Saturday, April 14, 2012


Blaylock on the Poisonous Effects of MSG

See the article to the above picture.  Here is one quote from that article:
Burger King, McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, every restaurant--even the sit-down eateries like TGIF, Chili's, Applebee's, and Denny's--use MSG in abundance.  Kentucky Fried Chicken seemed to be the WORST offender: MSG was in every chicken dish, salad dressing and gravy.  No wonder I loved to eat that coating on the skin--their secret spice was MSG!
So why is MSG in so many of the foods we eat?  Is it a preservative or a vitamin? 
Okay, that question seems a bit naive.  MSG is a neurotoxin.  Every time I've consumed MSG, it has been unknowingly, and anytime that I have consumed it, I have grown debilitatingly weak.  I've seen the same symptoms in coworkers and friends.  It has only a debilitating effect on them, nowhere in sight have I ever witnessed an invigorating effect.  So, no, MSG is no vitamin.  It is used to preserve meats.  So if you eat a meat dish in a restaurant, just be forewarned.  It's not a guarantee that you'll get MSG, for many restaurants source their meats locally.  But those who source their meats from out of state or out of the country, then be forewarned.
Not according to my friend John Erb.  In his book, The Slow Poisoning of America, he said that MSG is added to food for the addictive effect it has on the human body.  Even the propaganda website sponsored by the food manufacturers lobby group supporting MSG explains that the reason they add it to food is to make people eat more.  A study of the elderly showed that older people eat more of the foods that it is added to.  The Glutamate Association lobbying group says eating more is a benefit to the elderly, but what does it do to the rest of us?
"For the addictive effect it has on the human body"?  Who is addicted to weakness?  That statement doesn't sound like the speaker knows that much about MSG, let me tell you.  

Let me add, too, that a friend of mine used to work in a Chinese restaurant where customers would complain about MSG in the food.  The owner told this friend to tell the [American] customers that he didn't use any MSG. But he did.  The owner was lying.  Deliberately.  You eat out, you take your life into your hands.  

In addition, NCBI states that MSG 
Beside its flavour enhancing effects, MSG has been associated with various forms of toxicity (Figure 1(Fig. 1)). MSG has been linked with obesity, metabolic disorders, Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, neurotoxic effects and detrimental effects on the reproductive organs.
MSG causes reproductive problems?  Oh, boy. 

That same NCBI article states that MSG toxicity leads to DIFFERENT disorders, which means that there's no single disorder that one can look out for.  That also means that you can develop a disorder and not necessarily point to what the heck caused it, though you should always be able to point to what you recently ate in the day or the day before.  This was interesting
MSG acts on the glutamate receptors and releases neurotransmitters which play a vital role in normal physiological as well as pathological processes. 
That sounds risky, and it is.  But it gets worse.  
Animal studies have demonstrated that neonatal MSG consumption sets a precedent for the development of obesity later on.
Obesity?  So, tell me again, from a consumer's standpoint, where is the upside to consuming MSG?  This is dangerous stuff, and I don't think that anyone would knowingly consume this compound, which is why manufacturers of the stuff go to great lengths to rename, and effectively hide it from consumers by calling it by some other name. 
I wanted to cite a portion of this interview by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, with Dr. Russell Blaylock on the effects of MSG and what you can do to protect yourself before and after consuming it.  
Pyruvate also protects your brain against glutamate.
Health Ranger: Oh really. Pyruvate, which, any mineral bound in pyruvate form?
Dr. Blaylock: Magnesium or calcium, it doesn't matter, it's the pyruvate that protects you. Pyruvate's used in the Krebs cycle to produce energy. When you produce energy in the brain, it protects the brain against excitotoxicity. And it's an antioxidant.
Health Ranger: Now you're getting me fascinated, I'm going to ask you one more question, sorry. People often ask me what is the defense against high glutamate foods. For example, if they know they're going out to eat, with a social group let's say, they know they're going to get some MSG in the soup or whatever, can they take something beforehand to reduce the effects of MSG?
Dr. Blaylock: Well there are several things. One of the most important is magnesium. One of the most prominent glutamate receptors, one of the regulators of its overactivity is magnesium. So, people who have low magnesium, that eat soup for instance with MSG in it, they'll have a terrible headache, terrible response to the glutamate. If they have a higher magnesium level, if they take magnesium supplements, then get their brain levels up higher, they're much more resistant to the toxicity. Also, curcumin, all your antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin C. These things protect against glutamate's excitotoxicity in the brain and its toxic response. And the pyruvate.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sugar: What Is It Good For?

Still enjoying that piece of cake, that 1 chocolate donut, that mini-sized Snickers, that delicious lemon-lime tart? Exercise a little caution.  Here is what sugar does

Friday, March 30, 2012


Maryanne Godboldo won against government-backed psychiatrists.  Her introduction included references to Dr. Thomas Szasz.  [Here is an additional list of his books.]  I learned just today that Maryanne Godboldo died back in October 2017.  A good review o Thomas Szasz's work is penned by Murray Rothbard.  

The Detroit News reported on Friday, October 13, 2017, that
Maryanne Godboldo, the Detroit mom who became the symbol of a parent’s right to refuse prescription medication and other medical treatment they deem unsafe or unnecessary, has died, her attorney’s office said Friday.
Godboldo, 63, [1954-2017] was involved in a five-year court battle stemming from criminal charges leveled against her for refusing to give her disabled daughter anti-psychotic drugs. She was involved in a police standoff when she defied social service authorities who wanted to give her special-needs daughter a psychiatric drug. 
She died Wednesday, October 11, 2017, according to family members.

ClickonDetroit said that she had an aneurysm in 2015, two years before her death.  And you know for sure that the state's psychiatry machine pressure on her brought about her demise.  
The case against Godboldo was dismissed earlier this year after she suffered an aneurysm last year. 
Though she had this aneurysm two years before she died, none of the online papers I can find cite the specific date that she died or her specific year, though a little addition can calculate that.  It's just that journalism is no longer journalism.  


Although this is optimistic, I don't know what form or what dose of that form of licorice works to kill the SARS and other viruses.  We have to read and learn.  

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Information From GMO Foods is Now Operating Inside Your Genetic Code

After watching this horrifying report by Mike Adams on how information of a GMO food is transferred directly into the genetic code of human beings, I felt both helpless, sick, and militant toward Monsanto and Dupont.  Adams referred to an article in The Atlantic titled "The Very Real Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods."

A clever video on GMO cultures.