Monday, May 26, 2014


Alternatives to Obamacare.  Don't miss this!

This is a healthcare sharing ministry.  It's called LibertyHealthShare.  Mutual Aid Assistance to one another.  It's NOT insurance, which exempts it from Obamacare. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

This is worth the 20 minutes. Robert Greene explains that what people are really after is power, but really power over all of the errors, shortcomings, failures, and mistakes. Historical examples are aplenty, but they tended to be much more bloody. People at work are looking for power. He says to focus not on the power that someone else holds over you, but to focus on the gradual and accumulative powers that are gathering in your 10,000 hours of work that lead you to a stronger position that will emerge. Enjoy this. I did. 



This is interesting. I've seen this before. But could never bring myself to buy it. But this video was recommended by Shona Banda, a cancer survivor living in Kansas, who was interviewed by Ben Swann. Give a listen. I try to listen to the words that people use to gauge the effectiveness of any medicine.  Ms. Banda uses the phrase "it was helpful" to describe the benefits of the cannabis oil.  So goes on later in the interview to say that it absolutely saved her life, saved her from a life on the couch, meaning that the oils gave her active, social, and productive life back.  At one point, she says that she can now drink wine with her girlfriends.  I liked hearing that.  Being sociable is absolutely one of the earmarks of health.  I do not want to take anything away whatsoever from her experience with it, but mightn't there be other things that would be helpful in the treatment of cancer?  She explains that she learned that she had Crohn's Disease, which is an immune disorder of the bowels.  She explains that to create 2 ounces of cannabis oil, you need a pound of marijuana.  Swann explained that the US government has a patent on the CBD cannabinoid.  It was even reviewed on Anderson Cooper's 360, where he interviewed Dr. Gupta. She said that she was smoking 9 joints a day.  Says she found ways to mediate the high.  For focus, she relied on reishi mushrooms to remove the cloudiness from her brain.  She says that she was drinking Gano-infused coffee made with Ganoderma, a medicinal mushroom.  She infused the coffee with reishi mushroom as well.  She was trying to remove the tight grip in her gut.  After taking the oil, red droplets gathering all over the vaporizer.

As to food remedies for Crohn's Disease, it sounds like you want to consume foods that are easy to digest and that don't inflame the tract anymore.  Some people have dairy allergies, so I presume that dairy may not be the best for you. If you're uncertain about which foods to take, consider which foods you should eliminate that might be causing inflammation.  Things like sugar and sweeteners in general.  These cause inflammation and fatigue.  Fatigue is not good when you're looking for strength and vitality.  If you're serious about strengthening your body, eliminate sugars.  I had a glass of orange juice last week for the first time in 2 years and the results made me feel weak.  So be careful with sugar.  Regarding the dairy, some dairy is could be beneficial, like unsweetened, plain whole fat yogurt.  Try this first.  If the fat in the yogurt is too much or causes discomfort, then try the low or non-fat varieties.

The goal, apparently from smoking medical marijuana or cannabis oils, is to get the cannabinoids.  According to Wikipedia, "These receptor proteins include the endocannabinoids (produced naturally in the body by humans and animals) . . . ."  And there are several, at least 60 active cannabinoids identified in cannabis.  Here are a few of them.  She claims that cannabinoids exist in all plants and that the oils from plants have equally beneficial effects.  Is it a case that cannabinoids in cannabis are abundant, making the plant particularly suited for healing and therapeutic advantages?  If this is the case, then it means that any green-leafed plant can produce similar effects.  But how is cannabis classified?  Is it an anti-oxidant?  And how is a cannabinoid different from an anti-oxidant?  For there are anti-oxidants that currently are quite powerful and by powerful, I mean that they contain the highest ORAC, oxygen radical absorbance capacity, levels.  Dr. Barry Sears of Zone Labs, Inc., has claimed that extra virgin olive oil has a 30,000 ORAC value.  Yet according to this chart, it's not olive oil that has the highest ORAC value but foods like cloves and cinnamon that have an ORAC value into the hundreds of thousands.  That is potent.  This chart states that extra virgin olive oil has only 1150 ORAC value.  Ouch!

Ms. Banda claims that the cannabinoids in her cannabis oil heal nerve endings.  It was a good interview but I would prefer the oils to the cigarettes because no one wants to be out to lunch.

What other foods might remedy Crohn's?

Monday, May 19, 2014

Great exercises to strengthen muscles and reduce abdominal fat. Nice!!

More exercises to work off the abdonimal fat.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Remember that swollen feet are an indication of poor kidney function.  Do you know what the best treatment for kidney health is?  Sodium bicarbonate.  That's right--baking soda.

I remember my dad's cousin always took Alka Seltzer toward the evening.  

As a kid, it made me feel sorry for old folks that they were reduced to such yucky medicine, for that is how I perceived Alka Seltzer--as a medicine.  But I understood that that's what it took to get the job done.  I never heard complaints when folks took Alka Seltzer as I did when they took prescription medicine.  That difference must account for something.