Showing posts with label Viva Frei (@thevivafrei). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viva Frei (@thevivafrei). Show all posts

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

"we now know that this was a big massive fraud, but the FDA has never acknowledged that it was a fraud"

Brook Jackson's complaint against Pfizer is headed to the Appeals Court.

6:02. We now know that Pfizer was secretly funding organizations to mandate their vaccine, their so-called vaccine, their drug. They were hiding their sourcing their support of it by funding organizations with other names.

Not only that.  We now know that Pfizer was involved because the contract required that [the vaccine] could only be approved, and they could only receive it, if there was no available alternative because it took the PREP Act terms, the Emergency Use Authorization, EUA, terms and explicitly put them in the contract

Pfizer knew there were alternatives that worked.  So, Pfizer was working behind the scenes to prevent anybody from knowing there were alternatives that worked, using their power in the big pharmaceutical industry to do so.

So we now know that this was a big massive fraud, but the FDA has never acknowledged that it was a fraud.  The FDA is still saying it's, still saying it's effective, still saying it's a vaccine, still saying--a little bit less now--that it's for the prevention of COVID-19, and they're saying that they don't believe Brook Jackson's complaints. They're trusting Pfizer's lies.  Well, in that case, we get to pursue our case.  We only don't get to pursue our case if Pfizer says, if the FDA says "Oh, we know Pfizer's lying.  We know it's dangerous.  We know it's ineffective.  We know it's not a vaccine."  They've never said that.  The judge got the law completely wrong.  It was lazy judges by a lazy law clerk that were working for him or just ild fashion cowardice."  

Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Article III Project with Mike Davis


Mike Davis from Iowa, went to the university of Iowa for undergraduate work.  Went to law school and got involved in politics.  Interned for Speaker Newt Gingrich during Clinton's impeachment.  Went back, and started Students for George W. Bush across the state of Iowa.  Got involved very heavily in the Bush campaign.  Went to work for Chuck Grassley, my home state senator.  After I graduated, I worked in the Bush 43 Administration.  Went to Law School in Iowa, and campaigned the whole time.  Went back to the Bush 43 White House, and helped with the hiring and firing of political appointees.  That's where I met Neil Gorsuch.  Helped him get into the Justice Department.  Helped him get onto the 10th Circuit. And then he dragged me out to Colorado.  I was one of his first clerks.  Was a civil litigator in Colorado for 10 years.  Then Gorsuch dragged me back out to DC to help him get confirmed on the Supreme Court.  I was going to go back to Denver.  I had a good life there and got mired in the Swamp.  Chuck Grassley's office called me again.  They wanted me to be the Chief Counsel for nominations for Trump's first 2 years.  So we helped Trump set records for the number of judges he appointed to the bench.  And then I was going to go back to Colorado and I keep getting roped into starting these groups and doing these fights.  So I started the Article 3 Projects [find their Twitter feed here.] At the time, it was to fight to confirm President Trump's judicial nominees, now it's opposing Biden's nominees.  It's defending Constitutional judges.  Once they get to the bench, they have lifetime tenure.  They have paid protection, but they're still humans.  So I like to defend them, like Clarence Thomas when they go after him and his wife, or when they go after my old boss, Gorsuch, for killing Sonia Sotomayer with this MaskGate on the Supreme Court. 

6:40  I also started the Internet Accountability Project, which goes after Big Tech from the Right on Anti-Trust, Section 230, and data privacy.  And so I have my hands full on defending Trump on the Mar-A-Lago raid.  I am defending the rule of law.  It's a constant battle.  Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of Republicans in DC who have a backbone, so I tend to be getting into a lot of these fights solo but it's fun doing it.  

Ketanji Brown Jackson.  

Saturday, December 17, 2022

More gene therapy? I couldn't resist

Kiss my ass, Gene. 

Born in Haifa, Israel, Gene Simmons' birth name is Chaim Witz.  

Stage name, Demon.  Other aliases besides The Demon have been "The God of Thunder," "Dr. Love," "Reginald Van Helsing."  Colorful.  But it wouldn't be Gene Simmons if he weren't colorful.  

He has been a bit of a workhorse.    

Saturday, June 11, 2022