Saturday, January 10, 2015

Magnesium: It Does a Body Good. Just Don't Supplement With It. 
from GreenMedInfo

Unfortunately, only about 20% of Americans get the recommended daily magnesium intake of 420 mg for men or 320 mg for women.  And a deficiency can be debilitating.

[Yes, we know that magnesium is important for us.  We've heard I don't know how many times how integral magnesium is in bodily functions affecting (why is the number 300 always used) 300 "known biochemical reactions" (without naming one).  Notice how green leafy vegetables tend to appear in lists for almost every mineral and vitamin known to man.  As a general rule, I would consume vegetables as a regular food.  Doesn't mean that you have to become a vegan or a vegetarian; it just means that by incorporating green vegetables that you're getting adequate levels of Vitamin C and B and the mineral magnesium as a good background activity to maintain your immune system.  So that if and when you do get a cold or a fever that it consists of fewer days, it's less intense with a speedier recovery period so that it doesn't waylay you and keep you from a productive day or weeks.  What you should know is that supplementation with magnesium is not the best.  Go with foods that are high in magnesium.]

Magnesium participates in over 300 known biochemical reactions in your body.  Recent research from the human genome project reveals that 3,751 human proteins have binding sites for magnesium

Magnesium supports harmonious flow within various body systems.  Without it things get stuck.  This can show up as constipation and other digestive problems, irregularities in menstrual flow and reproductive health, muscle spasms, nocturnal leg cramps, and migraine headaches.

The health benefits of magnesium are far greater than previously imagined.  This one essential mineral keeps your heart rhythm steady...promotes normal blood pressure...helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function...supports a healthy immune system...regulates blood sugar...and keeps your memory strong. 

It's not difficult to boost magnesium levels with whole foods.  One of the richest sources of magnesium is high quality chocolate. Dark chocolate has a whopping 176 mg of magnesium in a 3.5 ounce bar.  In fact, if you crave chocolate your body may be telling you it's low in magnesium. 
Other high magnesium foods include:
  • Dried seaweeds
  • Dark leafy greens (especially spinach and Swiss chard)
  • Broccoli
  • Beans
  • Whole grains (especially brown rice and quinoa)
  • Almonds, cashews, and filberts
  • Sesame seeds
  • Lentils
  • Avocados
  • Spirulina and chlorella

Visit GreenMedInfo's page on magnesium documenting well over 100 health benefits of magnesium

What you should know about magnesium is that it works in combination with calcium.  Either one alone does next to nothing; this is another argument for eating real food.  Eat vegetables and you'll get a combination of the minerals and vitamins you need.  Also, if you've got liver damage, which many people do as a result of dental metals, absorbing magnesium can be a problem.  See this wonderful chart connected to bruxism from Healthwyze:

Vitamin B-5
This vitamin is found naturally in fish, chicken, and eggs. It is often sold in supplement form by its chemical name, pantothenic acid.
Magnesium and Calcium
Magnesium and calcium always work together, and are nearly useless alone. In many cases, a magnesium deficiency is the root cause of bruxism. Magnesium is found in green, leafy vegetables, and nuts (especially cashews and walnuts). For certain individuals who do not eat enough vegetables, our Green Drink may be enough to solve the problem if drank regularly. Vitamin D is also necessary for proper absorption of magnesium and calcium, and it may be obtained by both sunlight exposure and by eating fish. Some individuals will not be able to get enough vitamin D due to liver impairment, which is usually a result of pharmaceuticals or heavy metal toxicity.
High levels of potassium can be found in bananas, tomatoes, potato skins, oranges or orange juice. It is in green leafy vegetables to a lesser degree.
Vitamin C
This exists in almost all fruits, and it is in the highest amounts in citrus fruits.

Amazing Limes
from GreenMedInfo

Malaria: Malaria is a mosquito-borne parasitic disease, which the WHO estimates causes 219 million of illness resulting in 660,000 deaths each year. A wide range of highly toxic drugs are used to treat the disease, but a recent study found that lime juice greatly increased malarial clearance when combined with standard drug therapy.[1]   They concluded: "lime juice when used with the appropriate antimalarial may enhance malaria parasite clearance especially in those with uncomplicated malaria."

Bacterial Agents In Food: A recent study found that the popular food known as ceviche, naturally containing pathogenic agents from fish, could be completely sanitized with lime juice. Both Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella enterica (two common causes of food poisoning) were all reduced to below detection limits through the addition of lime extract.[2]

Disinfecting water: Lime has been found to enhance the disinfection of water, by both killing norovirus as well as Escherichia coli.[3] Lime has also been found to kill the cholera pathogen, which is believed to affect 3–5 million people and causes 100,000–130,000 deaths a year as of 2010.[4]

Killing pancreatic cancer: Pancreatic cancer is a notoriously difficult to treat type of cancer. Lime juice was found to induce programmed cell death in pancreatic cancer cells.[5]

Stopping Smoking: Likely the most preventable cause of death on this planet, a clinical trial comparing nicotine gum to lime juice extract found "Fresh lime can be used effectively as a smoking cessation aid."[6

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Supplementation Problem and Our Supplement Recommendations

Megafood, maker of yeast-based (fermented) vitamins, partners with Dr. Andrew Weil, which should come as no surprise. Why don't they feature pictures of the rotting yeast on the label instead?

We are constantly asked by readers which vitamins they should use.  For years, we have recommended that people choose food-based vitamins, because they have the potential to be much safer, and much more readily absorbed in the organic form.  However, we recently re-evaluated the multi-vitamins that are available, and came to the depressing realization that things have drastically changed since our original research. The changes in the supplement industry happened at a very fast pace.

The food-based vitamins that are currently available are actually worse than their synthetic counterparts.  Almost all of the food-based vitamins that we recently evaluated were fermented in yeasts and bacteria.  Usually these were genetically engineered yeasts and bacteria to make them toxic enough to accelerate their pathogenic life processes.  This manufacturing is a way to cheat using bacteria and yeasts to break the foods down instead of using chemicals.  In actuality, neither the process nor the end product is natural or food-like.  The biotechnology industry found a way to trick us all into making genetic engineering a part of our "natural" supplementation.  We wrote this report because we have had repeated calls from people who were having allergy problems or sicknesses that increased with increased multi-vitamin usage.  In every case, it was caused by one of the multi-vitamin products that was allegedly food-based, but which was not actually made from foods.  A diet of yeast will, in fact, attack the immune system to make both allergies and illnesses worse.  These so-called "multi-vitamins" are worse than no vitamins at all.

"The food industry has used genetically engineered bacteria and yeasts for more than 20 years to produce vitamins and nutritional supplements."
-- Agricultural Biotechnology, The University of California

People are actually ingesting rotten vegetable matter that is produced with biotechnology assistance, for health benefits.  Of course, the companies have not studied whether this fermentation process produces toxic byproducts, as most fermentation does, because the priority is profit.  Such studies would actually make them more liable, because until they have evidence that demonstrates harm, they can simply claim ignorance.  The few food-based multi-vitamin products which did not contain yeast had other questionable ingredients, such as oyster extract, various algae, and seaweeds.  These items should never be considered foods, and especially not health foods. The real foods in the "food based" supplements have been replaced with non-food bottom feeders from the oceans, and pond scum, which are known for a huge variety of toxins. Some of these vitamins will prove deadly for people with shellfish allergies, and the cause of death will never be traced to the vitamins.

We must reverse our prior recommendations about supplements, and we are now recommending synthetic vitamins instead.  In the past few years, a lot has changed in manufacture, and it is obvious that the biotechnology industry has made in-roads into supplement manufacture.  We previously recommended food-based multi-vitamins on the basis that synthetic vitamins are much harder for the body to absorb, and there is a chance of simply causing stressed kidneys when using high quantities of them.  However, there is no good choice for supplementation anymore, so it has become a matter of choosing the lesser of evils.  The current situation is that if one does not use the vitamins from the chemical industry, then he must instead use the "food" vitamins from the biotechnology industry, which are considerably worse.  While we hope and expect that this will one day change, this is the current deplorable situation.

The fact that we are reversing our position should help to explain why we are usually so careful not to make specific supplement recommendations.   Any recommendations that we make can become invalid weeks or months after making them, and hundreds of thousands of people could have read and acted upon those recommendations.

The most important long-lasting recommendation is to read the ingredient labels, and learn to spot the dangerous ingredients.  The following is a list of common vitamin ingredients that should always be avoided:

Yeasts, including brewers yeast. 
Algae, such as Spirulina and Chlorella. 
Mushrooms and other fungi. 
Organs, such as liver and kidneys. 
Seaweeds. Kelp is a common addition. 
Titanium dioxide 

The point is . . . get your vitamins from food.  Put foods in your body that give your body plenty of Vitamin C.  Let this C be the background or foundation to enduring health.  Make one third of your plate some green or high Vitamin C food.  That will provide the background that you need.  All the minerals you need will come in a delicious meal of a medium sized steak, a lightly stewed spinach, celery, or kale, and a second vegetable, say, sliced tomatoes or sliced sauteed yam.

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