racist “dog whistles” and she also discussed removing public comments like this from the video of school board meetings.

Campbell told me his advice to parents is to use Right-to-Know laws to get documents that show school board members discussing how to deal with issues raised by parents. He also advised that if parents are interrupted by school board members or their attorneys during public comment at school board meetings, they should cite the U.S. Constitution and continue making their remarks.

The other patriot in this movement is Stephanie Maier, who reminds us that The two most important things I’ve learned are: 

1) Freedom really does matter; people all over the world risk their lives every day in pursuit of it and,

2) America is exceptional in history and her freedoms must be protected as the last best hope for mankind on earth.” 


If there is a Genetic Bioweapons Anti-Terrorism Act, that means there’s a genetic bioweapons terrorism industry.


The speaker's name is Michael McDowell, the Founding and Senior Pastor of Rapha Revival Ministries (RRM), a thriving autonomous Full Gospel Assembly in Diego Martin, North-West Trinidad.  

In Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident, or Intentional, 1996, Leonard Horowitz proved that AIDS and Ebola are manufactured viruses, engineered in a laboratory.  His treatise has stood the test of time, it has never been refuted.  And we know that

And the genetics bioweapon industry is the most covert industry on the planet. 

William Cohen, the former UN Secretary of State, in 1997, Cohen referred to the concept of an ethnic bioweapon as a possible risk.

In 1998, some biological weapons experts considered such biological weapons plausible. And you know when they say that it means they’ve already produced, they’ve stockpiled it, and they’re getting ready to use it. 

And that research is being done on how certain substances can influence human genes.  That was 1998.  Ten years later in 2008, the U.S. government Congressional Committee sat on the title, “Genetics and Other HumanModification Technologies.”  A new kind of arms race, people.  A new kind of arms race is happening.  And somebody on that committee said there are attempts to manipulate human genetics in ways that would horrify us.  And so that was in 2008. 

Let me go a little further and go beyond William Cohen, and let me introduce you to somebody called Dr. Frances Boyle, a very significant gentleman.  Boyle is an international law expert.  He’s also an expert on genetic bioweapons.  And he was the man who framed the anti-terrorism act, called the BioweaponsAnti-Terrorism Act, or the BWETA.  It was framed in 1989, signed into law in 1990 by President George H. W. Bush with unanimous approval with the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Congress. 

If there is a Genetic Bioweapons Anti-Terrorism Act, that means there’s a genetic bioweapons terrorism industry.  And I want you to know, people, 22 nations on this planet earth have what we call BSL4 labs, Bio-Safety Level 4 Labs.  It's the highest level of bio-safety.  And in these labs, they make pathogens, deadly pathogens.  And I also want you to know that 16 nations on planet earth stockpile genetic bioweapons--16 nations stockpile genetic bioweapons--they have them in their armory.  There's a new arms race.  Dr. Francis Boyle, author of 15 books, said, "SARS-CoV2 is an offensive, biological agent, made in a lab, and engineered with gain-of-function properties," February 2020.  I have quoted this in a documentary I did, called Watchman: What of the Night, Part I.  [Here is McDowell's YouTube channel.]  Dr. Boyle reached the conclusion that SARS-CoV2 is a tripartite chimera, that is it is composed of one SARS, the original SARS, the SARS that is already weaponized.  That SARS was enhanced by gain-of-function property.  And then step three, they were all genetically recombined with an HIV virus--that's the virus that causes AIDS.  He offers substantiating notes that he calls "Smoking Gun One, Two, and Three." Citing the Anti-Viral Research, February 10, 2020, written by 3 French scientists and one Canadian scientist from Montreal, Dr. Boyle said that 

the Wuhan Coronavirus genetic analysis may provide a gain-of-function for the 2019 Coronavirus for efficient spreading in human population compared to other BETA coronaviruses

Boyle says that is the smoking gun.  SMOKING GUN #1.  It was specifically engineered for efficient spreading in the human population. 

Who knew that there were different types of Coronaviruses?  And given all of the genetic enhancement, which one are we dealing with this week?  Not everyone has a taste for technical language, but I thought that this explanation of the different Coronaviruses was, to use an educational term, comprehensible.  From Science Direct

SARS-CoV-2 is a member of the Coronaviridae family, subfamily Coronavirinae. There are four genera of Coronavirinae: α, β, γ and δ, of which α and β predominantly infect mammals and contain the seven coronavirus types which infect humans. Between 10% and 30% of all “common colds” are caused by the α-coronaviruses 229E and NL63, and the β-coronaviruses OC43 and HKU1 (Paules et al., 2020).  Two highly pathogenic β-coronaviruses have emerged in the past two decades in addition to SARS-CoV-2.  SARS-CoV in 2002 and Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus (MERS-CoV) in 2012.  SARS-CoV has a genome ~ 79% identical to SARS-CoV-2 and has resulted in more than 8,000 cases with a fatality rate of 11% (WHO, 2003; Zhou et al., 2020a)  MERS-CoV has a genome only ~50% identical to SARS-CoV-2 and caused fewer cases (2468 cases) but with a higher case fatality rate of 34% (WHO, 2019; Zhou et al., 2020a). 

McDowell continues . . . .  That's recorded.  Gain-of-function, if you don't know what gain-of-function means, Gain-of-function means 

genetically engineered to be more lethal, more virulent, more infectious, and to mutate or adapt more readily with slight immune selection pressures from the population. 

It's also called accelerated viral evolution.  And I saw Dr. Gill refer to that in his campaign as a colloquial "Just so."  Viruses don't "just so" jump from animal to human.  


UNC, the University of North Carolina, the UNC Labs at Chapel Hill, brought a team together to do an experiment.  And part of the North Carolina University team, they were joined by a gentleman from China called Dr. ZhengLi Shi from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  And, in fact, Wuhan gave a grant to the University of North Carolina so that [Chinese] scientists could be involved in this experiment.  They imported SARS cells, SARS viruses, from the Fort Detrick Labs, and for those of you who know geopolitics and covert geopolitics, very necessary for any Bible prophecy teacher or pastor in the state, the Fort Detrick is the US main BSL4 labs where they research, stockpile, and test genetic bioweapons.  And so this team, given a grant by China, were working on increasing the pathogenicity of the SARS samples that they got from Fort Detrick.  


Research at the Australia Animal Health Lab was funded by the Chinese Military and Technology along with the other two I mentioned, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Academy of Sciences from China, and the experimental goal was to coalesce the initial weaponized SARS virus, enhance it with gain-of-function properties, and then coalesce it genetically to an HIV virus, therefore forming the tripartite chimera.  So I've listed for you where these experiments took place.  


Indian scientists did an analysis on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and they said that they definitely found elements of the HIV virus in the genome sequencing.  So this was confirmed by a team from India.  HIV is a retrovirus.  Retroviruses use mRNA to inject the stuff into the cell.  When the mRNA is injected into the cell, there is something called retro-integration that takes place.  And that means that the mRNA is converted back into DNA and then it coalesces with the chromosomal DNA of the host.  So retroviruses, like HIV, carry an enzyme called reverse transcriptase which changes mRNA back into DNA so it can coalesce with the genes in the nucleus.  This means that when they say it's an mRNA vaccine, that it will only go to the ribosomes and form proteins, that's not true.  It will be reconverted to DNA and affect the human genome.  So Dr. Francis Boyle says this, 

The most dangerous biological weapon ever released on the public is SARS-CoV-2. 


Fauci's emails.  Fauci Email #1.  We must look at Fauci's vaccinations when recently he was called to testify at the U.S. Congressional Committee, he said, no, the U.S. taxpayers did not fund the Wuhan Laboratory. [McDowell is referring to this testimony.]  Then he said, yes, the U.S. taxpayers did fund the gain-of-function at the Wuhan Laboratory but it was a subgrant.  Then he said he funded it but that there was no gain-of-function research.  Then he said he did fund it, there was gain-of-function research but it was a sound scientific decision.  Then he said it would have been negligent not to fund it.  He kept vacillating back and forth, and this is all on record.

One thing that you will never hear from Fauci's mouth is that all of these BSL-4 [Biological Warfare] labs leak.  They all leak

I’m not saying they deliberately inflicted this on their own people, but it leaked out of there and all these BSL-4 facilities leak. Everyone knows that who studies this. So this was a catastrophe waiting to happen. Unfortunately, it happened. The Chinese government under Xi and his comrades there have been covering this up from the get-go. The first reported case was December 1, so they’d been sitting on this until they couldn’t anymore. And everything they’re telling you is a lie. It’s propaganda.

The WHO still refuses to declare a global health emergency. It said Tedros was over there shaking hands with Xi and smiling and yanking it up. The WHO was in on it. They’ve approved many of these BSL-4 [biological-warfare] labs., they know exactly what’s going on and that is a WHO research-approved laboratory. They know what’s going on too. You can’t really believe anything the WHO is telling you about this, either, they’re up to their eyeballs in it, in my opinion. … Can’t trust anything the WHO says because they’re all bought and paid for by Big Pharma and when they work in cahoots with the CDC, which is the United States government, they work in cahoots with Fort Detrick [the U.S. Government’s main biological-warfare lab], so you can’t trust any of it . . . . 

To be clear, as bad as this bioweapon SARS-Co-V-2 is, the vaccines are killing far more people, proving that the government's answer to a problem is always deadlier.  

Fauci Email #2:

This comes from Dr. Kristian Anderson, and I'm proving to you that SARS-CoV-2 is a genetic bioweapon.  From Dr. Kristian Anderson in a secret email that was unlisted when Fauci's emails were exposed.  He said that unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome.  So one has to look really closely at the sequence to see that some features looked engineered.  


Further, this is the same guy, Dr. Kristian Anderson writing in an email to Dr. Fauci.  After reviewing the virus, it looked engineered and inconsistent with evolutionary theory.  

Thanks to FoodRemedies for archiving this record.

The pharmaceutical industry controls the WHO.  60 to 70% of its funding comes from the pharmaceutical industry.  Big Pharma controls the US legislature, medical and scientific research journals—you can’t publish something unless they approve, the medical schools are controlled by Big Pharma, commandeered national governments and public health authorities, medical fraternities, the media, the business sector, the ecclesiastical leaders as well.  The elected, the elite, and the ecclesiastics have struck a triumvirate and have decided they want to vaccinate the entire world.  We in Trinidad, Tobago are not following the real science.   Anytime anyone in the media uses the word science or the real science, what they’re referring to is Pharmaceutical science, not the science of health, happy living, or love.  They’re not following the science; they’re following the money.  It’s odd that the state dictates the medical operations of a nation.  They tell business owners what to do.  They tell children what to do.  Are we still in a democracy?  Of the deaths in Tobago, 14% of them died prior to vaccine roll-out, 86% of them died after the vaccine rollout. 

13,000 U.S. scientists work in the cell phone industry.

90% of the countries around the world.  This was impressive.  

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: When Speaking to Your Doctor, Say "I Decline" Instead of "I Refuse"

Thanks to Lew Rockwell.

There are medical and legal implications between the words “Refused” and “Declined”.

Short instructional video from

Doc Schmidt on TikTok

And nurses, PAs, doctors will write what they wish to portray into your medical records. Make sure they get it right. Demand a copy, as is your legal right, of all and complete medical records, doctor’s/nurse’s notes, etc.

Doctors, nurses, PAs, and all the medical establishment are not our friends. They are good for ONE thing: trauma and emergency care.

I have always used the term “Decline” and say “I am cooperating, but I object to …” Also, “I do not consent.”

This applies to any situation where you encounter an agent of the state: medical personnel, a cop, a school teacher, a judge. You have the right to decline, not give your consent, to protect your body, your person, your family, your dog, your home, your auto, your property.

Just say No! to the state and do not let them intimidate you and make you out to be the aggressor. Stay calm and repeat.

And do it with a smile. That drives them bonkers.

Remember THEY all work for YOU!!!