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Showing posts sorted by date for query Dr. Leana Wen. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Such a wide spectrum of frauds

In order of appearance . . . 

HHS SEC. XAVIER BECERRA:  "We want to make sure that people can discern the truth from the misinformation.  And we want to make sure that everyone understands that no one is safe until everyone is safe."

Jeff Zients:  No one is safe . . . 

Sec. Anthony Blinkin

Michael Sheldrick (Chief of Policy, Global Citizen)

Dr. Michelle McMurry-Health

Charles Michel (Europlan Council President)

Dr. Julie Gerberding, (Merck Executive VP, former CDC Head)

Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan University of Maryland Economics Professor

S. Africa's Chief Science Advisor on COVID-19 Vaccines.

Market Watch: "Nobody is safe until everybody is safe" say 23 world leaders.  Not 25 or 19, but 23? 

Senator Bob Casey: No one is safe until everybody is safe.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo: Nobody is safe.

This is a post-9/11 axiom, safer but not yet safe.

"No one is safe until everyone is safe."

99.5% of people are safe and will survive COVID-19.

Bill Gates:  The only positive thing out of this is that we should be able to manufacture a lot of vaccines.

No one is safe until everyone is vaccinated.

Bill Gates:  "You don't have a choice."

Bill Gates:  Normalcy only returns when we've largely vaccinated the entire global population.  

John Oliver:  Get the f****** vaccine.

You need to get vaccinated and if you don't, then we're going to die.  The View

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul:  I know you're vaccinated you're the Smart Ones but you know there are people out there that aren't listening to God and what God wants you know who they are.

Unvaccinated people.

Joe Biden:  My message to unvaccinated Americans is this . . . 

If you are the unvaccinated, you are the problem

John Oliver:  You're the fucking problem.

Condemn them, shame them, blame them. 

The only people that you can blame are the unvaccinated.

Dr. Leana Wen:  Frankly, we can't trust the unvaccinated.

They should not be part of polite society.

Howard Stern:  Fuck 'em.  They're lunatics.

who won't take COVID vaccines 

Cramer:  are walking around willfully unvaccinated?  That's psychotic.

Gene Simmons:  You're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, then you are an enemy.  

Dershowitz:  You have no right not to be vaccinated.

Neil deGrasse Tyson:  You don't have the right to contaminate someone else.

Sean Penn: you can't go around pointing a gun in somebody's face, which is what it is when somebody's unvaccinated.

Keith Olbermann:  They are all idiots and losers.  

And this is a real movement in this country against the unvaccinated.

Jennifer Anniston is cutting unvaccinated people out of her life.

Unrepentant unvaccinated.

Cenk Uygur:  They should be removed from the hospital.

Piers Morgan:  Those who refuse to be vaccinated should be denied NHS healthcare.

Jimmy Kimmel:  vaccinated person having a heart attack?  Yes, come right in, we'll take care of you.  Unvaccinated guy . . . rest in peace, Weezy.

Whoopie:  Some doctors are saying they've refuse treatment for people who choose not to get the shot.  

Why are hospital ICU resources going to them?

Olbermann:  Morons . . . who will not get the shot . . . 

Cenk Uygur:  the unvaccinated clowns . . . 

Don Lemon:  idiots who think they can do their own research.

Don't do any of your own research.

Doing your own research is associated with conspiracy theory circles.

Brian Stelter:  This go it alone approach, doing your own research, can have serious consequences.

You should get prison time for even questioning the vaccines.

Trevor Noah:  Can we all stop saying, "I need to do my own research"?

Stelter:  That phrase, "Do your own research," are four words, four little words that are hurting America.

Stelter:  Everybody has a supercomputer in their hand that empowers them to do their own research, and that's the problem. 

You must not do your own research.

Trevor Noah:  O, I must do my own research.

I don't understand what that means, "I'm doing my own research."

Toure Neblett:  You cant do your own research unless you're a scientist.

NYT:  Don't do your own research.

Rachell Maddow:  Maybe you've told yourself that you're playing it safe you just want to wait and see since this is a new vaccine . . . No.

Roll the fuck up and get the vaccine.

Ben Shapiro:  Get the vaccine you dopes.

Gov. Jim Justice:  Get yourself vaccinated.  That's just all there is to it.

No excuse for being unvaccinated.

NPR: There's no rational and no emotional argument that adds up against getting your damn shot.  There just isn't.

Joy Behar:  but you made a conscious decision not to get the vaccine.

Jedediah Bila:  I also have natural immunity so for me personally, this vaccine poses a greater risk than benefit.  That I'm also not a risk to any of you.  Let's look at the science.  

CDC:  So we see that the natural infection is given greater protection, or slightly better protection than vaccination.

Jedediah Bila:  This was a vaccine that was created to prevent severity of disease and to prevent hospitalization but the vaccine does not prevent you from transmitting covid.  The lethality . . .

Joy Behar:  Oh, my goodness.  You've been on FOX TV too long.

I really don't think we should allow misinformation.

Stephen Colbert: "Mr. Sandman, [1954] get the vaccine so that you don't get COVID-19."  

"We polka while we poke ya, so you don't get Corona." 

"When we poke ya, well we know you're gonna be, you're gonna be safe from COVID infecting you" to the tune of The Proclaimers' "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)," 1988 album.

Rachell Maddow:  the virus stops with every vaccinated person.

We would tell you to stop spreading this terrible disease.

Bill Gates:  And that vaccine, a key goal is to stop transmission so that you get almost no, almost no infection going on whatsoever.

Dr. William Li:  Expectation for vaccine is not to get infected.

Maddow:  vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them.

Fauci:  When the virus gets to you, you stop it.

Dr. Marc Siegel:  You're not going to catch it, you're not going to get sick, you're not going to transmit it. 

Geraldo Rivera:  The vaccine is absolutely bulletproof.

Dr. Monica Gandhi:  Vaccines block you from getting and giving the virus.

CEO Pfizer, Albert Bourla:  100% effective preventing COVID-19.

Dr. Jonathan Reiner: The vaccine prevents you from getting infected.  

Maddow:  it is to keep you from getting it then spreading it.

Dr. Leana Wen:  We have the ability to stop COVID in its tracks. 

Biden:  You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.

NPR:  Biden tests positive for COVID-19.

Fauci:  When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected.

CNN: Dr. Fauci tests positive for COVID-19.

Rochelle Wallensky:  Vaccinated people don't carry the virus, don't get sick.

Politico:  CDC Director gets COVID-19.

Colbert:  Get your vaccine and don't get sick.



Monday, May 22, 2023


no coincidence that this Chinese-born woman was the biggest propagandist during Covid, doing everything in her power to suppress society in a Chinese-style manner, gaslighting them, and calling for inhumane measures, . . .  Dr. Simon Goddek

Dr. Leana Wen, vaccine pusher, former head of Planned Parenthood, tells you not to trust the unvaccinated, who says that boarding a plane is not a Constitutional rightThe interview with Jake Tapper, following the Boston Bombing on April 15, 2023, was delivered on April 24, 2013, ten years ago.  

Saturday, May 13, 2023

NEIL CAVUTO: Life is too short to be an ass. Life is way too short to be ignorant of the promises of something that is helping people worldwide

00:40 We can't trust the unvaccinated.  Dr. Leana Wen

01:09  "The unvaccinated are basically beating their breast running around the country, saying 'Ha, ha, we're living free, we don't care,' and so forth . . . ."  Former RNC Chair, Michael Steele, mocking freedom-loving unvaccinated.

02:25 For the clip from Neil Cavuto. 

02:55 "We need to start looking at the choice to remain unvaccinated the same as we look at driving while intoxicated."  Dr. Leana Wen

Monday, January 24, 2022

"As for me, I've had it with masks. I feel like a fool, and I am not going to play anymore."

The question was, "In general, do you trust [what] Dr. Fauci has said about the coronavirus or not?" The results were 43% no, and 40% yes.

Compare those results to 60% yes and 8% no in April 2020.

From Tom Woods

These days it seems as if everywhere I turn, a new person is saying the whole thing is stupid and I'm not doing it anymore.

This time it's an editorial writer for USA Today.

Headline: "I am done with masks. We've been idiotic about them since the beginning."

He begins with this: "Who knew that little pieces of plastic or cloth worn over the nose and mouth could turn people into complete idiots?"

In response to Dr. Leana Wen's [the Chinese-American, flip-flopping, goalpost-shifting version of Anthony Fauci] recent observation that cloth masks are nothing more than "facial decoration," he responds, "Well, I feel like an idiot for all the times I donned a facial decoration and forced my kids to do the same."

He dismisses the drive for N95 masks as unreasonable and concludes: "As for me, I've had it with masks. I feel like a fool, and I am not going to play anymore."

Then, too, Bari Weiss, formerly of the New York Times opinion section, made waves on Bill Maher's program recently when she declared herself "done with COVID," and swatted down the standard arguments with data.

The only thing missing was: I'm sorry for going along with it all this time and demonizing people who said then what I'm saying now.

The whole "we now have new information" thing from Weiss and others is disingenuous. We knew very early on that the crazies were wrong and that nothing they recommended did any good. A simple "stay home when you're sick" would have been better than their entire mitigation program.

Having said that, I by no means decline Bari Weiss's membership in Team Reality, and I'm happy to see our ranks continue to grow.

Before I reveal the happiest of the three items I have to report to you today, in terms of the evolution of opinion, I want to make sure you know a term.

Surely you know "red pill" and "blue pill," from The Matrix. You and I are red-pilled. We understand the nature of the regime that rules over us. We don't accept the establishment version of events.

The blue-pilled are those who even now still think the public health establishment just has the best interests of Americans at heart and should be trusted to do sensible things.

A white pill, meanwhile, is a source of optimism for us.

And now for a white pill:

A recent NBC News poll--so not exactly biased in our favor--finds more Americans distrust Fauci than trust him.

The question was, "In general, do you trust [what] Dr. Fauci has said about the coronavirus or not?" The results were 43% no, and 40% yes.

Compare those results to 60% yes and 8% no in April 2020.

Meanwhile, Ireland just announced it's dropping most COVID restrictions, and England (not the UK as I mistakenly said the other day) is dropping its mask mandate and vaccine passport system.

Austria keeps putting off its mandatory vaccination program, and there are murmurs in England about pushing the vaccine mandates for NHS workers back six months.

We're almost there.

With next to no high-profile support, and with every major opinion-molding institution against us, we've begun to turn the tide.

What you and I say and do is not in vain.

And speaking of that, here's how I can help amplify your voice:

If you've ever considered starting a website or blog, you know the main problem facing you: nobody visits.

Well, remember my publicity offer: get your hosting through my link and you'll not only get a good price, but I'll also publicize your site to get you that critical burst of initial traffic. Not to mention membership in my mutual-help bloggers' group (this will help you out of many a jam), free tutorials to help you get started, and more. Get the details:

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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Dr. Leana Wen [vaccine pusher] was the former president of Planned Parenthood.