Wednesday, November 18, 2020


This is long overdue. 

Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams interview Bill Sardi.  Sardi is saying that because of the lockdown that people are consuming more sugars, more refined carbohydrates, more alcohol, and more coffee to compensate from the effects of the former, all of which block the absorption of vitamin B1, Thiamine.  Thiamine deficiency mimics cold and flu symptoms, things like sniffles, poor breathing (low B1 depresses the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for all of the automatic functions in your body), and fever.  

In light of what Jon Rappoport found that there is no visual evidence of COVID-19, it looks like the lockdown itself is killing people and not the virus.  

Sardi says to just stay healthy--by taking vitamins D, C, and Zinc.   

You should know that vitamin C is not just for colds and flu, but is excellent for all sizes of blood vessels--veins, arteries, capillaries.  For these parts of your body, you should be taking daily vitamin C, approx. 500 mg every 4 hours.  


Monday, November 2, 2020

"the whole pandemic is based on – fake test results"

It looks like Trump started in on Fauci back on July 23, 2020, where President Trump insulted Fauci's pitching arm as a referendum on his COVID mitigation measures.  Fauci has been wrong on so many levels.  He is no epidemiologist; he is an immunologist.  I could watch this all day.  Hysterical because he's so bad.       

That was followed up with Senator Rand Paul's questioning on Fauci's mitigation measures on September 23, 2020, where Rand Paul effectively called Fauci, his crew, and policies the nanny-state.  I love the hutzpa. 

Now there's this.  Trump hints at his latest rally in Miami on Sunday that he's going to fire Fauci.  He's the only one who can.  Only the president can fire heads of Federal departments.  

And he should.  Fauci has been inconsistent.  He's been wrong.  And his policies have been disastrous for the country.  He's praised Cuomo, who has been referred to as the nursing home murderer.  Here's one example of Fauci's inconsistency.  

Fauci has known since at least July that most Covid “cases” are false. The US routinely uses 42-45 cycles, Fauci says any positive test above 35 cycles is a false positive. This is what the whole pandemic is based on – fake test results. Watch Fauci admit it.

 Instead of listening to frauds, like Fauci, one should listen to folks who actually read the scientific literature on COVID, on lockdowns, on quarantines, on masks, and on the goofy 6-feet distancing.  The best way to protect everybody is via herd immunity.  The folks that I encourage you to learn from are John P. A. Ioannidis from Stanford University.  Here is his introduction at Wikipedia

John P. A. Ioannidis is a Greek-American physician-scientist, writer and Stanford University professor who has made contributions to evidence-based medicine, epidemiology, and clinical research. Ioannidis studies scientific research itself, meta-research primarily in clinical medicine and the social sciences

Stanford researcher Jay Bhattacharya.  

Harvard Professor, Martin Kulldorff.  

And Oxford epidemiologist, Sunetra Gupta

Fauci is just trying to scare folks and get them to accept horrific events down the line.  And the scare has worked.  Try getting American businesses back from the brink of terror of a cold virus.  People have surrendered their civility and being absolutely nasty because they believe their survival is at stake when confronted by someone 50 years and older.  This is a revolting ethic.   

Give this podcast a listen, where Tom Woods reviews the political positions of the names listed above.  Here are Tom's show notes.  He links some great articles.  

Sunday, November 1, 2020


Biden-Harris Favor National Lockdown: Rebellion Will Result

by Michael Rozeff

It was on August 21, 2020 when Biden said “I would shut it down; I would listen to the scientists. We’re going to do whatever it takes to save lives.” Biden is a dumb man and an ignorant man who is saying things that are designed to be comforting and vote-getting. But in the real world, he has no clue how to listen to scientists who differ in their opinions and then come up with a policy that somehow is right for everyone, and he has no idea how to weigh the advice of doctors who conflict against economic advice offered by Austrian economics. He doesn’t know how to lock down the country to save lives without at the same time destroying its financial pathways and causing mass starvation and death. 

The free market has long since found ways to handle all sorts of problems, and one of these ways is to leave it to individual doctors to deal with individual patients and to form their own networks of doctors by which to spread information about means of prevention and cures. Biden would overturn and suppress all of this with an order from above. It is his kind of thinking that has suppressed the use of HCQ, zinc, and vitamin therapies, in favor of drugs that do not work, and therapies such as ventilators that killed people. Biden is in the same category as Cuomo, the nursing home murderer, and Whitmer with her irrational detailed orders.

Biden’s doing “whatever it takes” means abandoning established ways, means, and principles at all costs. Does “whatever it takes” make sense in the existing situation? It presumes that the threat is so gigantic that everything must be thrown into the battle against it. But is this threat that huge, that mammoth? Is it so massive that the economy must be sacrificed, with its own massive costs? And even if that sacrifice is made, how will that “beat the virus” as Buttigieg put it? If Americans routinely handle flu bugs and automobile deaths and criminals and nuclear threats and marital breakups, why can’t they handle this novel virus without simultaneously destroying themselves, their work, their families, their happiness, their businesses, and their manifold relationships? Of course, they can handle it. The people who have failed the challenge are primarily the politicians who implemented drastic and drastically wrong policies. Biden and Harris want more of the same.

Pete Buttigieg, the Democratic mayor of South Bend repeated this today, saying “Everything has to be on the table in order to keep Americans safe.” Buttigieg postulated “the first rule of virus economics is to beat the virus or else you won’t have an economy.”

Biden’s statement is dumb. Buttigieg’s statement is dumb. These men are saying extremely dumb things that, if carried out, are incredibly destructive while completely failing to “beat the virus”.

These guys apparently don’t read, don’t listen, cannot think straight, have no idea how the world works, and don’t digest information. They have no correct ideas about COVID. They have no understanding of how the country has dealt in the past with diseases and no idea of what’s going on now in comparison. They are completely clueless about how free people can cope with disease threats without being locked up in their dwellings while they physically and mentally deteriorate. They have no idea how adaptable people are who make their own decisions.

Buttigieg is nuts about beating the virus by locking down. The economy will function, it will go on working, without first attempting to exterminate a disease, any disease, be it the Black Death, TB, Polio, Pellagra, or Plague. In fact, it is only as a consequence of there being economic activity that carries on despite impediments, bombings, ice ages, floods, blitzes, diseases, and malign government rules like price and wage controls, lockdowns, and quotas that people seek and discover ways to mitigate the evils bombarding them. A virus is one of many such threats to lives and livelihoods, and Mayor Pete is totally ignorant when he says you won’t have an economy until you beat the virus. This has never been true when we faced numerous threats, including those from viruses and contagious diseases. The fact is that you are assured of not having an economy if you lock it down in a vain attempt to beat a virus, whatever that means. And you are assured of preventing people from adapting to the situation of threat or disruption, whatever it may be. For example, people left to their own devices will clear the streets of rioters faster than any government will or has in the recent episodes. Locking down people from having guns and organizing self-defense is a sure way, for example, to prolong riots and their expansion.

Biden has no idea how to process contradictory information coming from conflicting studies and scientists. Saving lives by “whatever means it takes” is no principle that he can implement either.

These politicians should not be listened to. They are quacks. They offer snake oil and poisons as remedies.

Lockdown is a simple word that became prominent as a means of closing down a school facing a threat of a shooter. It gained currency in the Boston manhunt for the Marathon bombers. It wasn’t clear in these cases whether even this level of lockdown made any sense.

Still, less does it make any known sense to lock down an economy. The term doesn’t apply. Everyone just stops working, traveling, and producing?? This is sheer madness. People will soon run out of food, medicine, and everything else, including vital services if a lockdown is actually made to be effective by force of law and penalties. The result of a real biting lockdown will be a rebellion of the populace. There would be total chaos. We didn’t have total chaos but we did get partial chaos or a taste of chaos from the lockdowns we did endure. Most of us saw firsthand the shortages that occurred right away, including a shortage of coins. There were stores that would not make changes or required a card.

What exactly do Biden and Buttigieg conceive is “on the table”? They conceive that they will use their powers in an anti-virus campaign. But for what end? Clearly, the end is to augment these powers and hold on to them indefinitely. The end is not to destroy the whole economy, because that’s senseless, but to shift the political map in their favor. If that takes destroying whole parts of the economy, they’ll do it. The result will be rebellion.  


Kevin McKernan is an expert in PCR testing.  This comes from the Tom Woods Show, Episode 1765, "The PCR Testing Fiasco."  From Tom's show notes, he introduces McKernan this way: 

In 2000 Kevin founded Agencourt Biosciences Corporation, which specialized in manufacturing DNA and RNA purification technology known as SPRI. It became the largest private DNA sequencing company at its time and received NHGRI grants to become their fifth genome center.

Beckman Coulter acquired Agencourt in 2005 and jointly spun out Agencourt Personal Genomics, which invented and commercialized the SOLiD Sequencer. Applied Biosystems acquired ApG in 2006.

After five years with Applied Biosystems/Life tech, Kevin left to start Medicinal Genomics and Courtagen Life Sciences.

Courtagen was a high complexity CLIA lab that performed clinical diagnostic testing using PCR and sequencing.

Medicinal Genomics is a cannabis Genomics company that builds Viral and microbial PCR assays for the cannabis field.

Read the original article at

McKernan worked at MIT on the human genome project from 1996 to 2000.  

Kary Mullis was the inventor of the PCR Test but died last year.  His criticism of the PCR tests revolved around the controversy as to whether or not HIV was the only virus involved in AIDS.  

New York Times article, "Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive.  Maybe It Shouldn't Be."  

The testing was so sensitive that for all practical purposes, the testing was not useful for anything.  

The news is speaking about this problem like in earthquakes while hiding the Richter Scale.  Hard to have a coherent discussion because the values in these tests aren't being shared.  They're turning what is a very quantitative test into a plus, minus answer.  That's the biggest problem we've got.  We've got to get the CQ or the Cycle Threshold values public.

Incredibly valuable test because you can measure single molecules or a million molecules with the same test.  But they're hiding these value s