Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sucharit Bhakdi M.D.

Let's start with the observations from the person who posted this video.  From Peak Prosperity.  

In my partial understanding of the immune system, I think if the vaccinated are shedding spike proteins they would enter your, or my, immune system through the GI Track or upper respiratory tract. There they would face a multi-faceted broader immune response.   An inoculation through the muscle bypasses for the most part that more robust immune system interaction that naturally evolved to deal with the interaction of our killer cells and lays the spike protein fragments directly on the more permanent endothelial cells lining the blood vessels. Our killer cells attack and kill those more permanent endothelial cells because they have foreign spike proteins on their surfaces and can cause thrombosis. Those spike proteins can travel in the blood systems to anywhere in the body and end up breaching the blood-brain barrier. Blood clots can end up in the brain and cause neurological damage. Each booster will make the issue worse. But intuition tells me not to worry about the vaccinated shedding spike proteins. I think that our natural immune system pathways will neutralize them. Look up Professor Sucharit Bhakdi M.D.


After the 26-minute mark, the discussion turns to vaccines and gets interesting.  

The virus gets into your upper respiratory system—meaning your sinus cavity, i.e., the nose and the throat—and the virus will replicate there and you won’t even notice this because those cells are renewed all the time and the immune system just uses this as a round of training and gets to know the virus so that if the unfortunate thing happens that should not happen that the virus, and a lot of the virus, can get into your bronchi and lung, where the cells are not renewed all the time, and enter the cells there, then the immune system will come and take care of the virus by killing the cells of the bronchi and lung that are infected and that's when you start getting your cough, okay, and your pneumonia if it goes down to the lung and fever.  This does not happen if the immune system is not active.  People don't get a fever if they have a cold or just a sore throat.  And you better not meddle around with that.  It's a system that's been working all the time.  So the immune system has been trained to combat this virus and the cells that make the virus.  If things get serious, that's when the virus replicates to a high extent in the lung.  This immune system is like an orchestra.  The playing has to be the right tone and loudness, and the conductor is there.  We have a conductor of our immune system, whether it's God, whether it's nature, I don't know, but the conductor is perfect.  But what's happening now is that by injecting this gene of the virus, you are meddling with the conductor.  Now, something is coming to confuse the immune system.  Now the members of the orchestra are getting the information that they should play.  And they should react against this virus part.  And the trouble about the immune system is that if you trained them to play louder, they're going to go on playing louder and louder every time.  Because you see if you have the immune system that is trained against one virus, and another one comes in, it doesn't take care of it so well, it's a bout of training and it gets stronger.  What is happening now, I fear, is that the immune system is being trained to do something that it would do very well on its own, and now if the real virus comes in, or a virus that is related, because this immune system is much more intelligent than our politicians and our scientists who say it's a new virus and therefore we don't recognize it, this is so foolish that it hurts, alright.  And now have an immune system that is ready to attack.  And this virus gets into the lung and is just starting to replicate in a way that is not really dangerous but that is an overreactive immune system it's going to come and destroy your lungs.  Now because it's overreactive, this is the immune-dependent enhancement of disease we fear is going to happen now.  This is going to happen with every related virus, so those guys who think they are being protected are actually being sensitized so that they're going to become more ill when they get that or a related virus.  So think about this.  This can happen tomorrow, next month, next fall, or next year because our immune system has a long, long memory.  Now, what about those guys who want to get re-vaccinated?  I tell you--if you escaped this time, thank the Lord.  But don't do this again, for the moment those cells and the vessel lining start making those spikes to putting them out to show again, those killer lymphocytes are going to be so fast.  It's not Russian Roulette.  It's worse.  But if you want to do it, go ahead.  Don't say that we didn't warn you. 

So your fear is that, contrary to what we've been told, the mRNA shots are going to stay in the body for an extended period of time?  Is that correct?  

No, no.  That is not what I said.  I said that the immune system has a memory so that if this spike appears anywhere again, it's going to go for it.  Those are our lymphocytes.  The mRNA only has a relatively short life in the cell.  It's going to be destroyed.  So you don't have to worry about the mRNA being there.  Worry about what's being created.  That's what you should worry about--and those are the spikes.  The danger of the spikes is two-fold.  First, is the immediate danger of the spike appearing on the cell's surface together with the waste, because that makes . . . this location, the part of the vessel wall that target the crystalization point for blood clotting to occur.  That is the immediate danger of the spike.  The long-term danger is that the spike, having been produced, is going to be recognized by the immune system, and the immune system is going to be trained to combat cells that make the spike on the spot.  And this training is going to come to the fore, it's going to appear, whenever that spike comes today, tomorrow, next year, okay, when a real virus comes in, or, when you get revaccinated.  

Wouldn't the proponents of the vaccine say that's a good thing?  We've created, we've trained the lymphocytes to kill the spike protein when they see it?  

They don't kill the spike protein.  It's not the spike protein that's being killed.  It's the cell that's making the spike protein.  

Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.  Correct. Sorry.  We've trained it to kill infected cells.  What's wrong with that?  

There's nothing basically wrong about that except that  


ELECTRIC CARS: Environmentally Friendly? Ah, Not So Much

Saturday, October 2, 2021

103-Year-Old Woman Beats COVID. Celebates with Cold Beer

"People get psychotic because they don't trust anybody anymore"

Here is Breggin's Empathy Therapy Center

Almost all emotional problems are about relationships--most commonly romantic, marital, and family relationships.  Emotional healing from injuries and mistakes involves early relationships.  It's about love.  It's about the worst disasters where a child does not experience love for one reason or another.  Doesn't connect with the family for one reason or another. 


Recovery from injuries and mistakes involving early relationships from childhood to the present.

Future progress depends on learning and practicing how to have responsible, rational, and loving relationships in every aspect of our lives.

Caring, supportive, and loving relationships, whether professional or not, are the key to emotional recovery of all kinds.

If a person is psychotic, they need love totally, pure, as best as you can deliver within the bounds, ethics, and restraints of therapy.  


Psychosis is a withdrawal from human relationships out of trauma, shame, distrust, and other negative experiences.  Return to reality is facilitated by relationships that are non-coercive, shame-free, trustworthy, caring or loving, and hopefully bolstered by experience and wisdom.

I have patients who are extremely involved in psychosis.  

And they often go back to early childhood.  People get psychotic because they don't trust anybody anymore.  They've separated themselves from other people.  PTSD is normal.  Everybody gets it.  Everybody.  Even if they're normal.  You have to 

Major attachments to the horrors is what you saw happened to your body.  The trauma you felt that you decided to shoot the child or the woman in Iraq.  It's guilt or shame.  These cause trauma.  They need love, not electrodes. 

Breggin recommends 2 books:

1.  Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America, Robert Whitaker, 2010.

2.  Toxic Psychiatry: Why Therapy, Empathy, and Love Must Replace the Drugs, Electroshock, and Biochemical Theories of the New Psychiatry, Peter R. Breggin, 1994.

Check out what a Soteria House is. 

I Googled Open Dialogue.  It's interesting.  It sounds more ethical and productive than other forms of psychiatric treatment that Breggin has fought against, like drugs, electroshock treatments, isolation, lobotomies, etc.

Don't ever let someone tell you that lie that you have to be happy first before you can make other people happy.  Other people make us happy!  I was depressed until I was 45 years old when I met Ginger (referring to his wife, Ginger Breggin).  I'm actually exaggerating, I was 48.  Been with her 35 years.  It took that woman to let me know what it really meant to relate to somebody.  And I tell that to my patients.  I say "What!  You're young!  You want to kill yourself?  You think I should have when I was 12 and 13, 18, and 20?  Should I have killed myself?"

"Oh, God, no, Peter.  I love you." 

I said I love you, too.  And, Honey, I was worse than you are today."  And it helps them.  And then I tell them that "If they shoot themselves, it'll break my heart."  And that does not make people feel guilty, not if you're smiling and loving when you say it.  What they feel is loved.  And I see a lot of suicidal people.  I'm a bit of a doctor of last resort.  You can imagine why.  

Before Hitler came to power, psychiatry began to think about organizing for the extermination of all mental patients as useless eaters in the conversation in 1920 in a textbook by a psychiatrist and a lawyer.  When Hitler came to power, perhaps he didn't know much about it, he certainly didn't give approval of it in any way.  He did later.  They organized a holocaust for mental patients.  They invented the idea of central extermination camps, places you haven't heard of--Hadamar, Sonncenstein, Grafeneck, Brandenburg, and Bernbcrg.  And they set up crematoriums and they were open pits, and they gassed the patients who had wooden soap--all began with psychiatry--and in these fake showers and they pumped in gas, not that fancy stuff that the industry later developed.  They used trucks to pipe in the gas.  They killed at least 100,000 patients.  And then one day Hitler, the only thing we know that he ever got booed for . . . he got booed at a truck stop, I think at Kaufbeuren, which was a state mental hospital.  And the man who liberated the state mental hospital, even though Hitler had stopped the program, he stopped the program, and he shipped the euthanasia equipment into Poland and to the east.  The first head of a camp was a psychiatrist.  After that, they gave up the medical model.  The first people killed were on euthanasia forms.  And Hitler closed the program and the psychiatrist independently did in the state mental hospitals when they couldn't ship them to killing centers.  And I got a phone call on a radio show from a young soldier who had liberated the camps and who sent me photos who liberated the state Hospital at the request of local citizens came to him in Bavaria and said they're still killing patients at the hospital, please.  So he got his Army gun and he and his buddy went up and entered the hospital and the superintendent hung himself when they got there the Director, and there were crematoriums that were still working, the ovens.  The ovens, they had ovens, they didn't have the pits anymore.  A guy named, Lifton, I have no respect for, a psychiatrist who wrote a book called Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide, 1998.  They're not Nazi doctors.  And in the book, Lifton, great Yale professor, praised the extermination camps for one thing: they did real good experiments on the usefulness of electroshock treatment.  So psychiatry is so evil that it thinks it's doing better.  It thinks that poisoning people is nothing compared to lobotomies.  And yet they still promote shock.  The FDA is promoting shock.  I've been the only active person opposing electroshock.  No other psychiatrist takes these stances because you'll be out of the profession.