Monday, August 16, 2021

Sarasota Hospital Turns Into Prison, Puts ER Doc with 50 Years of Service in 4-Point Confinement

Lots of different AMA forms.  She would have lived a lot longer if she'd simply completed the AMA form that stands for Against Medical Advice.  Doctors and hospital staff are horrible at honoring the patient's wishes.  If the patient wants to go home, let them; that's their risk.  But too many of these doctors believe themselves to be some government controllers.  She had the energy then when she asked to go home.  But the nurse told her, "Your doctor is going to be very upset with you," like the monstrous nurse was scolding a child.  This is how nurses are trained to treat patients.  They are obedient Nazis with totalitarian adherence to hospital policies and to the orders of their state-licensed doctors without the slightest care and concern for patients.  In fact, patients is more a term for their benefit.  For us, we're people, persons.  To them, we're patients, and too many of us sign on to be a patient and play the expectant role ritualistically so of hoping to be treated just so special.  Scenes like this in the movie, Halloween II, 2009, are somewhat cathartic.  It gives the nurses their due comeuppance.  At Arcadia Methodist in Arcadia, CA, I saw one young man slam his fist into the door, angry at having lost a loved one.  Remember, hospitals are abattoirs, not wellness clinics.  Nurses have become a protected class created by the propaganda of their unions.  

I wished I'd have known about these AMA forms when my mother was in the hospital.  Had I known, she'd still be alive today.  She could have easily been treated at home with nutritional compounds.  Instead, she languished in the hospital.  Hospitals are more like abattoirs than wellness clinics.  It's where old folks and infants go to die.  She wanted to go home because she was isolated in the hospital.  She looked pretty good when she was admitted.  In fact, the ER doctor could not find any condition of hers to treat, so he recommended that she get a room in the hospital so that their staff could run some tests.  And the different technicians rolled in their holy hardware.  She passed all the tests that were put to her.  They gave her the antibiotic, Zosyn, as a drip most of the time that she was in the hospital.  But the family was paralyzed by a lack of information, demoralized by the prospect of their mother at 89 in a used room with histories hidden only by disinfectant.  

I am not a fan of Stew Peters.

What do the FDA Fact Sheets actually say about the mRNA Vaccines?

The Failure of Soviet Medicine - Yuri Maltsev, PhD

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Barrett rescued the vax mandate

The interview with Robert Barnes starts at 17:17.  And Robert persistently refers the listener to  

Melbourne's mass quarantine camp has begun construction and should complete by the end of the year.

Here is an article written by Tom Cowie about the quarantine center in Mickleham.  The biggest worry that he could raise was the fact that it might impact real estate prices in the area.  No mention of the historical precedence in the 3rd Reich.  

Clearly, every one of the mitigation measures--lockdowns, masks, 6-feet distance, and now vaccines--all seem to be the real cause for the soaring increases in cases.  But even cases don't mean that much.  We don't know of the severity of those cases, how many have been hospitalized, the great percentage of whom were sent home healthy.  So cases are just as meaningless for a virus in which 99.7% survive.  The flu has only a 92% survival rate.