Thursday, August 13, 2020


The segment about Dr. Scott Atlas runs from 12:55 to the 19:20 mark.

Maybe a light at the end of the tunnel. Trump appoints Dr. Scott Atlas to the COVID-19board, who is anti-lockdown and skeptical on masks.  The segment on him starts at the 12:55 mark. Trump is not replacing Fauci; he's just adding Atlas to the White House COVID Task Force.  Further, Atlas is healthcare policy expert, whereas Fauci is not. Hopefully, he'll persuade the panel to end the lockdown and the sadistic mandates.
If you want to know what Dr. Atlas' policy positions are with regard to COVID-19, then check this out

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


This was an excellent article.  
They responded by noting there is little conclusive evidence that face masks are an effective way to limit the spread of respiratory viruses.
All these countries recommending face masks haven’t made their decisions based on new studies, said Henning Bundgaard, chief physician at Denmark’s Rigshospitalet,  according to Bloomberg News.
Denmark is not alone.
Despite a global stampede of mask-wearing, data show that 80-90 percent of people in Finland and Holland say they “never” wear masks when they go out, a sharp contrast to the 80-90 percent of people in Spain and Italy who say they “always” wear masks when they go out.
Dutch public health officials recently explained why they’re not recommending masks.
From a medical point of view, there is no evidence of a medical effect of wearing face masks, so we decided not to impose a national obligation, said Medical Care Minister Tamara van Ark.
Others, echoing statements similar to the US Surgeon General from early March, said masks could make individuals sicker and exacerbate the spread of the virus.
Face masks in public places are not necessary, based on all the current evidence, said Coen Berends, spokesman for the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.
There is no benefit and there may even be negative impact.
In Sweden, where COVID-19 deaths have slowed to a crawl, public health officials say they see “no point” in requiring individuals to wear masks.
With numbers diminishing very quickly in Sweden, we see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport, said Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s top infectious disease expert. 
In fact, not only do masks NOT work, they're pools of warm, moist particles that can make you sick or exacerbate any other condition you might have.  Give this 4:37 interview a listen


This was excellent. 

His point about social distancing was quite good--that the U.S. uses 6 feet whereas Asian countries use 3 feet.  

Monday, August 10, 2020

COVID cases rise following the mask mandate.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

"[These two women] have more cajones than most men in America"

I want to start with this quote first: 
One speaker during Tuesday's board meeting, Nicole Monteilh Brown of Costa Mesa, said, "You have seen how the people have been forced to exercise their First Amendment.  Be wise and do not force the residents of this county into feeling they have no other choice but to exercise their Second Amendment. [see her speak these remarks at the :57 to 1:13 segment in the first video on this page]
Nicole Monteilh Brown [check out her very informative site] invoked the 2nd Amendment and her friend, attorney Leigh Dundas [see her videos below] listed Dr. Quick's home address & her boyfriend's name, and then a bunch of them went directly to her house after the meeting. They have more cajones than most men in America, and these 2 women deserve the real credit for getting the OC mask order repealed. 
Reference to the 2nd Amendment did not go unnoticed.  "The comment concerned county officials as the reference to the Second Amendment right to bear arms was viewed as a threat."  Oh, I see, so the law of the land is viewed as a threat to corrupt officials? Yes, it is.  It's why they and their media Quislings twist the intentions and language of their opponents. It shows how much these county officials loath the Constitution and the law of the land.

At first, I thought that it was the great work by a single woman, Peggy Hall, who was responsible for the Orange County Board of Supervisors' decision to repeal the mask mandate there.  Turns out that it wasn't just the work of a single woman but of many people.  It turns out that it wasn't Hall specifically; in fact, she objects to protestors showing up at the residents of officials' homes.  So the real women who put the fear of God into these OC Board of Supervisors were the two women Nicole Monteilh Brown and attorney, Leigh Dundas.  Be sure to watch Dundas' presentation to the OC Board of Supervisors.  It was superb. 
Bob, regarding your post "This is Why The Mask Mandate Was Repealed in Orange County."  The author writes,
I hate to break it to you but here's what really happened in Orange County. I know that Peggy Hall says a lot of good stuff & that she likes to take credit for the OC mask repeal, but it's not the case. If you watch the following you'll understand. On her Facebook group, Hall recently posted that she DOES NOT CONDONE protesting outside of anyone's house. Yet that is 100% legal and its actually what got the OC order repealed. 
And it looks like the protest outside Orange County Supervisor Nicole Quick's home residence is what got the mandate overturned.  Is this the way that that government forces its citizens to act?  Apparently, so.  So just as politicians use rhetoric to lie and obfuscate, that rhetoric is their bread and butter.  When Americans use rhetoric, the politicos crawl in a hole. 

Pay attention:

Over 100 anti-mask citizens spoke at this very contentious board of supervisors meeting in Orange County, California on May 26. Nicole Monteilh Brown said, "You have seen how the people have been forced to exercise their First Amendment. Be wise, and do not force the residents of this county into feeling they have no other choice but to exercise their Second Amendment."
Brown's friend, attorney 
Leigh Dundas Esq, then READ NICHOLE QUICK'S HOME ADDRESS ON THE RECORD AT THE BOARD MEETING and then a group of them protested outside Quick's house. The OC sheriff then claimed that Quick was scared for her life & they offered her 24/7 protection. Quick resigned the next morning and her replacement, even though he was pro-mask, rescinded the order. So, literally invoking the 2nd Amendment  and listing Quick's home address is exactly why the OC order was revoked. 
After the meeting, many people went to protest at County Health Officer Dr. Nichole Quick's home. She resigned the next day in shame, and her replacement rescinded the face mask order. This is a blueprint.
Want to know a little about Attorney, Leigh Dundas?  Check out her May 26, 2020 appeal to the OC Board of Supervisors . . . 

And here she is on the hypoxic dangers of wearing masks. 

Here is her advice on reporting the hypoxic dangers of wearing masks: 
Report it to my boss.
Report it to corporate. 
Report it to the store manager, if you're not an employee there and you don't like the mandate.
Report it to OSHA.
Report it to the media.

And report it to 911 if I were feeling really badly. 
A few more details about this, the Orange County Board of Supervisors even to this day have edited the public footage of that meeting where the attorney listed doctor Quick's home address, yet it was reported in numerous outlets including the L. A. Times. The lawyer also revealed Dr. Quick's boyfriend's name. 😅Hilarious! and furthermore, the claim that that one-minute clip by Peggy Hall where she threatens to sue Chau, (who is now the Orange County medical officer, the one who rescinded order,) Chau and other government bureaucrats are not afraid in the least of being sued by anybody. Many many lawsuits have been dismissed nationwide in the past few months by people who are suing counties over the mask mandates. 
Bureaucrats are never held personally liable anyway, so Chau did not in any way rescind the order because of a threat of a silly lawsuit in which that the judge is going to side with the county anyway. 
Nicole Monteilh Brown invoked the 2nd Amendment and her friend, attorney Leigh Dundas listed Dr. Quick's home address & her boyfriend's name, and then a bunch of them went directly to her house after the meeting. They have more cajones than most men in America, and these 2 women deserve the real credit for getting the OC mask order repealed. 
It's very clear what happened here to anyone who's actually following it. Thank you.
This story just gets too delicious.  The SpectrumNews1 reporter, The City News Service, wrote that 
Some protesters unfurled a banner with a picture of Quick, who is Jewish, with a Hitler mustache and a swastika on it.  Brown called Gov. Gavin Newsom "Adolph Newsom" in her statement to the board. 

You'll want some protection against hypoxia if you wear a mask with any regularity.  It's called Benfotiamine.  It's a B vitamin that carries more oxygen in your blood to the different tissues in your body.