Monday, January 18, 2021

"The real vaccine trials are being done by the public at large." Oh, God.


His name is Dr. Eric Nepute.  He is the founding chiropractor at the 
Wellness Warrior in St. Louis.  Some remarks from the Comments section:

"The system is set up to kill people right now.  Our breath helps us to detoxify our bodies."

"Stop masking your air."  

“Does underwear mask farts?”

In the above video, he recommends, like so many other doctors and nutritional journalists, taking vitamin D and zinc for the Coronavirus or any other cold.  

The following video was produced back in May 2020.  Here he concedes that if you want to wear a mask, then wear a mask, a far cry from his above exhortation that masks are killing you.  This tells me that he's been seeing the numbers on what is exactly killing people.  It's not COVID; it's lockdowns and masks.  

Sunday, January 17, 2021

"nothing that LA Public Health has done has worked, even a little . . ."

This chart is telling, isn't it?  

The problem with information, credible information backed up by scientific research is that the government and political authorities in charge of running this scam pandemic mitigation measures is that they don't care about any other science except their own conclusions.  And that's not science.  Science is a discussion, and that's the last thing that governments are asking for. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Prolonged Sitting & Back Pain

From a nutritional standpoint, perhaps the two best compounds that do wonders for joint strength and flexibility are Hyaluronic Acid and Glucosamine Chondroitin.  I like taking both.  

Active Muscles During a Sprint

This was a good presentation on the specific muscles involved at the different steps in running.  Enjoy.