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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query masks. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


This was an excellent article.  
They responded by noting there is little conclusive evidence that face masks are an effective way to limit the spread of respiratory viruses.
All these countries recommending face masks haven’t made their decisions based on new studies, said Henning Bundgaard, chief physician at Denmark’s Rigshospitalet,  according to Bloomberg News.
Denmark is not alone.
Despite a global stampede of mask-wearing, data show that 80-90 percent of people in Finland and Holland say they “never” wear masks when they go out, a sharp contrast to the 80-90 percent of people in Spain and Italy who say they “always” wear masks when they go out.
Dutch public health officials recently explained why they’re not recommending masks.
From a medical point of view, there is no evidence of a medical effect of wearing face masks, so we decided not to impose a national obligation, said Medical Care Minister Tamara van Ark.
Others, echoing statements similar to the US Surgeon General from early March, said masks could make individuals sicker and exacerbate the spread of the virus.
Face masks in public places are not necessary, based on all the current evidence, said Coen Berends, spokesman for the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.
There is no benefit and there may even be negative impact.
In Sweden, where COVID-19 deaths have slowed to a crawl, public health officials say they see “no point” in requiring individuals to wear masks.
With numbers diminishing very quickly in Sweden, we see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport, said Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s top infectious disease expert. 
In fact, not only do masks NOT work, they're pools of warm, moist particles that can make you sick or exacerbate any other condition you might have.  Give this 4:37 interview a listen

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

IRISH HEALTH MINISTER, STEPHEN DONNELLY: "I mean there's oodles of data."

Well, I don't live in Ireland, but I do live in the U.S. where I've seen schoolyards of children wearing masks, not because of any condition they have or any condition they might threaten their classmates with, but because of remote, unaccountable, invisible authority: the county health officer.  

But I do love the language that these official tools give to reporters.  

You may mandate COVID masks this winter, but according to a major report by Ofsted in the UK earlier this year.  There's evidence that face masks could have stunted many children in social and language development.  So I'd like to ask with these known risks, what real-world evidence do you have that masks significantly reduce COVID-19 not based on models but actual real-world examples.   

00:25  So first of all, there is no expectation we will be moving to mask mandates.  Obviously, Ireland does what every other country will have contingency plans in place should there be a variants of concern that out competes Omicron that is a high ratio in terms of severe illness and that escapes the vaccines.  

My comments:  So this was something.  He's admitting that Ireland's response will be just like every other country's response.  Like China's?  Like Austria?  How about Australia?  There's no greater admission or concession that says we defer to a higher central authority than our own nation.  We defer to the International Communist WEF, Davos, and the EU.  These are our gods.  

00:45  The public health advice I have is unambiguous [meaning he'll change his advice next week] on the use of masks.  Masks are important.  We have public health advice in place right now.  They do work.  They do save lives.  And they have been an incredibly important part of our response to the . . . to the pandemic.

01:00  What real-world examples do you have of that other than just saying that they work? 

01:07  I mean there's oodles of data.  There's data all over the world.  There's no serious argument being had in terms of whether face masks . . . there's no serious argument being had in the medical community as to whether face masks are an important public health measure.  Are there trade-offs, are there trade-offs in children wearing masks?  Yes, there are, and those things are taken very seriously, and they are counted for in terms of public health advice.  But in terms of living through a pandemic, there is no serious debate as to whether face masks are an important public health measure . . . .

01:48  Could you name a real-world public health study that shows that . . . ? 

01:51  I will ask the Chief Medical Officer to send you any number of studies to that effect.  Yep, no problem at all.     

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Does wearing a medical/surgical mask or cloth face covering cause unsafe oxygen levels or harmful carbon dioxide levels to the wearer? OSHA says No.

Joining Peggy Hall are Bill Van Zyverden of Vermont and John Jay Singleton of Florida.  Find Peggy's legal documents at the Healthy American's webpage 


17:46  Business owners, because they think it’s private property, that they can make whatever rules they want.  I don’t understand how they believe that it’s unlimited.  Obviously, the rules you make for operating your store have to comply with the law.  Maybe they don’t get proper consultation advising them of the law. 

But really when you’re in that position, and you want to require someone to undertake a thing, that will affect his health one way or the other—a medical device, medical intervention—moreover, I mean that’s why physicians have insurance, because they have to be held accountable.  But imagine someone who cannot provide informed consent because he’s not a physician. He’s just a private property owner, a business owner, employee, so for him to recommend a medical intervention, he has to be willing to accept the liability that may happen from that.  You can’t just tell somebody to go off and do something and then not be responsible for it, especially if you’re requiring it, which you really shouldn’t be, if you’re breaking the law to require it.  It’s one of their big weaknesses; they cannot get insurance for this liability.  BTW, let me add just one more thing.  On the airlines, here’s a great example, and I forgot which one it is

If you’re a private property owner and you tell someone to engage in a medical intervention, you have to the liability for that.  What happens is they pass out or faint?  Does the property owner have the liability for that?

When you want to require someone to undertake a thing that will affect his health one way or the other, a medical device as medical intervention.  Imagine someone who cannot provide informed consent because he’s not a physician, he’s just a private property owner, business owner, an employee, for him to recommend medical intervention, he has to be willing to accept the liability that may happen from that intervention.  You can’t just tell somebody to go off and do something and then not be responsible for that.  Especially if you’re requiring, you’re breaking the law to require it.  They cannot get insurance for this.  On the airlines, and this is a great example of this.  I think it’s section 205 of title XIV of the CFR, and what it says is the airlines have to provide a certification to the department of transportation, that they have sufficient insurance to carry on their business, and, of course, they have to provide for the safety of the passengers and whomever else, but that pertains to aviation; it doesn’t pertain to medical care.  So they can never meet the certification requirements to engage now in the medical testing and everything else they want to do with the medical aspect of it.  They have to certify their medical insurance.  19:20. 

Some managers and store owners will say in defense of the mask, that if someone in their store catches this disease that the store will be liable.  [John is shaking his head.]  

20:20  California actually has a law for you to be able to sue someone if they give you a communicable disease.  The law came out as a backlash during the AIDS era, and it was designed to create some level of scrutiny for a plaintiff to come forward and say, "Well, my ex-boyfriend gave me AIDS."  And the courts and the plaintiff would have to be able to prove that that was the case.  And here's the issue:  one, you have to know that you have this disease, and how would anyone know they have COVID without any standards for identifying it?  Two, you have to willfully seek to transmit it to another person.  Didn't realize that people can develop dental and skin problems from wearing a mask.  Where does this fit in with an employee who is required to wear a mask?  Excellent question.  

22:30  The store owner's liability.  It's important that we help the store.  

The central issue with regard to masks is twofold: one, people should be able to shop for food freely, mask-free and free of harassment from both store owners and their customers.  Two, free people have the right to work freely, unemcumbered by masks.  Peggy Hall has provided you, me, and everyone else with documents and webpages to press the case on your behalf to secure these rights without reprisal.  In this vain, she has posted some legal remedies.  For work, your remedy is to contact the OSHA branch in your state and file a workplace safety complaint.  She advises you to include the following items in a complaint to OSHA: 


1.   Masks obstruct your breathing, possibly bringing it below the OSHA-established levels of oxygen in the atmosphere of 19.5% — thus increasing risk of “IDLH” — Immediate Danger to Life and Health

2.   Masks obscure your vision, increasing the hazard of workplace injuries because of impaired vision.

3.   Masks obscure your verbal communication, increasing the hazard of workplace injuries. Someone might yell, “Danger” but you could not hear it because of the muffles voice under the mask.

4.   Cloth masks increase risk of FIRE HAZARD, with your face going up in flames.

5.   Face Shields increase glare, which can increase risk of vision problems.

6. There is no statutory law or regulation that requires wearing a mask, face covering or face shield, aside from other PPE that might be required in certain industries.

If you are INTIMIDATED or HARASSED by your employer, you can seek legal help with an employment attorney in your own state.  

In California, Larry H. Parker law offices will offer a free consultation and if they take your case, you only pay if there is a settlement. 562-427-2044

This is the part that makes me feel helpless, because what's going to happen is that you're going to get released.  No employer is going to stop their operations solely on your behalf.  None.  

Here OSHA answers the question, at least from a legal standpoint, whether surgical masks lower oxygen.  Their website states: 

Does wearing a medical/surgical mask or cloth face covering cause unsafe oxygen levels or harmful carbon dioxide levels to the wearer?

No. Medical masks, including surgical masks, are routinely worn by healthcare workers throughout the day as part of their personal protective equipment (PPE) ensembles and do not compromise their oxygen levels or cause carbon dioxide buildup. They are designed to be breathed through and can protect against respiratory droplets, which are typically much larger than tiny carbon dioxide particles. Consequently, most carbon dioxide particles will either go through the mask or escape along the mask's loose-fitting perimeter. Some carbon dioxide might collect between the mask and the wearer's face, but not at unsafe levels.

Like medical masks, cloth face coverings are loose-fitting with no seal and are designed to be breathed through. In addition, workers may easily remove their medical masks or cloth face coverings periodically (and when not in close proximity with others) to eliminate any negligible build-up of carbon dioxide that might occur. Cloth face coverings and medical masks can help prevent the spread of potentially infectious respiratory droplets from the wearer to their co-workers, including when the wearer has COVID-19 and does not know it.

Some people have mistakenly claimed that OSHA standards (e.g., the Respiratory Protection standard, 29 CFR 1910.134; the Permit-Required Confined Space standard 29 CFR 1910.146; and the Air Contaminants standard, 29 CFR 1910.1000) apply to the issue of oxygen or carbon dioxide levels resulting from the use of medical masks or cloth face coverings in work settings with normal ambient air (e.g. healthcare settings, offices, retail settings, construction). These standards do not apply to the wearing of medical masks or cloth face coverings in work settings with normal ambient air). These standards would only apply to work settings where there are known or suspected sources of chemicals (e.g., manufacturing facilities) or workers are required to enter a potentially dangerous location (e.g., a large tank or vessel). 

Is this a case closed type of judgment?  I don't think that OSHA is going to concede that surgical masks cause brain damage or dental damage or social isolation.  

this is interesting that OSHA addresses retaliation.  


What can I do if my employer fires me or takes other action against me for raising workplace safety and health concerns related to COVID-19?

Section 11(c) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 USC 660(c)) prohibits employers from retaliating against workers for exercising a variety of rights guaranteed under the law, such as filing a safety or health complaint with OSHA, raising a health and safety concern with their employers, participating in an OSHA inspection, or reporting a work-related injury or illness. Additionally, OSHA's Whistleblower Protection Program enforces the provisions of more than 20 industry-specific federal laws protecting employees from retaliation for raising or reporting concerns about hazards or violations of various airline, commercial motor carrier, consumer product, environmental, financial reform, food safety, health insurance reform, motor vehicle safety, nuclear, pipeline, public transportation agency, railroad, maritime, securities, and tax laws.

If you believe you have suffered such retaliation, submit a complaint to OSHA as soon as possible in order to ensure that you file the complaint within the legal time limits, some of which may be as short as 30 days from the date you learned of or experienced retaliation. An employee can file a complaint with OSHA by visiting or calling his or her local OSHA office; sending a written complaint via fax, mail, or email to the closest OSHA office; or filing a complaint online. No particular form is required and complaints may be submitted in any language.

Visit OSHA's Whistleblower Protection Program website for more information.

Monday, July 6, 2020


Thanks to Martie Whittekin for this video.

·         Masks reduce the intake of oxygen to dangerous levels, leading to carbon dioxide toxicity. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has documented the risk. Watch Peggy Hall’s video on OSHA, masks, and oxygen. Low oxygen levels not only affect the brain, but they also interfere with immune function. The THA website has a much longer list of negative effects of low oxygen.
·         Masks accumulate moisture. Germs are trapped near your mouth and nose, increasing the risk of infection.
·         Wearing a mask causes you to touch your face more frequently.
·         There is (little to ) no scientific evidence that supports healthy people wearing masks. The THA site gives quotes from even the World Health Organization and CDC that agree about the lack of science. (They have now flip-flopped on that view. It does not seem to be because of new science but apparently that their earlier negativity was designed to keep consumers from hoarding scarce medical masks.)
·         Masks obscure your facial features and impede normal social interaction.
·         Masks make it hard for hearing-impaired people to understand you and they scare kids.
·         Face coverings give a false sense of security and cause people to forget to keep their distance.
·         They can interfere with your field of vision if not worn properly.
·         Taking them off can catch onto and remove hearing aids. (Found mine on the ground in a parking lot.)
·         Masks symbolize suppression of speech.
·         Although the N95 respirators used in medical situations are more effective and better studied, there is at least some evidence (much of it circumstantial) that cloth face coverings may help a little. They help mainly to keep infected persons from spreading the virus in that “they may prevent larger expelled droplets from evaporating into smaller droplets that can travel farther.”
·         You may be “required” to. (Keep in mind that a governor’s or mayor’s Executive Order is not a law that can compel a citizen to do anything. Police should only enforce laws not Executive Orders.)
·         Makes people around you feel safer.
·         Serves to remind people that there is still a pandemic.
·         Keeps the peace.
My summary thoughts:
·         If it feels right, wear a face covering, especially when you cannot keep a good distance from strangers and when businesses make it a policy.
·         While wearing one, make it a point to breathe deeply through your nose.
·         Take the mask off the minute you can.
·         Wash the reusable ones frequently.
·         Don’t worry if your mask isn’t a color-coordinated designer model like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi always has around her neck. I may get one with a mustache on it. 
·         Smileeven though no one will know.
·         Whatever you decide about masks, make sure you keep your immune system strong with enough vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, and selenium. Obviously, stay away from not only sick people but those young folks who may have been exposed and not know it.  

Those are the thoughts of Martie Whittekin.  

My thoughts?  Abandon the mask now.  Don't be a sheep.  Your own, innate immune system destroys most viruses and bacterial.  There is nothing unique about this COVID.  How in the world you can trust government medicine is beyond me.  

Friday, July 10, 2020


Acupuncturist, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and Pastoral Medicine, Dr. Mark Sircus is out with an excellent piece slamming the use of masks at business establishments and civic assemblies around the world.  It is excellent.  If you are forced to wear a mask by your employer, this is a must-read.  
In the opening of his letter, he laments how the fools we've granted power to have found a way to control more and more of our lives from our social interaction right down to how and what we breathe.  And their hysterical prescription for handling a common virus is killing people, killing more people than any virus they concoct could.  Dr. Sircus begins, 
They did it this time. A group of men and women executed a well thought out plan to drive the health of the human race into the toilet. Attacking the very basics of life, they have deprived people, en mass, of the life/health-giving rays of the sun (depressing vitamin D levels) with their lock-downs. And through wearing masks, public health officials are forcing the public into hypoxic breathing conditions. Wearing a mask reduces the oxygen we breathe in and increases the CO2 intake.

Dr. Sircus reminds us that the masks cut off the amount of oxygen that is available to us, a kind of mandated, self-imposed slow suffocation, while we are forced to inhale more amounts of our own CO2.  This is not healthy folks.  And let's say that it's not healthy.  Many of us would endure mild discomfort for the sake of a deadly virus to pass.  But again, that's not how viruses work.  That's not how immunity works.  And that's not how masks work.  Sircus points to the YouTube video made by a gentleman from Canada, a man whom it is difficult to find any information on other than from the owner of the YouTube channel on which he appears.  The YouTube channel owner is Gareth Icke, and the video has only 46,000 views as of July 10, 2020.  Though the idea is gaining some traction, it certainly hasn't reached viral status.  Which means that it's going to take some effort to get that message out.  

Sircus writes
We've already seen the video presented by Canadian, There was a video showing people testing masks for the quality of air in terms of oxygen and CO2. The video has been removed (no surprise there) because it showed that wearing a mask is a health hazard. See the details below. And here is a video of Dr. Rashid Buttar giving a passionate presentation of the dangers of wearing masks. His words are perhaps crude, but he hits the right points. 
This video is excellent.  And though it may confirm some biases, for I develop sinus congestion each time I put one on, it also corroborates similar observations by lots of other medical officials, including Dr. Fauci.

Dr. Sircus asks some poignant questions that no company manager or few medical officials are even asking.  He asks
What will be the effect will be of depriving oxygen to billions of people for years? How happy will that make people? Or inhaling dangerous amounts of CO2, what is that going to do to peoples’ health after several years or even after only a few weeks or months. 
Here is the evidence that wearing a mask is bad for you

Decreasing the amount of oxygen people are breathing, by forcing people to wear masks, is cruel and medically stupid, as Dr. Buttar points out. Under the mask, O2 readings drop from a regular 21 to an unhealthy 17.5, ringing the alarm of the official OSHA devices that measure such things.
The usual amount of CO2 in the air is approximately 400 ppm, when measured around the nose of mouth would be higher. But wear a mask and concentrations shoot up to 5,000. This is not healthy! Carbon dioxide in the air we breathe usually is at 0.0390 percent. When we breathe out, it is 4.0 percent. It is not the concentration we want to be breathing in.
The minimum oxygen concentration in the air required for human breathing is 19.5 percent. Approximately 78 percent of the air we breathe is nitrogen gas, while only about 20.9 percent is oxygen. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, determined the optimal range of oxygen in the air for humans runs between 19.5 and 23.5 percent.
What a searing indictment of the official/unofficial mandate to wear masks: they're slowly suffocating us:
Serious side effects can occur if the oxygen levels drop outside the safe zone. When oxygen concentrations drop from 19.5 to 16 percent, and you engage in physical activity, your cells fail to receive the oxygen needed to function correctly. So wearing masks is not indicated for any reason because masks represent slow suffocation.  Not quite as bad as strangling a person or killing them outright by completely cutting off their breath, but across the board, health will be depressed, and death from all causes will increase.
Please, finish reading his article., where he talks about how vitamin D effectively eliminates death from the coronavirus, and where he calls health officials death officials.  I have often called hospitals abattoirs.  

Find Dr. Mark Sircus' Facebook page here.
His website is here.

So the question then if wearing masks produces a state of chronic hypoxia in our tissues from lungs to brain to liver, then is there an antidote?  Turns out there are vitamins that can reverse this.  One is the go-to of all vitamins, vitamin D.  PubMed cites a study that reported that
Loading cells with vitamin C by DHA treatment [omega 3 fatty acids] resulted in resistance to hypoxia and hypoxia-  reoxygenation-induced cell death associated with the quenching of reactive oxygen species. 

B vitamins also do an excellent job of reversing the effects of hypoxia as reported by PubMed
Supplementations of vitamin B6/B12/folate+choline could significantly ameliorate the hypoxia-induced memory deficits, observably decreased Hcy concentrations in serum, and markedly attenuated tau hyperphosphorylation at multiple AD-related sites through upregulating inhibitory Ser9-phosphorylated GSK-3β. Our finding give further insight into combined neuroprotective effects of vitamin B6, B12, folate, and choline on brain against hypoxia. 
P-5-P is vitamin B6.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Microplastics commonly used in surgical masks have been discovered in lungs of most peoplel

Thank you to G. Edward Griffin.

Not only are they uncomfortable, make it hard to breathe, and essentially pointless, but surgical masks worn during the pandemic could have a far unhealthier effect than we all thought. According to a new study published in the Science of the Total Environmentmicroplastics commonly used in surgical masks have been discovered in the lungs of most people.

Researchers in the United Kingdom looked at lung tissue obtained from study participants and found microplastics in all regions of the lungs, including the deeper section. According to the study, this is the first time microplastics have been found in human lung tissue samples using μFTIR spectroscopy.

The abundance of MPs (microplastics) within samples, significantly above that of blanks, supports human inhalation as a route of environmental exposure. MPs with dimensions as small as 4 μm but also, surprisingly, >2 mm were identified within all lung region samples, with the majority being fibrous and fragmented.

Though the researchers did not confirm the source of the microplastic contamination, the plastic fibers found in the lungs are commonly used in surgical masks.

Researchers identified 39 microplastics in 11 of the 13 lung tissue samples, with an average of 3 microplastics per sample.

There were 12 types of microplastic found in samples.

The 4 microplastics present in the most considerable quantities included:

  • polypropylene (PP): found in carpets, clothing, automotive plastics, and surgical masks
  • polyethylene terephthalate (PET): present in clothing, beverage, and food containers
  • resin: a constituent of protective coating and paints
  • polyethylene (PE): a component of food wrappers, milk containers, toys, and detergent bottles

In 2020, the amount of disposable face masks littered into the environment increased by a staggering 9000 percent. Billions of people strapped polypropylene masks to their faces every day for two years and sucked their air through plastic fibers for 8 hours or more. To not have discovered plastic in lungs would have been surprising.

The confirmation of microplastics in the lungs also backs up a study conducted in 2020 which predicted a microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks.

According to researchers in that study, the inhalation risk posed by spherical- and fiber-like microplastics was high while wearing a mask. Unfortunately, researchers in that study continued to recommend the use of plastic masks despite the risk of inhalation.

Read full article here…

Monday, October 10, 2022

". . . masks are also illegal in some communities precisely because they present the citizens in a town with a threat of robbery. Bandits love masks."

The "protective" masks that everybody is wearing have been an unmitigated disaster from the outset.  First, they are menacing which only helped to emphasize a threat.  But in this case, the treats were now multiplied by the thousands of mask wearers.  When I first spotted more than a few people wearing masks, it alarmed me because it's like they got orders from some cult or underground army.  Truly.  Not only do we know that masks don't prevent transmission or protect from infection.  We know they're unhealthy.  Worse yet, they ruin a young child's sense of communication and their ability to read cues from adults.  It's hard not to continually condemn these because no one has been brought to account regarding the masks.  You still see people wearing them, and I am sure that as the late fall and winter months approach, more people will be wearing them.  But I said early on that the masks are also illegal in some communities precisely because they present the citizens in a town with a threat of robbery.  Bandits love masks.   

Thursday, December 3, 2020

"When you exhale the carbon dioxide you're not able to get it out or past the mask. This condition created by the masks is giving people heart attacks."

Not only is it not effective in disease transmission, [the mask] is hurting you because no one has done a risk analysis or risk assessment on you.  We don't know your airflow, your air intake, your CO2 output, yet I am telling you to cover your mouth and nose all day and then go do your work.  Think about kids who are running around, and their hearts are beating hard, and then we cover their mouth and their nose.  That is very dangerous.  In fact, this is the reason why OSHA instituted the respirator standard in the first place because we have killed people by putting them in face coverings--covering the mouth and nose--and telling them to work all day.  We've killed people because of that.  We've given them heart attacks.  OSHA actually created a respirator standard, that if you're going to cover somebody's mouth and nose and require them to work all day that way, then you have to do a medical evaluation first.  You have to do a fit test.  You have to make sure there is no breakthrough.  So this is an actual OSHA standard.  The intent of the law, the intent behind the law is that we don't cover the mouth and the nose.  It's not healthy: one, you're not able to get in enough oxygen, and when you exhale the carbon dioxide you're not able to get it out or past the mask.  So you're just breathing in and you're keeping too much CO2 in the body, which causes hypercapnia, which is the build-up of CO2 in the blood.  And that causes other issues.  So, hypercapnia, when you have a toxic build-up of CO2 in your blood, it actually causes your blood to become very toxic and acidic, and that causes your immune system to be suppressed.  So it's important that we have good oxygen intake and CO2 expelled.  Those two things are very important for us.  If God wanted our mouth and nose to be covered, we wouldn't have been born with a nose that can breathe air in and a mouth that can exhale air out, right?  OSHA has cited clients of hers for putting people in an N95 respirator


OSHA has cited clients of hers for putting people in an N95 respirator

Why is OSHA turning a blind eye to the mask-wearing?  Finally, a good question.  OSHA used to cite people for violating the respiratory standard for putting people in an N95 mask without doing the whole respirator program requirements and meeting all the elements of a respirator program: 1) medical evaluation; 2) the fit test; 3) the documentation, and 4) the annual evaluation.  It's a lot to follow a respirator program and people have a tough time meeting all of those requirements. 

OSHA, at least in Michigan, is adopting the government's policy and violating its own standards.  She simply calls it crazy, but tell us something we don't already know.  Tell us how to stop the enforcement and stop the law. 

Finally, at the 19:15 mark, she makes a good point.  When people argue that doctors who work in an operating room all day with the masks on, the reason they don't get the same symptoms from someone working with one on for 15 to 30 minutes is that the doctors work in operating rooms that have additional airflow to make up for the fact that they're wearing masks, and most doctors don't even know it or realize it.  

Air change rates, ventilation rates for infectious disease control, room pressure control [the room has to be either positive or negative pressure depending on whether she's trying to keep the pathogen in or out].  This is what she deals with on construction projects.  She has to have a very precise temperature and humidity controlled room.  To keep that microenvironment precisely controlled.  So she keeps the oxygen rates up for the doctors and nurses who are wearing surgical masks; they need additional oxygen in that room.  She keeps the pathogen and diseases at bay, so it's a sterile environment.  So the surgical masks that doctors and nurses are wearing prevent transmission if somebody coughs or sneezes--those large droplets of water or mucous that could be carrying a pathogen, right?  But the operating room already is a sterile environment and they're being given additional oxygen so that they're safe.  The mask that they're wearing just protects the patients from coughing or sputtering, whatever, sneezing, anything like that.  So when nurses get online and say that it is BS that masks are harmful, citing how they wear masks all day, and how they do their own oxygen testing, and it's perfect and that they have "no oxygen decrease level," that's because they're working in a room of very precisely controlled O2 level, additional O2, and higher airflow levels to make up for the fact that they're working in a mask.  

Sunday, November 6, 2022

When the government takes an inch, do they ever stop with just the inch?

A point about being safe.  This point was raised at the 1:48  mark in the context of wearing a mask.  "We were all scared and we just wanted to stay safe.  We didn't really know some of that stuff wasn't going to do anything.  Live and learn, live and learn."  One, safety is a measurement of risks.  No one is permanently safe, so no one can stay safe.  We can make vigilance a habit but that effort isn't really captured by the "stay safe" mantra.  "Stay safe" is an instruction to be afraid.  Afraid of what?  Transmission initially.  But health is an inside out phenomenon.  If your immunity is strong internally because you do everything right, your immunity will knock at varying speed the any pathogen that invades your body.  And given the dearth of information about how and why COVID was so dangerous, it was easy for too many to be afraid.  The fear was designed to reduce your thinking from an adult with decades of survival skills to rely on the mass propaganda and health instruction from the singular authority, the televised Fauci, while divesting you of the wisdom you've practiced most of your life and learned from family, neighbors, and community.   For most of our lives we've known to cover our mouths with our hands.  We know to wash our hands.  The goal was to strip you of knowledge and history and to funnel you into the shute of mass formation toward the vaccine.  Masks are psychological instruments of torture and symbols of being gagged.  Who can so readily and easily forget the waterboarding torture thar uses a mask placed over the face and water poured over it?  The masks reduced adults to acquiescent, obedient children.  The instruction was to shut up.  Shut up about any detrimental effects of the masks.  Shut up about any received information about COVID or about SARS-CoV-2.  Just shut up.  Shut up about the ridiculousness of the 6' social distancing.  The wisdom of your elders in the County Health offices, your governor, the White House COVID Task Force, the CDC, the W.H.O., and the FDA know better than you.  And recently, Emily Oster says we didn't know.  Those agencies sure claimed to have known everything including the medicines to prescribe anybody hospitalized. 

Grocery stores refused entry without one.  Ditto for restaurants.  They did this without themselves knowing the science behind mask-wearing.  Businesses that were allowed to stay open simply and obediently deferred to the local County Health office.  They'd been threatened or bribed.  None of the businesses, which were and are all essential to people's lives and to a sense of enjoying a certain or high standard of living.  But the unscientific refrain that got drummed into our heads from the grocery store speakers was to wear a mask to keep yourself and others safe.  Not a peep about how unhealthy the masks were.  People dutifully wore the masks to buy food and endured the lowering of oxygen saturation in our blood and lungs by breathing in one's own CO2.  From a rational standpoint, the idea to wear masks to keep other people safe was an epic fail.  Okay, if the message wasn't rational or practical and, in fact, designed to reduce oxygen saturation in our lungs and blood, what then was the intention of the message?  Solely to get people sick while we're being gaslit to believe we're making a small sacrifice to protect others or the community?  How do we know?  Is infectivity the same the world over?  Is it the same in Riverside as it is in Los Angeles, or the same in Denver as it is in Boulder?  

When the government takes an inch, do they ever stop with just the inch?  They commanded us to make a small sacrifice with the mask.  And look at all of what we gave up.