Tuesday, June 24, 2014


The following is my selective notes on the 3-hour video above by Charlotte Gerson, daughter of the founder of the Gerson Therapy, Max Gerson.  
She begins by referring to her father's achievements of having cured 50 terminal cancer patients with the Gerson Therapy.  So be advised that her description of the juicing detox treatment applies to terminally ill cancer patients and not healthy patients.
At the 17:25 mark, Charlotte Gerson explains that the main benefit from drinking water is to flush out toxins and to dilute the stomach acids like hydrochloric acid.  She explains that for terminally ill patients they should be drinking juices instead of water.  Juice, she says, does not dilute the acid but rather it helps produce stomach acid.  Why is this important?
Don't drink water if you use the Gerson Therapy.  Then she qualifies her statement, saying "If you do use water, make sure it's distilled water."  Distilled water does not leach minerals out of the system.  She says that the water often has organic compounds and minerals in it that we don't want.  She says that what you want are inorganic compounds found in juice so that nutrients can be properly lodged in the bone. 
Here are her recommendations for the Gerson Therapy, not in the operational order or even order of importance:
Coffee enemas. 
Certain soups. 
Herbal teas.
Water has to be clean.  Other problem, if you're water is fluoridated, you can't even bathe in it.  Use distilled water or reverse osmosis water and do a sponge bath.  Once a week do a shower.  You mustn't put new poisons in your body.  It's toxic already and deficient. 
Chronic degenerative disease, the liver is defenseless and weakened.  With cancer is further advanced damaged.  In cancer, the liver is toxic.  It's poisoned.  It becomes more and more important that new toxins are not allowed in the body.  It's not easy.  It's tough.  Can't swim.  Pools are filled with chlorine.  Even the ocean.  Salt changes the biochemistry of the body.  The potassium is the key mineral, not salt.  For flavor, we add salt, salt, salt, and our bodies create a whole biochemistry that damages our cells.  The body operates on an approved set of potassium.  We lose potassium in our cooking and food processing.  Sodium into the body binds with water.  "Sodium is poison!!" she says.
A book called Enzymes.  Activating substances of enzymes was potassium.  The catalyst was potassium.  The inhibiting substance, the defeating substance was sodium.  Salt.  The definition of poison is enzyme inhibitor.  Sodium was an enzyme inhibitor. 
How does the oxygen go to every cell in your body?
Is Gerson Therapy enzyme therapy?
Liver filters blood.  Enzymes do that.
Tumors require salt?  She was raised without salt?  never eat anything with salt added.  salt is needed for tumor growth.  Salt penetrates the tissues after the body loses its capability of getting rid of it.  Salt is an excess fat, sodium and animal proteins.  She asks the question, "Without salt, where do we get the flavor?"
Your saliva has salt.  The more salt you eat, your saliva becomes saltier. 
Peppermint teas help digestion, camomile tea helps with insomnia, Pau D'Aarco tea, but no black tea.  Not the tea you're used to, which has fluoride in it.
The thyroid needs iodine.  Fluoride is a halogen; these destroy your immune system. 
Fluoride can displace chlorine.  Fluoride increases cancer.  It destroys the health of the thyroid.  Same with Chlorine, which displaces iodine.  Can't heal once the fluoride continues to be active, because you can't restore the metabolism. 
No Epsom Salts!  No way!  Wow!
13oz of 8 glasses each means there is no need for dehydration.
No mineral water because of the salt. 
Spring water?  Maybe.  But if there are calcium and fluoride, then fine. 
Distilled water by making it.
Precaution is not unlike that of salt.  Adding fat caused the tumor to regrow.  Any oil made tumors to regrow. 
Don't use any fats or any oils.
Flaxseed oil was beneficial.  The improved oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.  
2 tablespoons of flaxseed, or 15 milliliters, and that did what . . . ?  Buy it in a dark, glass bottle.  Closed.  And cold.  Use it and put it into the fridge.  She recommends Omega organic that comes in a black, plastic bottle.  It's manufactured in an oxygen-free environment.  4 to 6 bottles and keep them in the freezer for 6 months.  In the fridge for 3 months.  2 tablespoons a day.  Great value to the rest of the family.  
Oils and fats tend to help tumor growth.  This is shocking!  She says that once you have cancer that you cannot have oils.  None.  She says that flaxseed is the one exception.  Okay.  Do not use it with a protein because protein has other problems.  
Another advantage of black seed oil.
Beta carotene and carrot juice is an effective cancer treatment.  Flaxseed oil combined with carrots and beta carotene is a powerful combination.  
If you wouldn't eat it, don't put it on your skin.
She recommends glycerin for the skin because of the triglycerides.  I do not get this. 
Castor oil?  
Bottled, canned foods, salted foods.  Processed foods.  Alcohol.  Avocado.  Too much oil.  
Berries are forbidden.  Why?  Some people are allergic to berries and high in aromatics.  
Toothpaste and gargle with bicarbonate.  Fluoride is lethal.  It increases cancer and death.  Use distilled water.  Don't use any toothpaste.  Cake, candy, chocolate, cocoa.  Coffee.  Cream, cucumbers (not high in sodium, but they don't agree with juices).  Cucumbers cause indigestion.  Epsom salt is forbidden.  Fats.  
White flour, wheat flour, whole wheat flour.  Wheat is so depleted today.  Only has 4 to 5% protein.  It used to have 45 to 50% protein.  Hair dyes and permanents.  

Careful with shampoos.  Wash hair once a week.  

Mushrooms--too much L-Arginine.  Too much L-Lysine.  Ice Cream.  Nicotine.  Nuts because of the oils.  Seeds.  Eat fresh living things.  Seeds are dormant.  Seeds change completely when they're in a human environment.  Dried foods are turned around proteins.  Nature endows them with an enzyme inhibitor.  Pineapple.  High in aromatics.  It can burn your tongue.  Lithium chloride is second under salt on the Periodic Table.  

White sugar.  Why specify this?  A little bit of sweetener is okay.  

The liver is toxic in a cancer patient.  The liver has to store half a pound overnight.  The body needs sugar to work overnight while you're sleeping.  Raw brown sugar.  Sucanat.  All the iron, enzymes, and or organic honey, maple syrup, or blackstrap molasses.  With exception.  Hypoglycemia?  No.  Diabetes?  No.  

Enzymes don't allow tumors to grow.  Forbidden is black tea consumed in the UK.  Water is forbidden.  Reasons tried, and tested.  The only thing that matters are the results in the sick bed.  
Gerson cured 90% of the terminal patients that came to him.
Soy is poison.  High in salt.  Forbidden.  


It contains caffeine.  Caffeine is no good for cancer patients.

Bananas are not very digestible.  Organic banana?  Okay.  But eat only one.  Apples are vastly superior to bananas.  

Certain spices are permitted.  Spices must be used sparingly.  Temporarily forbidden foods are fish, milk products, eggs, cheese; these stimulate tumor growth.
Mace is another name for nutmeg.
Onions, garlic can make Flavor and provide health benefits. parsley, chives, celery, tomatoes are valuable and can make flavor and be added to foods in unlimited quantity.

First, the patient is severely depleted.  A terminal patient has real trouble eating.  How are you going to put the food into them?  Pills don't work.  They can drink juice.  Fresh living active enzymes, minerals and vitamins.  13 glasses of juice per day.  20 pounds of fresh food a day.  She says that the juice has to be fresh.  It cannot be a thing where you make juice in the morning and it lasts all day.  It has to be freshly squeezed juice.  A fresh glass of juice every hour.  It is work intensive with a cancer patient.  If you make one large batch in the morning, the enzymes get lost through storage.  You lose the activity in the juiced food.  
Carrot apple with liver capsules.  Liver with pure carrot juice helps activate the immune system.
4 glasses of juice made from greens.  Not from wheatgrass juice; wheatgrass causes serious digestion problems.  Green leaf juice.  Watercress.  One medium apple in the green juice.  Provides pectin.  Makes juice digestible.  As opposed to highly indigestible wheat juice.  Healing reactions--the flare-ups.
When drinking the juice, one should not shove it down the throat or throw it down the throat, but you should let it sit briefly in your mouth to let the enzymes in your mouth pre-digest the juice.  Drinking juice from a straw bypasses this pre-digestion.  You want micro-digestion and pre-digestion.  
There is another way of digesting juice.  Rectal absorption.   
Okay.  So the Gerson Therapy requires 2 steps.  Step 1:  Juice.  Step 2: Enemas.  The enemas are necessary because you will overwhelm the liver from the detox if you don't do enemas.  Enemas help the liver.  Can't just push more poisons to the liver and then not do enemas.  Half a therapy, she says, is outright dangerous.  Dr. Max Gerson had patients who died of liver coma because the patients didn't want to do enemas.  They were okay with the juicing but not the enemas.  The result was that they died from a liver coma.  That's how Charlotte Gerson puts it.  
Acids from the apple help to extract more minerals from the carrots.  And you get a better juice.  This has been tested.  Grind first then press.  She recommends a Champion Press versus the Green Power.  Plain centrifugal machines don't work.  The Norwalk Juicer is the best she says.  It's $2000. 
The reason she recommends vegetarian proteins is because you can absorb them better than animal proteins.  Hmm.  Sounds good.  Sounds right.  But I would need to verify that.  From experience that rings true, but does the digestibility of vegetables outweigh the quality of protein that you get from an egg or steak?  I understand that this talk is directed to terminal patients, so in that light, her statement may be spot on.  But what about healthy people?  Do these statements hold true for them?
She points out that a baked potato has 2.4 grams of protein, whereas mother's milk has 2.9 grams of protein.  
She points out straight away that it is dangerous to do the Gerson Therapy without enemas.  The toxins leaching from the organs will find their way to the 
The brain consumes 2/5 of the oxygen from your body.  That's a lot of oxygen consumption by a single organ.
Interesting was her point that tumors break up from the therapy and break up into the bloodstream and eliminated by the liver.  But then she uses the word "absorb," that the body absorbs the tumor tissue that is breaking up.  Some folks need additional detoxification.  
Mindbodygreen.com lists some very interesting benefits from coffee enemas:
    1.    Reduces levels of toxicity by up to 600%. 
    2.    Cleans and heals the colon, improving peristalsis.
    3.    Increases energy levels and improves mental clarity and mood.
    4.    Helps with depression, bad moods, and sluggishness.
    5.    Helps eliminate parasites and candida.
    6.    Improves digestion, bile flow, eases bloating.
    7.    Detoxifies the liver and helps repair the liver.
    8.    Can help heal chronic health conditions (along with following a mainly raw plant based diet).
    9.    Helps ease "die-off" or detox reactions during periods of fasting or juice fasting, cleansing or healing.
    10.  Used regularly in the Gerson Institute treatment protocol for healing cancer patients naturally
Even if you're sensitive to caffeine, it won't affect you taking your coffee this way. (Definitely, do not attempt to use decaf coffee though, you won't get the benefits.) By taking it orally, the coffee goes through your digestive system and stomach acids, which nullify any benefits you'd get if you took your coffee via the portal vein to the liver!
Coffee enemas bring people out of comas.  
Detox and flood the body with nutrients.
Chemo leaves poisons in the system, which are difficult to overcome.   Chemo was not used in the 1920s.  With the chemo, the body is usually able to eliminate 45% of the toxins.  But where does the rest of the chemical poisons go?  Tumor tissue grows rapidly.  It grabs everything--good and bad.  Original chemo was made from mustard gas?!
Hydrogen peroxide is an effective treatment for drying up boils on the skin. 
Reduce the therapy.  Never give anyone castor oil when they've had chemotherapy.  Castor oil is extremely valuable for non-chemo patients.  You need at least 1/3 of your liver to survive.  

Saturday, June 21, 2014

I enjoyed a fresh beet root today and boy could I feel the burning of detoxification.  I combined the beet with half a sliced Granny Smith apple and the taste and nutrient combination were fantastic.  This article from BodyMindDetox  corroborates the detoxifying benefits of my experience, except that it recommends adding a lot more healthy ingredients.  It recommends mixing "cucumber, celery, lemon, apple or ginger" to get added and necessary zinc:

Fresh Beetroot is a powerful food for cleansing and supporting liver function.  Try starting the day with at least 8 ounces of Beet juice mixed with cucumber, celery, lemon, apple or ginger for an extra helping of zinc.  

The liver's ability to function efficiently is crucial as it is accountable for filtering at least 3 pints of blood every minute of the day and is responsible for the largest percentage of detoxification, when the organ gets bogged down, sluggish or clogged the entire body becomes more contaminated and toxic.
Need more proof on the benefits of beets?  You shouldn't miss this

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A friend asked me the other day what she should take if she had cancer.  And I told her that I would start eating raw fresh fruits and vegetables.  Raw broccoli.  Raw collard greens.  Raw kale.  I would combine these foods with others to make them taste good, like wrapping a collard green leaf around a carrot and eat the two.  The carrot gives the snack or the food some sweetness to make the collard bearable if she does not like the taste of raw vegetables.

Fasting is another good approach.  Intermittent fasting works to build energy and reduces your profile to oxidation from eating 3 or 2 meals a day.

Garlic is a must.  A daily must.  Particularly if you're suffering from hypertension brought on by stress.  Garlic will reduce your blood pressure, and your hypertension will be relieved.  Wished I'd known about its ability to do this decades ago.  Just read an article by Dr. Mercola that states garlic ". . . boosts your body’s natural abilities to protect you from hypertension and osteoporosis, and research is mounting that it decreases your risk for various forms of cancer. It is a potent antimicrobial as well, working as a natural antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiviral, and anti-parasitic agent. Garlic must be fresh to give you optimal health benefits, though. The fresh clove must be crushed or chopped in order to stimulate the release of an enzyme called alliinase, which in turn catalyzes the formation of allicin."  He adds that "The active ingredient, allicin, is destroyed within one hour of smashing the garlic, so garlic pills are virtually worthless."  Plus, raw, fresh garlic is cheaper than garlic pills.  If you're worried about the smell, then just add the garlic to other foods, maybe drop a few crushed cloves into a green juice with apples.
For heart energy, I follow the recommendations laid out by Dr. Donald W. Miller to take coconut oil each day for heart energy.  I take 2 tablespoons each morning, and my heart does get pumped.  It's a good fat.  It's good energy, and it has a host of other benefits besides heart benefits.

1.  Helps reduce seizures.
2.  Reduces hunger.
3.  Lauric acid and monolaurin can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi.
4.  Help you burn fat.
5.  Great for brain function.
6.  Great for the heart.  Lowers your risk for heart disease.  And other benefits

For bowel health, perhaps the most important health in your system because of its size and extensive functions, I eat plain, whole milk yogurt.  I do not know how anyone can eat non-fat dairy or drink non-fat milk.  The milk is tasteless.  Kefir that is often made from non-fat milk and then sweetened tastes good because of the sweeteners, which is often done with juice.  Otherwise, I would avoid non-fat milk.  It tastes bad.  Plus, I'd read once that non-fat milk products are the refuse of milk processing.  My favorite yogurt is Nancy's Organic Whole Milk Yogurt.  I eat it with a diced Granny Smith Apple sprinkled generously with tumeric powder.
There are other foods that would help with cancer.