Showing posts with label James Ostrowski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Ostrowski. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Martyr for Liberty: Algernon Sidney


Talking about a guy I should talk about more Algernon Sydney in general when we think about the founders and old revolutionaries names like Jefferson, Otis, Adams, and others, but the name they heard from were names like Locke, Montesquieu, and Sydney.  I'll talk about some of the primary ways that Algernon Sydney influenced the American revolutionaries and their views and their thoughts and actions, things like natural rights, government by consent, and the right to Revolution.

The American Revolution was something that happened before the War for Independence, before the shot heard around the world, before the British gun control program came in that really kind of escalated things that led to the Declaration of the causes and the necessity of taking up arms in July of 1775.  It was a change of the principles and the viewpoints of the people going back to as John Adams wrote, 1761 and James Otis Jr.'s point that "an act against the Constitution is void.  Government is not the one that holds authority over itself that determines the extent of its own power.  "If power flows from the people," as George Mason and so many others told us.  When government violates the rules, "it isn't up to the government to tell us whether or not it violated those rules."

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

REMINDER: as recently as 30 years ago, the United States was ranked No. 1 in high school and college education

Thank you to Tom Mullen

Here are some facts about modern public schools:

- They no longer teach the three Rs (reading, writing, arithmetic) and instead, teachers indoctrinate students with woke ideologies - 22% of teachers report that they have been threatened and 12.5% say they have been physically attacked by a student at their current school - Only 36% of fourth graders are proficient at 4th grade-level math - In Baltimore, only 7% of students are proficient at math - Many Californian public schools have done away with rankings, scores, and valedictorian - this is to "level" the playing field - Only 40% of our students are raised by two-parent families and are now raised by these failing schools Three decades ago, the United States was the leader in both the quantity and quality of high school diplomas But now they are failing... Why do you think that changed?

Monday, April 17, 2023


Thank you to Dr. Naomi Wolf at Daily Clout.  

Identify the perpetrators.  Identify the crimes, their crimes, not just so that they can be punished but

Criminal law is one of the areas where citizens can actually get involved in the investigative process and have a little more control over finding out what happened and what to do about it  

advantages of using criminal law versus civil law

How to file a request to investigate.  
The potential risks of filing a request to investigate, are because there are some risks and downsides and we've worked those into our forms to minimize that risk, and we'll get into that very quickly.   

An overview of some of the main criminal statutes.  And an overview of potential remedies in international law.  and then finally a proposal for how citizens can take charge of the whole process in investigating these crimes.  

1.   Threatening of medical personnel and doctors.
2.  Threatening medical professionals with disciplinary action for making reasonable treatment decisions.  That may be coercion under state law.  
3.  Many doctors were threatened for just speaking out, which could be a violation of their 1st Amendment rights.  That's actually a crime. 
4.  The stay-at-home orders and the lockdowns that caused enormous suffering around the planet may be a crime under international law and U.S. federal law.
5.  Applying treatments that are likely to cause death or serious injuries, such as Remdesivir, over-use of ventilators, and vaccines themselves, could be, if the facts showed it, a criminally negligent homicide.  Deliberately withholding treatments may also be a criminally negligent homicide.
6.  Mask mandates--endangering the welfare of children.
7.  Vaccine mandates, again, with respect to children