Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Food or Doctor-Prescribed Antibiotic?
Why does someone need to take antibiotics?  Because of bacterial infections.  A bacterial infection is when a bacterial pathogen invades your body.  Just how dangerous are bacteria?  Wikipedia states that the vast majority of bacteria are, get this, harmless or beneficial.  "Although the vast majority of bacteria are harmless or beneficial, quite a few bacteria are pathogenic."  If that is the case, why then are people desperate to receive or request or demand the right antibiotics from their doctors?  Are doctors' diagnoses biased toward bacterial causes or do the pharmaceutical companies have excellent marketing campaigns?  The common bacterial infections that receive a lot of air time and media fear-mongering are, according to Life Extension's Protocol on bacteria, ". . . pneumonia, ear infections, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, and skin disorders."   These seem pretty manageable, to me, with a good diet.  Some would contradict, "No.  Pneumonia is deadly.  Diet can't address pneumonia."  I have had limited experience with doctor-prescribed antibiotics.  I think I tried them twice--both times for a bronchitis.  "You have a bacterial infection," the doctors would explain.  They didn't work, the antibiotics I mean.  They didn't do anything, anything positive that I could perceptibly detect.  In fact, when I reported back to my doctor that I had finished the regime of antibiotics but that they did nothing to relieve my bronchitis, he wanted to up the dose, like upping the ante in a poker hand.  He had nothing to lose.  He was in control of the drugs, their financial benefits, and I was the human guinea pig who believed that doctors had some magic in their bag of tricks.  Maybe.  But it was a crap shoot.  Since then I never took any prescribed drugs, ever.  Nor will I.  Antibiotics require a regimen of two or three weeks or longer.  Are there natural alternatives to pharmaceutical antibiotics?  I thought you'd never ask.  
Consuming a clove of garlic for three sequential days would produce better results.  And by better I don't just mean that the infection or bacterial agent would be removed and cleaned up; what I mean is that function, strength, and energy are increased while a host of other structures are toned by the beneficial side-effects of the garlic Pharmaceutical antibiotics are dangerously powerful; or worse, they could be an empty but costly and time-consuming placebo. Garlic is nature's best and most effective antibiotic.  
Need proof?  Here is Bill Sardi on the benefits of an amazing drug called GC (it stands for "Garlic Clove").  Part of the therapeutic benefits of garlic include its smell.  It's smell alone will ignite an immune-enhancing response, the way that a strong coffee brewing in the morning alerts your senses.  This is important to remember when choosing foods: smell and color are a key register of anti-oxidant potency.  For some, it is precisely the smell that turns them away from garlic; thankfully, you can obtain it in capsule form, but you'll be cutting out all of the fun of peeling, cutting, and cooking garlic.
From Mike Adams' Natural News, he had this to say about garlic.  Turns out that garlic is better than I had thought:
Garlic has been used worldwide for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. This wonder plant treats everything from a simple earache to pneumonia, MRSA, Helicobacter pylori, the flu and even the black plague. Contemporary research has confirmed that garlic possesses numerous antioxidants that kill bacteria and free radicals in the blood protecting the immune system and making it stronger (that's my emphasis: that feature of garlic impressed me). Garlic's active ingredient allicin can also attack and destroy a variety of viruses--unlike modern antibiotics--as well as fungal infections such as candida. Taking garlic supplements as a prophylactic may help to protect against various pathogens and prevent the onset of disease.
UPDATE:  I was reading tonight how garlic and onions are excellent to leech mercury out of your system as a tonic to prevent mercury poisoning.
Garlic is excellent for managing blood pressure.  But consuming it in a particular way maximizing the effects of garlic 3 to 4 times better than if you eat bulb whole.  If you're taking garlic to remedy a specific ailment, like hyper-tension or bacteria overload, the best way to take it is by smashing a raw bulb so that the bulb is broken.  Apparently, the enzymes need to broken and activated in order for the garlic to really work.  You cannot rely on your digestive tract to break it open efficiently enough.  But once a cracked clove is in your digestive system, your body absorbs the garlic nicely, relaxing your blood pressure, relaxing your muscles, and devouring bacteria.  For these two functions--blood pressure and an antibacterial medicine--you would be hard pressed to find a better, most-effective food remedy.  I place the smashed, not mashed, garlic in my mouth and take an olive oil chaser to sooth the burn.  The combination has a terrific effect.  To good health!!
If you want a powerful alternative to garlic, another good antibiotic is colloidal silver.  Colloidal silver is water ionized with silver.  Now how does silver purge harmful bacteria from your cells?  Ben Taylor explains that "it disables a certain enzyme that is responsible for the oxygen metabolism of the pathogen cells, such as viruses, fungi or bacteria. As a result of the lack of oxygen, the virus or bacteria cells die in a short while. During this procedure, the healthy cells of the body remain untouched and unaffected, since the colloidal silver activates only on the oxygen enzyme of the pathogen cells."

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Free-Market Health Care

Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Terrific video on how the free-market medical care works.  Here is the link to additional comments and insights on this interview.  Enjoy!

Friday, October 5, 2012

GMOs: It's Worse Than You Thought

FDA: Fraud and Death Administration.  The issue of GMOs, despite the cornucopia of information, has become more and more convoluted.  But don't hate the media--join the media.

Here is an interview by James Corbett with Anthony Gucciardi, the editor of Natural Society.

This helps to explain the difference between GMOs and real foods.  The author explains that animals if given the choice, will always prefer real foods to GMO foods.  Gucciardi made one point that Congress banned GMO salmon!  I had no idea that salmon were genetically modified.  Is that what "Farm-raised" means?  How does this stuff go undetected for decades!  And if farm-raised salmon is GMO-salmon, what does that make "Wild-caught" salmon?  Gucciardi makes an interesting point.  He says that the way to fight Monsanto, Dupont, the GATES Foundation's interest and investment (Bill Gates himself owns 500,000 shares of Monsanto), Cargill, and all of the biotech firms that support these monstrosities is to label them out of existence.  He says that you can't sue them out of existence because of the cost--$2 million to start a lawsuit with a 95% track record of you losing.  So he says that California's Prop. 37 is a good thing, though I can't see how since all that is at stake is the wording of the labels to which any marketer can equivocate with a synonym or soft language.  Corbett lays out the facts of Prop. 37 at the 32-minute mark, explaining that the proposition is written by the companies who will gain from the wording of exemptions.  So it makes sense that these companies would spend lots of money to fund the opposition to it to give the bill a favorable appearance to the mobs of the markets who think they are legalizing ethical behavior from corporate giants and are correcting a mass injustice.  This is exactly the emotional outcome that Monsanto would love to produce with the population to placate them politically, organizationally, and intellectually for 2, 3, or 5 more decades.  In the Corbett interview below, Gucciardi explains that turmeric and ginger are the best ingredients to reverse the effects of GMO poisoning, adding that turmeric can shrink brain tumors by 81%; ginger by 56%. 

GMO foods are not an improvement.  This is DNA-species crossing, and plants don't react well to it.  Animals won't eat GMO grains unless they're really hungry.  To get animals to eat the GMO grains, they cover them in molasses. 

If you happen to see some squirrel food that is traditional (GMO) grain, try this experiment by putting some out for squirrels.  Then put out some GMO-free popcorn. The squirrels will take the GMO-free popcorn every time.  GMO foods are not nutrient-dense.  Field hybrid corn weighs about 55 pounds per bushel, whereas GMO-free corn weighs 75 pounds.  It's the missing minerals that make this difference.

The pesticides used now are not poisons: Round-Up and all the others are chelators.  They go inside the organism and grab copper or another mineral.  Since these minerals are needed in the organism to function, the nervous system can't function in the bug so they twitch or in the plant so they can't function either.  But it isn't poison. 

We use enzymes to turn things on and off.  The organophosphates hold the coppers; it's like I took the key out of the car.  I didn't break your car, but it doesn't work.  If you have a spare key, then it will work again.  The key is to take in the micro-nutrients; that's how you can overcome all the pesticides on our food and get our bodies working again. 

Be sure to check out the Corbett Report, Episode #229 on the GMO Agenda (and how to combat it) with Anthony Gucciardi

Check out other reports by James Corbett on GMOs.  This should be your first stop for anything related to this topic.  The Gene Revolution and Norman Borlaug received Rockefeller money.  The wheat that Borlaug invented was GMO.  It contains a protein that binds with the opiate centers of your brain and makes you want to eat more.  The result?  More people are overweight.

Now there is the rat study.

Conway, president of the Rockefeller Foundation, on introducing biotech programs in Africa.

Richard Manning on the Green Revolution, the 1940s.  Norman Borlaug was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.  He dwarfed wheat and rice and increased its harvest index.  The short architecture could hype the production for a heavier seed head.  Tripled production of corn, wheat, and rice.  This allowed increases in human population.  In the 1940s, Norman Borlaug tried to make Mexico independent as a wheat-producing country.  Seeds of Destruction by William Engdahl.

Seeds of Destruction by William Engdahl, 2007.

Gene Revolution preceded the Green Revolution, which was set up to control the genetic mapping and expression of human beings for greater canopy of control of the population in efforts to reduce it and control it.  Have you heard of the Rockefeller Population Council?  Neither had I.

Here is a Common Dreams April 2009 article debunking the purported value of GMOs, explaining that the experiment has failed to produce larger crop yields.  GMO Crops: Emperor Has No Clothes.  Monsanto and Gates Foundation Push GE Crops on Africa in Truthout.


Agroecology and the Right to Food.  Agroecology can increase crop yield without using GMO, bioengineered Frankenfoods.  According to Corbett, agroecology can double crop yield in 10 years without using GMO bioengineered foods.

Marching, signing petitions, lobbying the government, make rules to put chains on corporations that keep us down.  Regulation trap?  Don't cede any authority to the government.  They can skirt things, create and use loopholes.  This is a fight that we fight each and everyday with what we consume, and to give that power to the government  means ceding ever more power to the connected elites who use government for their own agenda.  Can't use government club to beat down opponents.  No, refuse to eat GMOs.  But how do we know given how deeply their woven into the food system?  Wean ourselves off of the global food enslavement.  Don't use your dollars to buy their monstrosities.

The actually documents which foods are gmo's and which are real foods.

Glycosphate toxicity.  This is a by-product in pesticides that kills, yes kills, testicle cells and sperm cells.  Oh, boy! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Dental crowns degrade.  They need replacing.  The color of the crowns yellows.  The line between the gum and teeth widens.  The metal interior of the crowns acts more like a conduit or diode with AC/DC current in my apartment that combines with the electromagnetic fields pulsing through my body.  Headaches follow.  Then fatigue. 

At a well-respected economics website, I made the claim that a friend's mouth gets sore from cell-phone radiation.  A member in good and valuable standing at the site confirmed the common reaction of radiation hitting a silver amalgam filling in your mouth, which may be responsible for some kind of reaction but he refrained from admitting that it causes pain or anything tangible.  He said "That is a simple case of a diode type connection in the silver amalgam filling.  While rare, it isn't mysterious at all."  So though this scientists confirms my observations, he dismisses the occurrence and the pain, or at least discomfort, that comes with radiation coming contact with the silver amalgam.  He claims that "That same thing happens all of the time in the radio business, but usually it isn't heating up a tooth and causing pain."  So he admits that radiation interacts with a silver amalgam.  He says he learned about this when he was in high school 55 years ago, "I would admit that a small number [of people] may have some other factor, such as you mentioned about a tooth filling.  I learned about that one when I was in high school.  Even there you can't blame dentistry.  That is a simple case of a diode type connection in the silver amalgam filling."

I see.  So whatever results from a dental procedure is not the concern, and certainly not the fault, of the dentists, for dentists, who might be thought of as pseudo scientists, do not study chemistry or science?  That's not what that member says; it's just that he implies that whatever results from a dental procedure is not the responsibility of the, ahem, dentist.

So what is causing someone's teeth to degenerate?  Acids, for sure.  And once a tooth has degraded, can all sorts of further decay be far behind? 

Here is an article by Dr. Joseph Mercola on radioactive teeth.


Friday, September 28, 2012

The Wheat You're Eating Isn't What Grandma Used to Make

Your wheat is genetically modified.  Avoid the burger bun.  Avoid the breakfast toast.  Avoid the dinner roll.  Skip the bread. What's disturbing is that if mainstream media is covering this it tells me that this is not the only protein that is known to cause an unnatural increase in appetite.  The fact that this is on the radar at all tells me that the problem is more extensive.  What other proteins are we consuming from other GMOs that are begin touted as health foods?  The story is here.