Friday, July 24, 2020

"I have a breathing disorder. I like breathing fresh air."

First, I want to thank Robert Wenzel for keeping on top of all issues surrounding the COVID-lockdown-riot nonsense.  The way that the local mini-Maos, not Mini-Mouse, are dictating how to behave to taxpayers and how they've got people scared to death in fear of their neighbor if they get sick, sneeze or cough is an abomination and needs to be fought against.  That's where Wenzel comes in.  He posts these videos from a few shoppers who've gained entrance into different WalMarts in Missouri and Mississippi.  And even though the mask-monitors reminded him that he must wear a mask, the shopper was able to get through on an exemption.  You need to do the same.  Check these out.
Here's video #1.  The guy says, "I was talking to your corporate, and he said that exemptions were allowed."  

"Yes, sir.  Of course."  Notice that no question about the specifics on the exemptions was raised.  That's our advantage.  That's where you want to be.

Here's video #2.  I loved this one.  Both customers loathe wearing a mask and complying with the stupid mandate.

Here's video #3.  

Here's video #4.  

The videos are courtesy NoMask.Info.

So what's the answer in any store that you go into, or what's the answer for getting your employer to bend to your will or exemption?  Stand strong on your beliefs.  Stick to what you believe.  If we give up, we'll never get back our freedoms again."

Zinc is the premiere anti-viral compound as is vitamin D.  Take them in conjunction.  Though I have yet to try this particular zinc product, the price looks pretty good.  You get 90 lozenges of zinc acetate that is powerful medicine to regrow your thymus gland for $30.  That's less than $10 per bottle and about $.33 per lozenge.  Not bad.  I want to try this brand because I trust the producer, Bill Sardi.  There are, however, other brands. 

But whatever brand of zinc you take, try it with magnesium.  Magnesium enhances the effects of almost any nutritional compound you consume.  

Monday, July 20, 2020


And yet Trump's fearless NIH leader, Dr. A. Fauci, argues that we all should be wearing masks even though their efficacy has not been demonstrated in a controlled study.  Check out Fauci's answer to a college student's question

But Fauci balked at the idea.

I would not want to do a randomized controlled study because that would mean having people not wear masks and see if they do better, he said.

Fauci suggested he would never ask an individual to participate in a study that would involve not wearing a mask.

I think that to do the study would be kind of difficult to do because then you’d have to tell people not to wear masks, and I’m not about to tell them that, he said. 

Tom DiLorenzo points out that 

So announced Fuhrer Fauci a few days ago.  After all, the study would inevitably find that the whole mask business is one big stinking pile of horse manure (to use “scientific” language).

UPDATE:  Paddy H. writes to inform me that Fauci’s CDC has already done controlled studies of the effectiveness of masks and concluded that they are ineffective.  Fauci most certainly knows this, and so is once again lying through his teeth and deceiving the public on international television. 

Check out this CDC report on the efficacy of face masks in reducing the spread of influenza.  Go to the section on face masks, and you'll see their findings in the first couple of sentences.  Here is how the CDC report puts it

In a pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25). 

The report continues

Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on the transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.  

And yet Fauci says that he doesn't want to conduct a controlled study despite the fact that a controlled study HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE AND REPORTED ON BY THE CDC and found masks to be ineffective.  

Two boys die from wearing masks during gym.  Cuomo sends thousands of ailing octogenarians to the nursing homes where infection rates are highest.  I'll let you reach your own conclusions.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Ben Swann reviews the data on wearing masks. These masks put the wearer at greater risk and pose no protection for the population.

Ben Swann reviews the data on wearing masks. 
Improper use of face mask might increase the risk of transmission.  Not only does wearing a cloth mask not prevent the spread of a virus, it actually can put you at greater risk for catching the virus.  The studies show that masks retain moisture and put the wearer at greater risk of infection.  So these masks do not protect the population but only put you, the wearer, at risk. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

"The acid in flavored water erodes tooth enamel"

Vitamin D hardens enamel.  Add magnesium, and you get an even better effect on your teeth.  Check out item #5 on this list

Oh, and be sure that you're using a fluoride toothpaste.
Vitamin A regenerates tooth pulp.


Yes, Socrates was projecting this would be a wave of inflation coming from SHORTAGES of food. We are already witnessing rising food prices. It was picking up all the subtle shifts in the world economy and I could see that something strange was in the development by last August 2019. Obviously, like war, it cannot forecast the precise person but it does reveal their actions. This is the same forecast ability. It was showing a shortage of food for this cycle, but it could not tell me it would be instigated by Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum trying to push their Great Reset.
Nevertheless, there are serious shortages of food on the horizon. Those who are attempting to destroy the economy so they can recreate it in their image are clueless about how the world economy functions. All they have looked at is their stupid models on CO2 when CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere. They have wiped out crops by destroying the food chain and either they are totally ignorant of their actions, or they have deliberately also tried to invoke starvation to reduce the population. Nobody will investigate either and I am sure they would claim to be ignorant of the impact on the food supply by pushing for lockdowns. There is ample evidence that this excuse is BS and they must know what they are doing which would bring up the question of crimes against humanity. They will then probably blame global cooling
 Thank you to Lew Rockwell