Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Nurses Under Attack from Vaccine Mandates

If a pregnant woman has a herpes flare-up during pregnancy, she has a 2-fold risk of producing an autistic child.

At the 18:30 mark, Stephanie Seneff explains that

Herpes virus and varicella virus are the source of Bell’s palsy.  The vaccines enable these viruses.  If a pregnant woman has a herpes flare-up during pregnancy, she has a 2-fold risk of producing an autistic child.  Immune flare-up alone during pregnancy in a woman with herpes increases chances of baby being autistic by two-fold. 

Here is Dr. Mercola's transcript of the interview.  

Find Stephanie Seneff's Twitter page.

Find Judy Mikovits' here.  Clearly, Fauci and friends want her censored.  Even NCBI tries to discredit her.  

Monday, September 6, 2021

Mexico's ban of GMO corn imports could be a forcing function to get US farmers to switch to non-GMO corn!

Evidence that the spike protein can be transmitted from mother to child via breast milk.

Young Italian woman dies from a completely blocked venous sinuses draining the brain. Massive blood clots post injection

How does one even process this?  For me, I’d rather know.  For once I know, then I can pursue solutions.  If you're on this pursuit, it helps to have qualified guidance here and here