Showing posts with label Dr. Michael Gaeta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Michael Gaeta. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2024

DR. MICHAEL GAETA: there's no liver dialysis

Pharmaceuticals, in general, cause more cases of acute liver failure.  We call it DILI, drug-induced liver injury, than the next 7 causes of liver failure combined.  --Dr. Michael Gaeta

THOMAS, So I have to have you weigh in on Tylenol because unfortunately it's still in people's medicine cabinets.  Tell people what they should do with the Tylenol that's in their house.

00:14, GAETA, You know don't use it.  I was going to say throw it out, but there may be times, you know, like an acute injury you need, you know, something immediate.  But keep kids away from that.  I mean the research has been pretty clear that a set of menofine ibuprofen these can really contrib contribute to some serious neurodevelopmental and neurological and other toxic related complications so again that's Suppressive Pediatrics that's not what I do.  That's not what I teach and it's not necessary again nature first drugs last drugs aren't bad they're just overused and you may need a pharmaceutical intervention in a very severe situation where natural interventions have failed which is pretty rare so I would really caution I would make that as an absolute last resort after you've done everything else you know that that has failed and the child is in a critical situation perhaps but really to be avoided absolutely the downside is so great you know I my former niece in law in law almost died and when it's acute liver failure and in college just from taking Tylenol, on top of, you know, some college drinking and had to have an emergency liver replacement.

01:36,  Wow.

01:36, GAETA.  and remember you know Pharmaceuticals, in general, cause more cases of acute liver failure.  We call it DILI, drug-induced liver injury, than the next 7 causes of liver failure combined.  So, you know, these are very, very serious drugs.  People say, "Oh, here, take a Tylenol."  These are majorly damaging drugs that really need to be reused as an absolute last resort, and I would say at least 99% of the time they can at least safely be avoided.

02:09, THOMAS.  The therapeutic window of acetaminophen for Tylenol is so narrow; in other words, you have to take such a high dose to get a benefit.


THOMAS.  And if you double or triple that dose, you're in toxicity.

Oh, wow.  I didn't know that. 

THOMAS.  As you pointed out, the toxicity is liver failure.


THOMAS.  . . . which is not a good thing, folks.  You will die.  Without your liver, you don't survive.

GAETA.  Yeah, there's no liver dialysis.

Yep.  It's terrible.