Wednesday, May 19, 2021

COVID Vaccines Are Creating the Variants?

Monday, May 17, 2021

"ill-advised," "reckless," and "Neanderthals," but look at the results!!!

The bald lie of ‘asymptomatic transmission’ has ruined millions of people’s mental health, children’s childhoods, family relationships

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Involuntary Euthanasia in NHS Hospitals

The presentation is given by Michael Elston.  

Every time COVID-19 is written on a death certificate, that death does not get investigated.


During this year’s COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals in Italy were so overwhelmed that they had to turn people away.  Hospitals in this country had fewer intensive beds than in Italy, fewer ventilators, and fewer doctors and yet NHS hospitals didn’t turn people away.  Something of even greater concern has been taking place in NHS hospitals.  These are the guidelines to an NHS Care pathway that was devised in the late 1990s.  Here it’s entitled, “The Liverpool Care Pathway.” It’s also referred to as “The Pathway to Death.” It’s encouraged doctors to end the patients’ lives prematurely without their consent and without their knowledge.  Patients are usually sedated with morphine and mezathion by the use of a syringe driver and they are deprived of nutrition and fluids until they eventually die from starvation or dehydration.  Involuntary euthanasia en masse.  After it was reported that hospitals were being set targets of patients to put on end-of-life care and were receiving financial payouts for meeting those targets and after an outcry from families of victims, The Liverpool Care Pathway was supposed to have been phased out in 2014 but the practice continued, and this year involuntary euthanasia has been reintroduced as part of NHS England’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


This document is NHS England’s directive to doctors from this year.  It includes a dialogue which doctors are advised to give to patients and families of patients to manipulate them into consenting end-of-life care when it is against their wishes.  And it’s informed doctors of new laws allowing them to end patients’ lives even when it is against their wishes and stipulating that any COVID-19 related death will not have an inquest.  Every time COVID-19 is written on a death certificate, that death does not get investigated.  Once more, this year victims’ families were often not permitted to visit hospitals during the final days of life, and so most of them still don’t know that this is what happened.  Let us make no mistake about it, this is the most terrible tragedy in British history and it’s still going on every day in NHS hospitals.  All three major political parties know about this and all three are being complicit.

The following is the same presentation presented in full on YouTube, titled, "Involuntary Euthanasia in NHS Hospitals; Reintroduction of the 'Liverpool Care Pathway.'"  It was uploaded to Michael Elston's YouTube channel on September 20, 2020.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Fauci's Own Staff Ignores Him