Friday, February 6, 2015

FairLife by Coca-Cola
I can't speak to the taste or to the nutrition of FairLife milk because I have not tried FairLife milk. But it is engineered by Coca-Cola who has in the past contracted with Monsanto to include some of the most inscrutable ingredients into soft drinks.

C. Thomas Corriher at Healthwyze says "It is irrational to trust the marketing claims of Coca-a-Cola, particularly on issues of health. They are yet another company that places poisonous aspartame inside diet drink cans that already have a hidden lining of transparent BPA plastic. All of their drink products contain B.P.A., by the way. They continues using carcinogenic aspartame despite the fact that this "calorie free" poison has been proven to cause weight gain. They sell regular tap water in bottles (Dasani), whilst giving customers the illusion that they are making health-conscious decisions. They even ran a "Say no to H20!" campaign that advised people to drink soft drinks instead of water. For health reasons, of course."

By Sarah C. Corriher and C. Thomas Corriher from The Health Wyze Report

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Secrets Your Dentist Doesn't Want You to Know by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Here are the secrets your dentist may not want you to know -- but you need to know to get the best care possible:
Secret #1: Your dentist may not be as educated as you think.
Dentistry has changed a lot since your dentist graduated from dental school. There have been major advances in most materials used in fillings, bonding and root canals. If your dentist is not actively engaged in continuing education, it is unlikely that he or she is keeping up with these developments.
Secret #2: Your dentist may not have the latest technology.
Digital x-ray: Dentists who do not have digital x-ray equipment are practicing in the dark ages. Digital x-rays use less radiation than film. They are easier to read and the ability to manipulate contrast makes diagnosis more accurate.
Ultrasonic Cleaning: Ultrasonic instruments vibrate plaque and calculus off your teeth, even in areas below your gums. It is much more comfortable than old-fashioned hand scraping.
CEREC: The CEREC system lets your dentist provide a ceramic crown or veneer in only one visit. CEREC means fewer injections, less drilling and no annoying temporaries.
Diagnodent: This is a laser that the dentist shines on the tooth and it tells whether there is a cavity and how deep it is. With the use of this technology, the dentist can detect cavities, and find them at an earlier stage, than traditional poking around the tooth.
Secret #3: Your dentist may be using mercury.
Mercury is toxic. Norway and Sweden have banned the use of mercury fillings.. But mercury fillings are less expensive and easier for the dentist to use. If your dentist does not use composite fillings, don't go to that dentist any more. In the US, the FDA is way behind the ball and not actively warning patients about this like they have been mandated by the courts to do.
Secret #4: The lab may be more important than your dentist.
Dental labs create dentures, crowns, bridges, orthodontic appliances, and other dental restorations like implant crowns. There is a huge difference in the quality of these labs. You should be particularly wary if your dentist is using a lab in China or Mexico. Some of the top labs in the U.S. are Aurum Ceramics, MicroDental Laboratories, da Vinci Dental Studio, and Williams Dental Lab.
Secret #5: There's more to good dentistry than filling cavities.
A competent dentist screens for more than tooth decay. He or she should be concerned about sleep apnea, jaw-related pain known as TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder, periodontal disease, oral cancer, diabetes and hypertension.
Secret #6: You are probably using the wrong specialist for dental implants.
Since dental implants involve the removal of a tooth and replacing it with an artificial tooth, many patients assume that an oral surgeon is best qualified to do it. This can be a flawed assumption. Periodontists, who specialize in gum disease, may be a better option. Periodontists have special training in gum tissue and underlying bone in the mouth, which are significant issues in dental implants.
Secret #7: Bad dental advice about dentures can be fatal!
Dentures are no joke. Your dentist should examine your dentures for evidence of wear. Wearing down the teeth on your dentures can result in distorted facial characteristics, collapse of the bite and closure of the airway.
Secret #8: Your dentist may not know enough about sleep apnea.
The most common form of sleep apnea is caused by a blockage of the airway during sleep. It is a pretty scary condition. The patient can stop breathing hundreds of times during the night. A common treatment for sleep apnea is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), which involves blowing pressurized room air through the airway at high enough pressure to keep the airway open.
As an alternative, your dentist, working with your physician, can custom make a device that guides the lower jaw forward, called a mandibular advancement device or MAD. MAD devices are more comfortable to wear and the compliance rates are much higher than using CPAP.
Secret #9: Not all cosmetic dentists have the skills to really improve your smile.
Any dentist can call herself a "cosmetic dentist." Your dentist should be able to show you ten or more before and after photographs or videos, and be willing to give you the names of patients who have consented to be used as references.
Secret #10: How to avoid the root canal your dentist says you need.

Ask about the "ferrule effect." Technically, this means that a root canal is unlikely to be successful if there is not enough tooth structure above the gum line to protect the tooth from coming loose or fracturing after it has been prepared for a crown. If your tooth fails the "ferrule effect" test, you might be better off with an extraction and an implant.
Whistleblower, William Thompson: Higher Correlation of Measles Vaccine to Autism? Is Causation Just Around the Corner?

From Barbara Loe Fisher, "But how many children have [adverse] vaccine reactions every year? Is it really only one in 110,000 or one in a million who are left permanently disabled after vaccination? Former FDA Commissioner David Kessler observed in 1993 that less than 1 percent of doctors report adverse events following prescription drug use. [See DA Kessler, ‘Introducing MEDWatch,’ JAMA, June 2, 1993: 2765-2768]
“There have been estimates that perhaps less than 5 or 10 percent of doctors report hospitalizations, injuries, deaths, or other serious health problems following vaccination. The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act contained no legal sanctions for not reporting [via VAERS]; doctors can refuse to report and suffer no consequences.
“Even so, each year about 12,000 reports are made to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS]; parents as well as doctors can make those reports. [See RT Chen, B. Hibbs, ‘Vaccine safety,’ Pediatric Annals, July 1998: 445-458]
“However, if that number represents only 10 percent of what is actually occurring, then the actual number may be 120,000 vaccine-adverse events. If doctors report vaccine reactions as infrequently as Dr. Kessler said they report prescription-drug reactions, and the number 12,000 is only 1 percent of the actual total, then the real number may be 1.2 million vaccine-adverse events annually.”

Jon Rappaport does an excellent job of parsing out the details and the numbers to show that the CDC, in fact, does not provide public health.  His report and his linked articles should alarm you.

California Senate proposes to outlaw waivers that allow parents to exempt their children from receiving basic vaccinations for religious or personal reasons. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunlight Improves Your Eyesight

The Economist has an article out about Asian children, particularly those from wealthier families who place a high value on education, reading, and technology, and how they tend to have poorer eyesight because they don't spend enough hours outside when the sun is shining.  I don't know what it is like in South Korea or Singapore or Taiwan, but if they are anything like Shanghai, then I doubt that they'll get enough sunlight to keep stem this trend.  

"The incidence of myopia is high across East Asia, afflicting 80-90% of urban 18-year-olds in Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. The problem is social rather than genetic. A 2012 study of 15,000 children in the Beijing area found that poor sight was significantly associated with more time spent studying, reading or using electronic devices—along with less time spent outdoors. These habits were more frequently found in higher-income families, says Guo Yin of Beijing Tongren Hospital, that is, those more likely to make their children study intensively. Across East Asia worsening eyesight has taken place alongside a rise in incomes and educational standards."
The author explains the causes:
"The biggest factor in short-sightedness is a lack of time spent outdoors. Exposure to daylight helps the retina to release a chemical that slows down an increase in the eye’s axial length, which is what most often causes myopia. A combination of not being outdoors and doing lots of work focusing up close (like writing characters or reading) worsens the problem. But if a child has enough time in the open, they can study all they like and their eyesight should not suffer, says Ian Morgan of Australian National University."

With all of the hours spent indoors, it reminds me of the unfortunate victims from one of Ray Bradbury's short stories, titled "All Summer in a Day," about a class of school aliens on Venus, a world of constant rainstorms, where the sun is only visible for one hour every seven years.  You can read that short story here.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Cancer: The Forbidden Cures

At the 23-minute mark the "forbidden cures" begin to be reviewed, starting with Dr. Caisse's herbal cancer medicine which is still available at Amazon for about $33.  

Harry Hoxey's story begins at the 35-minute mark.  The documentary on Hoxey's fight against the medical establishment in the US is called "The Quack Who Cured Cancer." His book "You Don't Have to Die" is available at Amazon for a princely sum.  Hoxey was an ex-coal miner with an 8th grade education.  Was this why the medical elite went after him?  I do not claim to know this Cancer Cure Foundation, but it has been recommended by G. Edward Griffin.  According to Hoxey, he claims that his treatment can "cure" melanoma, the most serious and aggressive form of cancer.  My understanding of cancer is that it does not like highly concentrates of oxygen.  So, saturate your body with oxygen, starting with water.  If that's not enough, try 1 capful of hydrogen peroxide.  Then incorporate fresh-squeezed juices into your regime.  Charlotte Gerson, daughter of Max Gerson, recommends fresh-squeezed carrot juice.  It's got to be fresh-squeezed.  If you're relying on juice that's been sitting on a grocery shelf for a week, you'll miss the power of the enzymes, anti-oxidants, and so forth.  Hoxey had 17 cancer clinics operating across the country before the FDA shut him down.  Hoxey treatment has never been made available to Americans and it cannot be shipped legally into the country. Anyone wanting to get the Hoxey treatment must travel to his clinic in Mexico (and here) and can only get the amount necessary for their personal use. 

Maximillian Gerson's story begins at the 49-minute mark. Perhaps not the first, but noted for making public the connection between good health and nutrition.  

So Morris Fishbein of the AMA worked to shut Harry Hoxey's clinics down, forcing him to set up shop in Mexico, and he shut down Max Gerson's clinics.  To boot, Fishbein promote cigarettes as healthy.  What a creep. Max Gerson denounced the dangers of smoking at a time when the largest advertising contributor for the AMA was Philip Morris, the tobacco company, that was promoting its health benefits.    

Stephen Barrett is considered today's version of Morris Fishbein.  Barrett runs the site QuackWatch.  Here is a list of Gerson's published articles.

Ernst T. Kreb's story begins at the 104:30 mark.  He's responsible for asserting that B-17, the seeds of apricots and other similar fruit, has been one of the more effective remedies of breast, lung, colon, and prostate cancers.