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Showing posts sorted by date for query immigration. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Eric R. Weinstein’s “Great Replacement” by Johnny Vedmore

"The Great Replacement" concept is not just used to intimidate or scare domestic populations, it is real and it is really being implemented.  So don't dismiss the obvious fallout from this.  It's designed to lower the standard of living wherever it is implemented.  You're doubling the population in many cases so as to reduce the amount of goods once available to just the native population.   

Vedmore explains, 

Essentially the UN decided that the democratic voters of a nation-state would oppose unfettered economic migration, as we are experiencing today, and the folks at this globalist entity believed they knew better. To achieve their goals, the United Nations needed to subversively introduce this agenda in an undemocratic manner without gaining the consent of the native citizens of the democracies that they were to target. The man they chose to analyse and map out this scheme, which many refer to now as “The Great Replacement” was Eric R. Weinstein, who has since become a central figure in the “Intellectual Dark Web” whose members include Ben Shapiro, David Rubin, Jordan B. Peterson, Sam Harris, Douglas Murray, Joe Rogan, and Eric’s brother Bret Weinstein. 

Vedmore's revelation is so valuable here.  It's important to keep regular notes as to who the "Intellectual Dark Web" is.  When I first heard Jordan Peterson, I thought he was fantastic and was really pursuing truths in service of working kids.  

Ben Shapiro.

David Rubin.

Jordan B. Peterson.

Sam Harris [in my opinion, one of the more disgusting guys anywhere].

Douglas Murray.

Joe Rogan, and 

Bret Weinstein.

In the context of "The Great Replacement," however, Eric Weinstein stands out as the prime culprit.  He was employed by the UN, an exclusive hotbed of communist intellectuals.

Eric Weinstein was employed by the UN to produce a document entitled: "Migration for the Benefit of All: Towards a New Paradigm of Economic Immigration," Weinstein was aware of the damage which economic migration was to do to the native populations in places such as the United States and the United Kingdom. In one part of the document he produced for this nefarious United Nations agenda entitled, “Preference for migrants, undercutting of natives”, Weinstein wrote:

“When migrant and native workers of comparable value to an employer are asked to compete, it is to be expected that the employer will take the applicant who costs him/her less. If, however, the respective terms of employment of the native and the migrant workers differ considerably, the employer may develop a preference between otherwise equal candidates. If migrant workers are not permitted to seek alternative work in the host country, then their “company loyalty” is reduced to a matter of law and regulation. In such circumstances, employers know that they will not have to earn migrant worker loyalty with the expenditure of resources that would be needed in the case of native workers. Thus it is to be expected that in systems tethering migrant workers to their employer-sponsors, some migrants will out-compete natives of comparable or greater value simply by virtue of the terms of employment set by the MWP. Since this is precipitated by a rational market response on the part of native employers, this consequence must be seen as a natural, if unfortunate, by-product of direct migrant sponsorship.”

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

JAIME DIMON: We have to control the borders. We need more merit-based immigration.

We are screwing up tons of other things, including immigration.  But life isn't either or, so when your kids say we'll do this or that . . .  You know, you're dealt the hand you're dealt, and you got to deal with it.  So we should be very clear about helping the lower-income population.  Every country has to control the borders, and we have to control the borders.  So they're all important.

00:22  Would you take the deal that the Republicans put on the table, which is we want this border and immigration policy as we've laid out, and then we'll fund the rest.  Would you take that than neither?

00:32  I have not read that deal in total, but I probably would take it.  We have to control the borders.  We need more merit-based immigration.  We need more seasoned immigration.  [seasoned?  You mean of a certain age?]  We need DACA to have a place here.  We need a path to citizenship.  If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country.  And so I think the people who think that somehow it's okay, well now that they're sending the migrants into New York and stuff like that . . . so to all of my super liberal friends, now they realize what a problem it is.  Did it have to be that?  So we want to have a big heart for the world, but we have to control [the border and immigration].

Friday, September 13, 2024

Will the cat meme prove the election victory for Trump?

The meme also indicts Ohio Governor, DeWhine, who has been accused, not charged, with running a Haitian child trafficking.  God, I am sick of hearing about these child trafficking rings.  It's never-ending.  And no movie by Mel Gibson or Caviezel.  Is a cat meme the only way to get people's attention about illegal immigration?

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

MASSIE: Why do we never cut spending? It's because the Democrats want to grow the welfare state, and the Republicans want to grow the military industrial complex


What is a CR, a continuing resolution?

On an annual basis, Congress is responsible for providing funding for around 30% of all government functions, called discretionary spending. This funding is split up into 12 bills, which are typically due to be passed by both chambers by the start of each fiscal year on October 1, known as “regular appropriations.”

More often than not, though, Congress fails to complete all spending bills on time. A continuing resolution (CR) is a temporary “stop gap” by which Congress funds the federal government for a limited period to avoid a lapse in appropriations (more commonly referred to as a government shutdown). Lawmakers use CRs to ensure federal agencies continue operations until Congress and the President reach an agreement on how to appropriate federal funds for the rest of a fiscal year.

How does a continuing resolution work? What are the different types of CRs?

There are six main components of a CR that determine how federal agencies can operate when it is in effect:

  • Coverage: Which agencies, programs, projects, and activities are subject to the CR.
  • Duration: The timeframe over which the CR will fund those operations.
  • Rate of Operations (Funding Rate): The rate at which federal agencies can spend funds, usually expressed in annual terms (even if the CR covers less than a full year).
  • New Activities: CRs only cover initiatives funded in the previous fiscal year unless they are directed otherwise through provided legislation (a type of “anomaly”).
  • Anomalies: Legislative provisions that allow an agency’s current-year coverage and/or rate of operations to differ from the previous year’s levels, or allow for spending on specified items not ordinarily permitted during a CR.
  • Legislative Provisions: Additional legislative components that may be attached.

CRs can be enacted for part of a fiscal year (short-term CR) but can be extended or even enacted for the full year (full-year CR). CRs can also cover all or only select federal agencies, depending on the status of individual appropriations bills, and they can vary in their duration.

When Congress has passed full-year appropriations for some agencies and not others, the government is sometimes referred to as “partially funded.” When different CRs cover different agencies for different time periods, it is often called a “laddered” CR.

A “year-long” or “full-year” CR is when one or more federal agencies or programs are covered by a CR for the entire fiscal year. This has happened for all or some of the regular appropriations bills 15 times since 1977, three of which were in the 21st century: in FY2007, FY2011, and FY2013.

What’s the difference between a continuing resolution and a shutdown?

A CR is a legislative measure used by Congress to avert a government shutdown. A shutdown occurs when there is neither a full-year spending bill nor a CR in effect for a department or agency with expiring budget authority. For many parts of government, that expiration date occurs at least once annually at the end of the fiscal year. If a CR or a full-year deal is not in place when an agency’s budget authority expires, some federal agencies and programs agencies are required by the Congressional Budget and Impoundment and Control Act of 1974 to stop all programs or activities that are not critical to national security or the protection of lives or property.

How have continuing resolutions been used in the past?

CRs have become a regular tool for Congress, which repeatedly struggles to complete the annual appropriations process on time: Congress has enacted at least one CR in all but three of the past 47 fiscal years. From 2010 to 2022, policymakers passed 47 continuing resolutions ranging in duration from one to 176 days. From FY1998 to FY2023, an average of five CRs were enacted each fiscal year, though as many as 21 were implemented in one fiscal year (FY2001). In the 21st century, Congress has used CRs to provide funding for federal agencies for an average of five months each fiscal year, though lawmakers have also passed full-year CRs.

Why does Congress pass continuing resolutions?

Congress may pass a CR when it cannot reach political agreement on full-year funding, often due to divided party control in government. This includes failure to agree on any or all of the following:

  • The overall level of funding in the discretionary budget that Congress is required to pass annually (referred to as 302(a) allocations, named for the section of the 1974 Congressional Budget Act that governs the congressional budget process);
  • The subdivision of funding into the 12 appropriations bills, such as Defense, Agriculture, or Homeland Security (called 302(b) allocations); and
  • Policy provisions that are often included in appropriations bills and reflect non-budgetary priorities of the two parties, often referred to as policy “riders.”

Even when there is political agreement on some or all of the above, delays from the president, one chamber of Congress, or both chambers can prevent lawmakers from enacting full-year appropriations before October 1. For example, the House may not consider all of its appropriations bills by June 10 (required by law but without any penalty for lawmakers’ failure to act). These procedural delays can necessitate a CR even absent the political disputes outlined above.

What effects do continuing resolutions have on the federal government?

CRs can yield operational challenges and funding uncertainty for impacted agencies, including disruptions to financial planning, hiring staff, or beginning new projects and activities—demonstrating the difficulty of relying on CRs for federal budgeting. They can also place significant administrative burdens on federal agencies and waste taxpayer resources.

Many agencies’ programs may be limited or halted altogether under a CR. For instance:

  • The Department of Education cannot determine grant amounts for predominantly black institutions until Congress finalizes appropriations (whether full-year regular appropriations or a full-year CR), potentially causing delays in grant award notifications for these institutions.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services and its grantees can struggle to provide summer cooling assistance to households under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
  • Property managers working with the Department of Agriculture on its Section 521 program providing rental assistance to rural tenants can experience weeks-long payment delays during a CR.
  • The Department of Commerce can delay or cancel critical field testing of modernized surveying technology, which can have negative downstream impacts on the quality of household and economic survey data that Congress, other government agencies, and the business community depend on.

In addition to these effects, the rate of spending during a CR can create problems even after full-year spending is passed, especially if it comes late in the fiscal year. For example, if the spending level is cut in an agency’s final appropriation, but the agency had been operating at a higher, prior-year annualized rate under the CR, it may have to drastically adjust operations during the latter months of the fiscal year to avoid overspending. This can mean sharp decreases in services, activities, or even stopping ongoing projects. Conversely, if the appropriation is at a higher level than covered during the CR, the agency may be incentivized to accelerate spending in the final months of the fiscal year, which can lead to wasteful spending on unneeded goods or services.

Just as important, a CR leaves federal agencies stuck on the funding levels and policy directives of the prior year, even though public needs and program priorities change on a consistent basis. For example, federal agencies are stuck in early 2024 on spending laws that were put in place in December 2022, over a year prior.

What are the effects of a CR that lasts the whole year?

Before FY2024 appropriations were completed in March 2024, some lawmakers had discussed enacting a year-long CR. Other lawmakers in both parties, and some federal officials, have pointed to the numerous ways in which a year-long CR—while preferable to a government shutdown—could disrupt federal agencies and programs:

A CR leaves federal agencies and departments with limited flexibility to adapt to shifting program needs and requirements, forcing programs to operate as if the current budget year is largely the same as the last one, when no two budget years are the same

Friday, August 30, 2024


Politicians don't think for themselves their mouth only moves according to the controlling strings of the of their donors.  

Thursday, August 8, 2024

ARMSTRONG: Walz pushed through legislation to grant illegal migrants driver’s licenses, making it easier for them to participate in elections.

They do, however, plan to implement policies that directly cause our nation to be a dangerous place.  --Martin Armstrong

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has called the Harris-Walz ticket “the most dangerous p/vp ticket ever,” adding, “She supports free health care to illegal immigrants. He signed laws giving state services to them. Both provide magnets for more illegal immigration.” It is no exaggeration to say that these two want to push socialistic policies on America. As Walz himself has said: “Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

Tim Walz is a staunch supporter of open borders. As governor of Minnesota, he passed legislation to make Minnesota a sanctuary state. Walz believes that taxpayers should fund bills that provide Democrats with additional power, which could be anything from permitting illegals to vote to climate initiatives with no ROI. Walz pushed through legislation to grant illegal migrants driver’s licenses, making it easier for them to participate in elections. He expanded the MinnesotaCare health program to include migrants as well. He implemented “free” college tuition for illegal migrants and anyone with a household income under $80,000.

Walz has no problem spending money he did not earn. Under Governor Walz, Minnesota’s expenditures expanded 40% from $41 billion in 2019 to $58 billion in 2023. His most recent budget of $72 billion is to be funded by an increase in the sales tax as well as higher vehicle and license registration fees. Minnesota’s marginal tax rate of 9.85% for the highest earners is one of the highest in the United States.

People are fleeing Minnesota under Tim Walz. Over 8,221 households chose to leave Minnesota in 2022, with a replacement rate of only 0.86, as indicated by research from the Cato Institute. Households earning over $200,000 annually were more likely to flee Minnesota thanks to high taxation and socialistic policies that target anyone with more. The high-tax, business-adverse environment has caused money to leave the state, with the Tax Foundation’s State Business Tax Climate Index ranking Minnesota 44 out of 50 states for business. The Economic Freedom of North America index ranks the state 43rd in the country due to its aggressive taxation.

Walz also supports defunding the police. The Black Lives Matter advocate has seen crime in his state grow significantly. The murder rate reached a new record in 2021 after increasing 8.5% to 201 homicides. Violent crime in general rose by 21.6% that same year. Rapes increased by an alarming 22.7%, yet Walz wants to speak about women’s rights and health. Carjackings are also now an issue in Minnesota as motor vehicle theft spiked by 20% in 2021, reaching a 20-year high.

Tim Walz will always find the funds to support climate change. He signed legislation in 2023 that aims to transition Minnesota to a 100% carbon-free state by 2040. He adopted California’s clean car emissions standards through an executive order back in 2021. He signed another executive order back in 2019 claiming that climate change was an “existential threat” that could only be solved by taxation and personal sacrifice for the public. He has already pledged hundreds of millions into combatting the weather cycle.

We know without a doubt that Tim Walz is going to raise taxes if elected this November. Neither he nor Kamala Harris has a plan to tackle the cost of living crisis. They do, however, plan to implement policies that directly cause our nation to be a dangerous place. They plan to implement policies that force families to give more of their money to the government for initiatives that will never benefit them. Walz himself has called socialism a form of being neighborly and will propel America into the Great Reset – before the people have had enough.  

Sunday, August 4, 2024

NEW YORK STATE DECLARATION ON ILLEGAL MIGRANTS: Find new homes for all refugees identified by UNHCR as needing resettlement; and expand the opportunities for refugees to relocate to other countries through, for example, labor mobility or education schemes

Orban says,
Remember we have UNDENIABLE PROOF George Soros paid off these elected officials to flood America & Europe with illegals.

I don't see that proof in this thread. I searched for it on the site, Project Syndicate, but couldn't find it.

MysTerry explains that,

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the #GlobalGoals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Obama introduced the in 2015 expecting HRC would follow through. Is this the Soros Plan to which Orban refers?

Here is Orban,

The Damn Is Breaking. People in the UK are protesting. People in Britain are storming police guarding an immigration hotel Remember we have UNDENIABLE PROOF George Soros paid off these elected officials to flood America & Europe with illegals The Prime Minister of Hungary exposed the document proving George Soros is largely behind the global illegal immigrant invasion Back in 2015, George Soros published his plan, which is now being implemented across the globe to bring millions of illegals into the United States and into Europe. As Hungary's leader Viktor Orban recently pointed out:” Viktor Orbán “I do remember how Mr. George Soros published his plan The Project Syndicate Publication: First, this is a very clear. In 2015, EU has to accept at least a million asylum seekers annually 2nd, he said, adequate financing is critical, and he proposed to issue long term euro bonds for financing the migration crisis and the migrants social and welfare taking care when they arrive in the European Union.” “I do remember how mister George Soros published his plan in English in a project syndicate publication. It was done 2015, September 26. And he published a plan. He said that he is my I'm quoting, here are the 6 components of my comprehensive plan. — He said that, quoting them, safe channels safe channels must be established for asylum seekers starting with getting them from Greece and Italy to their destination countries, which means to bring them to Greece to Hungary and then have them to go to Ocen. — It was written. It was published. It's known. So we are fighting to get an organized gang called Empire of George Church and NGOs who are just supporting everybody who is transgusting our legal system and our regulation and, uh, financing illegal activity against our nation. So this is this is why the story is not just about migration, but it's about how this European Union is working and how George Soros was able to captive the main positions inside many institutions of European Union  

Buying out MPs and other leaders in order to execute the plan, which is written and it's against all the Christian and nation-based political forces, it's against us. It's about how to change Europe and how to elevate and push aside all the Christian, conservative, national based political leaders and voters from the European Union decision making bodies. So this is the migration about not just migration” 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

HEARTBREAKING: Ireland is under sustained Globalist attack. The Illegal Migrants now for the first time outnumber Irish fighting age men.

Breaking Exclusive: A shocking and dire warning has been issued that could see a massacre on the scale of Rwanda taking place in Ireland! Could the massive amounts of Illegal Migrants that have now been allowed by the globalists into Ireland be weaponized and used to destroy the Irish people. Ireland is under sustained Globalist attack. The Illegal Migrants now for the first time outnumber Irish fighting age men. United States Special Forces Veteran and Green Beret Michael Yon joins me to discuss the Globalists plans for the continued destruction of humanity. Micheal Yon paints a worrying picture and scenario that could see containers of machetes or other weapons delivered to arm millions of military age illegal migrants to effectively carry out a planned attack on the indigenous Irish people.. Michael has maps of strategically placed migrant camps all around Dublin and other strategic places. He goes on to use the massacre of Rwanda as an example of what he thinks could be being planned. Mass illegal immigration has been weaponised by Globalists and their puppets in our respective parliaments and governments. Was the Cloudstrike global outage a trial run and will they do it again before November 2024 to usher in their new Financial structure while wiping out peoples pensions and mortgages! There could be an orchestrated purge type situation where millions of Illegal migrants suddenly rise to attack their host nations. This could lead to a massive disaster that the west needs to understand is a very real and present danger. There are periods of great instability just ahead and its essential that everyone gets ready for serious disruptions to our way of life and the things we take for granted may not continue. Michael is also warning of a coming global famine. Freedom train International is the fastest growing International Freedom Movement in the World. Freedom Train International can help you to get ready and prepared. Don't wait until its too late. Join us today Don't be scared. Be prepared. #IllegalImmigration #WEF2030Agenda


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Diversity is used as a way of pushing out the Patriots

So you know my big concern is the Republicans are now going to be used to market the control grid to conservatives and I think my message looking at what's been happening is we have to double down on our efforts to stop the control grid so if somebody tells you that we need Biometrics for digital ID to deal with election fraud or the Border don't believe them don't believe it it's a marketing job for conservatives.  Any comments on any of those meetings?

00:33, POLLY TOMMEY. Can you just expand on that Catherine I'm at Biometrics just explain that to our people a little bit more thoroughly. 

00:41. AUSTIN FITTS. So if I want to go to an all-digital financial system, which is where I get the power . . . I mean what we're looking at is a coup d'etat, and the coup d'etat is changing control of fiscal policy and the legislative and executive branches from representing the people to being controllable by the bankers.  What an all-digital financial system allows the bankers to do is run all of that fiscal policy and all of the legislative policies through the financial system so the bankers . . .  literally, it's a coup of the bankers to take control of the whole government instead of the banking half.  So traditionally we've had the people's representatives in the legislative branch and the executive branch and then we've had the bankers run the monetary policy.  Now, the people who run their monetary policy, you know, grossly oversimplified, can take over the rest.  

It's exactly what we saw in that great video of Carstens from the Bank of International Settlements, saying, "You know, we can make the rules centrally and we can enforce the rules centrally and that includes taxation without representation."  And so the question is how can you sell this?  Chairman Powell has said he needs legislative, new legislation, and legislative authority to do that, and, of course, you need a way of selling conservatives on, you know, I hate to say this, giving up their 1st Amendment rights, giving up their 2nd Amendment rights, giving up their guns or having gun control radically increased.  But most of all, they need to be sold on digital IDs and biometrics, and, you know, what Trump and that group is really good at doing it and saying is "Oh, we have to stop immigration on the border, so everybody needs an ID so we can stop [the inflows].  We can send the immigrants home and stop immigration."  That's number one.  You know, or "We need more surveillance and more control and that includes the digital IDs and election fraud."  So there is a real push to get conservatives to buy into the control model, you know, for different reasons that are used in different sorts of marketing to people of different political persuasions.  And what we're seeing you know and I'm just reading between the lines of the RNC, we're using all sorts, it's really beautiful, seeing diversity used as a way of pushing out the Patriots.  And there's a real effort now, I think, you've seen a lot of factions coalesce around a Republican sweep of both Congress and the presidency, and on that sweep they would love to push through the control grid.  

Thursday, July 11, 2024

UNREAL: “Colorado started offering driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants” In 2014 A New Law just passed removing all barriers and All Illegals Can Now Obtain Drivers Licenses

Illegals are still counted in the census. 

They're eligible to vote. 

They're entitled to driver's licenses.

So, what is the difference between illegals and American citizens?  American citizens pay taxes.  

This Is UNREAL, The State Of “Colorado started offering driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants” In 2014

A New Law just passed removing all barriers and All Illegals Can Now Obtain Drivers Licenses “Undocumented immigrants no longer are required to file income tax returns for the prior year. They also won't need to prove they've been living in Colorado for at least 2 years nor provide a Social Security number or individual taxpayer ID number” “Information tonight about a new law that makes it easier for undocumented immigrants to get driver's licenses.” “So this is really helpful to the immigrant community. Uh, when immigrants arrive in the US and they apply for asylum, Immigration and Customs Enforcement takes their passport and ID. Uh, so it's very important for them to have some form of ID.”

County Commissioner, Longino Gonzalez.
Robert Ernesto Walsh, Immigration Attorney.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

“Where else your people gonna go?” Republican platform more like Democrats than you would imagine

Thank you to Sasha Latypova.  

“Where else will your people go?” Trump White House officials told me that Trump’s top advisers used this line whenever they got pushback on stuff that was brazenly out of step with GOP voters, i.e., “They don’t like the Platinum Plan? That’s too bad. Where will they go?” That’s what new right people don’t get—often on purpose, because they can’t be honest. This isn’t just going to happen on social issues. It’ll happen on whatever issue Trump wants to move the party left on, including immigration. Because where will Republicans go? What are they going to do about it?

They rolled us.  That's what they did.

Gayle Ruzicka, RNC platform Committee Member from Utah just after today's vote in Milwaukee,

I've never seen this happen before I don't understand why they did it and I'm extremely disappointed that we do not have any pro-life language. 

Check out the video of Ruzicka here.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

60% unemployment rate for 18 to 24-year-olds, and you got money for migrants?

Democrats Are Claiming Donald Trump Is Lying About Illegal Migrants Drawing Social Security Benefits Here’s a Town Hall held in Chicago by US Rep Jonathan Jackson confirming illegals are being put on Social Security “They come into this country and get a stipend, link, a free room and board, free child care, and some of them are getting Social Security, and when my ancestors were released from slavery, they got their clothes on their back. But yet, they were told to be happy. So why am I and everyone in this country footing the bill for people who are non-Americans, who don't vote? ‌ Who don't fight in any of our wars, who've never paid a tax. And we're told that if we say anything, we're xenophobic. Tell me why. Tell us all why. I wanna know. I think it's wrong. I mean, it shouldn't happen, but this is a U.S. immigration. Transparency, that's my brother. That's my brother. We disagree, but that's my brother. I just wanna say anyway, what the sister said, I don't give a damn about no Joe Biden. So... ‌ If that lady wanna pass out something about that, that's her free will. Y'all can't be forcing democracy on people. She got the right, just like you got the right to say vote for Joe Biden. I got the right as somebody who represents formerly incarcerated persons to say Joe Biden and Clinton's 94 Crime Bill created that, and we haven't recovered from that. ‌ The only asylum seekers that are perpetually discriminated against in this country by everybody is formerly incarcerated people. They have 18,000 homeless ex-cons, yet they're around here talking about public safety. You don't even know where these men are. Then you let more ex-convicts in here in the name of migrants. But they want to tell you... ‌ That is the low . . . this own the state, its own, its own, uh, the, I mean the Republicans, all politicians local. Every in this state don't let them fool you. From the top, from, from the Lieutenant Governor to Tony Pratt Winkle, to the Mayor, to the Police Chief, to the State's Attorney, to, the Aldermen, to the Congress person, to the state reps, all are black. ‌ You got 150 elected black positions and our communities look the way they look. And if I say something, if I say something, if it's not with my brother, he just got there. They want to legislate for us without ever bringing us to the table. I did 21 years in prison. What they gonna tell me about what we need? ‌ They ain't never spend one day in the cell but they legislate for your nephew, cousin, and son. Furthermore, ain't no kids in here. Ain't no teenagers in here. Over 150 murdered young men from ages 16 to 24, and ain't no kids in here? That's the problem. You old people, y'all keep voting the same way, hook, line, and sinker, without ever holding them account. And the very babies go kill y'all ass.

These kids are little wolves. Hey, ain't nothing that's nobody saying no more important than this. Hey, hey, wrap your ass. Ain't nothing nobody's saying more important than this. I'm tired of y'all playing games with these babies. These babies gonna start driving y'all, but they already doing it. They gonna kill you. I think y'all getting carjacked now. 60% unemployment rate for 18 to 24 and you got money for migrants?” 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

GREG REESE: The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into reservations

00:05  The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into reservations.  

"Concentration Camps Existed Long Before Hitler Camer to Power," Leo Baeck Institute for the Study of German-Jewish History and Culture, David Ludwig Bloch, Barbed Wire, LBI 83.8a, 2022.

"Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History: Removing Native Americans from Their Land," 

00:18  During WWII, the U.S. imprisoned Japanese Americans . . . 

00:23  About a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to the ground so that invading Japanese forces could not use them.  After the War, the United States seized Okinawan homes and burned them to the ground to make way for military bases, forcing 300,000 civilians into concentration camps.  And deliberately starved about a million Germans to death in prison camps.  The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 led to the construction of concentration camps meant to hold American dissidents.

01:02  In 1961, Strategic Hamlets the U.S. forced 8 million South Vietnamese civilians into prison camps to deprive the Viet Cong of any potential support.

01:14  Starting back in the late 1990s, Alex Jones has been releasing films [Police State II: The Takeover, 2000, Parts I and II] warning that people are being conditioned to accept seeing their neighbors rounded up and thrown in prison camps, such as the WTO protests, where hundreds of protesters were arrested and thrown into jail.

01:34  The 2004 Republican National Convention [in Madison Square Gardens in New York] where over a thousand protesters were arrested and sent to a makeshift prison . . .

01:42  And in Katrina, 2005, where police went door to door confiscating guns.  

REPORTER #1: The police and national guard going street by street, house to house, sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn with instructions to disarm anyone inside.  
REPORTER #2: You say guns will be taken?  
P. EDWIN COMPASS, III, SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE: No one will be armed.  We will take all weapons. 
ALEX JONES:  You see, for over 20 years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been building and constructing and maintaining concentration camps as well as the personnel to incarcerate literally tens of millions of Americans.  It seems now with some of the latest developments they are attempting in a psychological warfare program to condition and control the populous so that the populous will believe that all of this is needed to maintain the public safety.  
As we say in the research community, this is a psy-op.  They're preparing people for what is coming, not what is being presented today.  
ALEX JONES: So you're saying that they're preparing people to accept it with incrementalism?  
That is correct.  Like the old frog example.  You put the frog in the water and just gradually continue to raise the heat on the water until the frog is cooked. 

02:57  After 9/11, came the PATRIOT Act and American citizens officially became potential enemies of the state.  

In 2006, President Bush amended the National Defense Authorization Act to grant the president the power to declare martial law, and in 2007 signed Directive 51 

ALEX JONES: for the smallest of reasons, including the document's own text, "any incident in the world regardless of location that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions, can trigger at will total martial law.

03:39  During COVID, healthy people with no symptoms were arrested and locked in prison camps because they failed a fraudulent PCR Test, and if they tried to escape their fellow prisoners reported them. 

Yeah, but you can't leave your balcony to go to the fence to talk to somebody else. 

03:52  Canadian comedian, Evan Desmarais reports, 

The second she jumped over, we all freaked out because we just wanted to call and let the Wellness people know, to let the police know.

04:00  In response to their triple zero calls [000 is Australia's 911], she was picked up by the police within 15 minutes and fined $5,000.

04:08  Prison camps are being built all over the world and they are for whomever the government sees as a threat to their agenda.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

MR. AMERICA FIRST, DONALD TRUMP: I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country

Iceland has a Venezuelan migrant problem.  How did the Venezuelan migrants get across the ocean?  Well, of course, the Soros organizations will bring people across the oceans, no problem at all.  They've had an explosion of Venezuelans in Iceland, and they thought this is just wonderful, we're going to have diversity and all the rest of the stuff and then they see what is happening with all these young males that are being brought in.  What's the point?  What exactly is the point of bringing all these young Latin males from one culture and transplanting them into another, completely different Nordic culture?  What's the point of it?

Well, Iceland officials are pulling back their former support.  They say they've deported 180 migrants who had only recently arrived in Iceland.  The deportation bill was wildly popular even among the left Green Party, even the Greens were for this.  Among its internal Provisions they allowed Iceland to ignore the UN and its open border-styled immigration policy demands the legislation reportedly sets stricter conditions for residency, for family migration, and for other measures.  With the mood shifting against Venezuelans they've deported 180 recent Venezuelan migrants all at once.  No Iceland is very small compared to the United States in 2018 they had 14 Venezuelan immigrants within 4 years that had exploded to 1200 about 100 times it exploded and that was all coming from the UN.

Now they are in direct contradiction to a couple of UN Conventions that they had signed up for.  They had signed up for the UN Convention for Human Rights that doesn't allow them to deport anybody.  And the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  That is the instrument to destroy parental rights, UN Convention in the Rights if the Child, every country has signed into that except the United States.  In the United States, it is not being done through treaty, it is being done through our courts, who have been destroying parental rights.  The good news is if there is a will to do something about it just like they're saying Iceland they realize what a problem this is.  They're saying, well I don't care if we're signed on to the UN Convention of Human Rights.  I don't care that we're signed on to the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, and they just threw it out.  The only party that supports keeping the Venezuelans there, the only one, the Green Party, all the lefties except for the Pirate Party, and they opposed the bill.  But the other major Icelandic parties, including the Independence Party, the Progressive Party, the Left Greens, they all voted in favor of tightening the country's immigration policies, and they voted to kick them out.  

Now, contrast that with Donald Trump, for example. Donald Trump was going to stop immigration.  He was going to build a border.  He did none of that.  As a matter of fact, we got caravans as soon as they realized that Donald Trump was all talk and no action.  He didn't deport anybody he allowed Obama's executive order saying they were going to defer action, saying that we were going to defer action of the law and . . . .  Here's an executive order saying that my department of justice is not going to enforce the law.  How does that pass muster with the courts?  How does that pass muster with anybody?  Instead, Trump pretended that he couldn't create an executive order that countermanded Obama's executive order.  "Well, I really would like to do what I promised but I have to ask the courts for permission," and so he did it in this long drawn-out thing.  And the courts said, "No, you can't overturn Obama's executive order."  That can't possibly be true, and we all know that.  But as Trump was talking to CEOs he made an amazing revelation that came out over the weekend.  The CEO appeals,

We need to recruit the best and brightest of the world every time we get somebody super intelligent from India or Europe any country, and three of the four here are immigrants, into our country the ones without the toys and we can get these great people into our country and that's a loss for our adversaries and our competitors and it's a gain for us.  But I've never heard you talk about this. Can you please promise us you will give us more ability to import the best and brightest around the world to America? 

Trump answers,

I do promise, but I happen to agree, that's why I promise; otherwise, I wouldn't promise.  Let me just tell you that it's so sad that we lose people from Harvard, MIT, from the greatest schools, and the lesser schools that are phenomenal school also.  And what I wanted to do and I would have done this, but we had to solve the COVID problem because that dominated for a little while as you perhaps know.  But what I want to do and what I will do is if/when you graduate from a college, I think you should, I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country.  If you graduate or get a doctorate degree from college you should be able to stay in this country.  And you know more stories than I do, but I know stories where people graduated from a top college or from a college and they desperately wanted to stay here, they had a plan for a company, a concept, and they can't.  They go back to India, go back to China.  They become multi-millionaires and employ thousands and thousands of people, and it could have been done here.  And a bigger example is you need a pool of people to work for your company.  You have great companies, and they have to be smart people.  Not everybody can be less than smart; you need brilliant people. 

6:32. All these people who have immigrated here, like Elon Musk and Vivek "the snake" Wami Swami, yeah, we don't want Americans here.  We want to be able to bring in other people in cuz Americans are crap, right?  I don't know how we ever got a country like this.  What happened?  How did it get here? You know, Americans can't do anything; we need foreigners to come in and fix everything.  You understand, don't you, that Trump was lying to you the whole time?  You understand that he never had any intention of doing anything about open immigration, and he doesn't either.  The idea from him that people are coming here and they're getting scholarships getting free rides . . . .

Sunday, June 23, 2024

ROSEMARY JENKS: So if you're a non-citizen in this country, . . . if a government official hands you a voter registration form you're going to think that you need to fill it out, then you're going to be unlawfully registered to vote. If you vote, it is a deportable, criminal offense

This is not about illegal immigrants.  This is about an illegal administration.  This is about an illegal administration turning the country into a gangland.


Immigration Accountability Project: Biden Admin “Orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone they come in contact with. — State election officials are not permitted to ask for proof of citizenship for applicants who fill out the federal form.” “I'm Rosemary Jenks with the Immigration Accountability Project. As Senator Lee said, we estimate that there are upwards of 30,000,000 noncitizens, so foreign-born who have not naturalized and are therefore ineligible to vote under our laws. The problem that we have now is that the Biden administration there's a Biden executive order that orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone they come in contact with. We also know that state election officials are not permitted to ask for proof of citizenship for applicants who fill out the federal form.”

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

SANCTUARY CAMPSUSES? Illegal Immigrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities


For decades, the United Nations' Agenda 2030 has

been vying to push the US population out of the country and into small, concentrated 15-minute SMART cities.  Preparations have been made quietly behind the scenes, and it doesn't matter if Americans are disinterested because at least 30 million illegal immigrants are now available to launch these prison cell slave cities.  In a recent article, "University Smart Hubs Private Equity and the Leverage Buyout of America," June 15, 2024, Corey's Digs [aka, Corey Lynn] reports that illegal immigrants are being housed and trained at American universities in a decade-old scheme that provides the ruling class a foreign unregistered workforce under the banner of "Affordable Housing," people have been forced out of home ownership while Black Rock offshoots have been buying up the spoils, mostly through the Blackstone Group whose top three shareholders are Vanguard, Black Rock, and Capital World investors.  Blackstone has become the world's largest landlord after acquiring rental companies, including the largest student housing company, and converting care homes, offices, hotels, and warehouses into over 300,000 rental units.

Blackstone Acquired Largest Student Housing Company in The U.S., Partners with Over 100 Colleges and Universities, and Plans to Hire 2,000 Refugees

Blackstone partners with over 100 colleges and universities who run programs where illegal immigrant students are taught mindset, critical thinking, and leadership skills.  They are being trained in ESGs, fully immersed into Woke culture, and used to manage whatever their bureaucrat masters choose.  Starting in 2016, several colleges and universities have become Sanctuary CampusesSanctuary Campuses oppose and hinder the enforcement of immigration law on campus and they provide funding to illegal immigrants.  Working under the United Nations, ECAR, Every Campus a Refuge, say they would like to see every college and university in the world partner with local refugee resettlement agencies to house refugees on campus grounds and provide them with food, care, and training.  ECAR has been giving direction and support to colleges and universities to do this since their inception in 2015, and the government has been incentivizing this program.  Launched by the US Department of State in January 2023, the Welcome Corps allows colleges and universities to provide US citizenship to illegal immigrants by enrolling them in degree programs that will "foster more diverse and inclusive campuses."  Funds are provided to give them free education, housing, healthcare, and social services.  The Biden Administration has allocated $258 billion dollars toward building 2 million rental propertiesA new Congressional bill guides local governments to acquire and convert shuttered buildings into "Affordable Housing" rentals.  This is also being heavily funded through private endowments.  Between 1990 and 2021, the average endowment value grew by 423%.  Within the past 10 years, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BMGF, granted over $11.6 billion dollars to 471 higher education institutions.  Colleges and universities have spent the majority of this money, acquiring hotels, office buildings, and other real estate in billion-dollar deals with private housing developers, while outsourcing student housing to Blackstone.  Middle East investors out of Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, and Saudi Arabia are buying up billions of dollars of student housing, medical clinics, and office buildings near major universities.  And Sanctuary Campuses are hiding the identities of the unregistered students enrolled in these programs

If you were destroying America from within how would it look different? 

American universities have been notorious for radicalizing young students and indoctrinating them with destructive anti-American, communist ideations, and now they are being used to house and train illegal immigrants to carry out the work that no loyal citizen would do.  American universities are also building satellite campuses in other cities, mostly in Washington DC.  Over 50 universities have opened satellite campuses in Washington DC, where thousands of illegal immigrants will be housed, fed, and trained to be compliant drones of the federal government.