Showing posts with label Charles Burris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charles Burris. Show all posts

Saturday, April 13, 2024

"If the glove don't fit, you must acquit"

Not only is Robert Barnes a master litigator and top-notch attorney, but he is one of the nation's most in-depth, articulate, well-read, and street-smart experienced political analysts. Whether it involves the institutionalized criminal machine cartels of the Democrats and Republicans or the deep state, he is a true polymath reminiscent of Murray N. Rothbard in his power elite analysis of Realpolitik.

This weekend in Las Vegas there is a massive celebratory event with enthusiastic people and well-wishers gathered from across the country to commemorate Robert Barnes's 50th birthday and help raise funds for the 1776 Law Center.

1776 Law Center helps those who cannot afford counsel and public advocates to obtain capable, competent counsel and public advocates, especially when their case broadly impacts the liberties of all Americans in the freedom to what we put in our bodies, our defense of self, free elections, and financial empowerment.

Political Freedom, Food Freedom, Medical Freedom, and Financial Freedom. 

Political Freedom encompasses free speech, self-defense, government transparency, and honest elections. 

Food Freedom covers both the right to choose what goes into your body and the right of farmers to farm their land the way they know to make it the best food we can eat.

Medical Freedom encompasses the right to bodily autonomy, the right to informed consent, and the right to say no to an unwanted drug or vaccine. 

Financial Freedom protects against woke banks, central bank digital currencies, tax authority misbehavior, social credit score systems, transparency to the central bankers, and access to capital and tools like alternative currencies, crypto, bitcoin, cancel-free payment processors, and opposition to taxation as confiscation and control. 

From the Covington kids to Kyle Rittenhouse, from employer mandates to Brook Jackson, from Amish farmer Amos Miller to Children’s Health Defense, from election challenges to suits against The Federal Reserve, 1776 Law Center fills a critical gap of legal need and public advocacy. Your help is critical to making that a reality. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

One of the nation’s largest Catholic advocacy organizations has issued a letter to the Los Angeles Dodgers announcing an upcoming ad campaign calling for a boycott of the baseball club.

Thank you to Charles Burris @ Lew Rockwell.  

CatholicVote launches $1M campaign calling for LA Dodgers boycott over anti-Catholic drag queens, by Timothy Nerozzi. 

One of the nation’s largest Catholic advocacy organizations has issued a letter to the Los Angeles Dodgers announcing an upcoming ad campaign calling for a boycott of the baseball club.

CatholicVote President Brian Burch addressed the letter to Dodgers principal owner Mark Walter and CEO Stan Kasten.

“I represent the nation’s largest lay Catholic advocacy organization,” Burch wrote. “We are supported by millions of devoted Catholics across America who believe that the time-honored values of life, family, and freedom — which the Dodgers used to celebrate — are demonstrably good for America, and worthy of respect, not ridicule.”

“We wrote to you last week with a reasonable ask: Please do not honor this anti-Catholic hate group,” Burch told the Dodgers’ administrators. “There is no place for anti-Catholic bigotry, mocking of religious sisters, or celebrating a perverse activist group whose identity is marked by blasphemy and mockery of Catholics.”

Biden admin hired former leader of anti-Catholic group at center of LA Dodgers Pride Night controversy

Sam Brinton — the embattled former Biden administration official charged with multiple airport thefts — previously led the Washington, D.C., chapter of the anti-Catholic group CatholicVote launches $1M campaign calling for LA Dodgers boycott over anti-Catholic drag queens, by Timothy Nerozzi.

One of the nation’s largest Catholic advocacy organizations has issued a letter to the Los Angeles Dodgers announcing an upcoming ad campaign calling for a boycott of the baseball club.

CatholicVote President Brian Burch addressed the letter to Dodgers principal owner Mark Walter and CEO Stan Kasten.

Biden admin hired former leader of anti-Catholic group at center of LA Dodgers Pride Night controversy

Sam Brinton — the embattled former Biden administration official charged with multiple airport thefts — previously led the Washington, D.C., chapter of the anti-Catholic group invited to a “Pride Night” hosted by the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Brinton was the D.C. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’s principal officer from its founding in 2016 until 2018, according to tax filings reviewed by Fox News Digital. The group is part of the San Francisco-based Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a drag queen group that regularly mocks the Catholic Church and made headlines after it was uninvited then re-invited to the upcoming Dodgers Pride Night.

“When we are asked, ‘Why are you mocking nuns?’ we answer: ‘We are nuns!’ We do all that traditional nuns have done for centuries,” the D.C. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence website states.

It adds that the group is dedicated to the “promulgation of universal joy and the expiation of stigmatic guilt” and that its ministry is “one of public manifestation and habitual perpetration.”

Meanwhile, Brinton — who made headlines last year after being appointed to the position that oversees nuclear waste policy at the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy as a non-binary gender-fluid person — has faced a series of legal troubles in recent months stemming from three alleged thefts of baggage at multiple airports nationwide.

Police charged Brinton in October with stealing a traveler’s baggage worth a total of $2,325 from the luggage carousel at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport after flying in from Ronald Reagan Washington Airport on Sept. 16.

Then, in early December, Las Vegas prosecutors charged Brinton with grand larceny of an item valued between $1,200 and $5,000. Police accused Brinton of stealing a suitcase with a total estimated worth of $3,670 on July 6 at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. The bag contained jewelry valued at $1,700, clothing worth $850, and makeup valued at $500.

And earlier this month, Brinton was arrested in Maryland as a “fugitive from justice.” Police later confirmed the arrest was related to a 2018 theft at Ronald Reagan Washington Airport. A lawyer for a Tanzanian fashion designer said the theft was related to his client’s baggage that contained custom designs.

Anti-Catholicism Has Always Been the Pornography of Protestant Zealots and Sanctimonious Secularists

From the tiresome progressives at HuffPo, we have Sex, Mischief, And Witches: Dark Side Of Life Discovered In A Medieval Oxford NunneryThe article puts forth its purported archeological findings in the most oh-so-antiseptic and scientistic manner. But the agenda of contemporary anti-Catholicism is ever-present between the lines of the text. It reads like the same scurrilous and salacious attack on Roman Catholic religious found in the Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, or, The Hidden Secrets of a Nun’s Life in a Convent Exposed, which was published in January 1836. Monk’s book, which was a complete hoax, was published in an American atmosphere of pronounced anti-Catholic hostility (partly fueled by early 19th-century Irish and German Catholic immigration to the U.S.) and followed the 1834 Ursuline Convent Riots near Boston. It was the most popular best-selling book in America next to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Such lurid Anti-Catholicism has always been the pornography of Protestant zealots and sanctimonious secularists. That hostility, fear, and bigotry had gone back centuries in the making.

Later in the 20th Century, filmmakers carried on these same base sacrilegious attacks with two movies.

From Wikipedia:

The Devils is a 1971 British historical drama horror film directed by Ken Russell and starring Oliver Reed and Vanessa Redgrave. Russell’s screenplay is based partially on the 1952 book The Devils of Loudun by Aldous Huxley, and partially on the 1960 play The Devils by John Whiting, also based on Huxley’s book. The film is a dramatized historical account of the rise and fall of Urbain Grandier, a 17th-century Roman Catholic priest executed for witchcraft following the supposed possessions in Loudun, France. Reed plays Grandier in the film and Vanessa Redgrave plays a sexually repressed nun who finds herself inadvertently responsible for the accusations.

Agnes of God is a 1985 American film starring Jane Fonda, Anne Bancroft and Meg Tilly, about a novice nun who gives birth and insists that the dead child was the result of a virgin conception. A psychiatrist (Fonda) and the mother superior (Bancroft) of the convent clash during the resulting investigation. It was adapted by John Pielmeier from his own play of the same name, and directed by Norman Jewison. The film was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Actress in a Leading Role (Bancroft), Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Tilly) and Best Music, Original Score.

Saturday, April 15, 2023


Remarkable details on multiple points of JFK and his assassination.  "Top Secret JFK Documents the Pentagon Will Never Release--James DiEugenio In-Depth Interview."  Interesting to hear that a lot of Harvard graduates fill positions within the State Department, whereas Yale graduates end up in the CIA. 

From Charles Burris:

One of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s, James DiEugenio is the author of several books. He is the author of Destiny Betrayed, about the Garrison investigation of the Kennedy assassination, first published in 1992, with a second, greatly revised edition issued in 2012; and Reclaiming Parkland, published in 2013, reprinted in expanded form in 2016, and then reissued with additional material in 2018 as The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, which offers a detailed critical examination of the Warren Commission’s evidence and conclusions as presented by Vincent Bugliosi’s Reclaiming History, along with an analysis of the CIA’s influence in Hollywood.

He is a co-founder of the Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination and the Coalition on Political Assassinations. He was co-editor of The Assassinations, a book on the deaths of JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy, and Malcolm X. A long-time collaborating associate with director Oliver Stone, DiEgenio is the writer of Stone’s latest two acclaimed documentaries, JFK: Through the Looking Glass (2 hours), and JFK: Destiny Betrayed (4 hours). His latest book is JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass. 

DiEugenio has a couple of websites.  One is Kennedys and King.   

Henry Lee, a criminologist, couldn't render an opinion on the JFK autopsy because it was so poorly conducted.  Bullet exiting from Kennedy's head at a 90. 

Series problem with the chain of custody.  Without a good chain of custody, it leaves your defense vulnerable if you can't account for

1965, Kennedy's brain disappeared.  It's not in the National Archives.  Formaldehyde makes the brain more solid to preserve for inspection.  The only record we have of it comes in at 1500 grams, The average brain weight is about 1,350 grams.  The question becomes, how is Kennedy's brain weigh more when as anybody can see from the Zapruder film that JFK's brain gets blasted everywhere--the back seat, all over Dealy Plaza.  Pics of the car at Parkland Hospital were everywhere. How can Kennedy's brain weigh more than the average? 

 the film and in the book, we talk about this being the best evidence for a conspiracy.  

John Stringer testified at the review board, was shown the pics that he was supposed to have, the autopsy photographer that night, Jeremy Gunn, the chief counsel, and said, this is Ansco.  I didn't use Ansco.  These numbers indicate they were part of a presspack, they were done serially.  Courtroom evidence.  Has to certify to the court th.  He used Kodak.  So he didn't take the pictures introduced as evidence.  

Warren Commission said there were only 3 bullets fired.  Only 3 shells were retrieved at the scene of the crime.  Norman Redlich said that if we don't have the single bullet theory, "the magic bullet", then it denotes a conspiracy.  The FBI said that all 3 bullets hit the car.  They didn't have a single bullet theory.  

@36:00 minute, there are actually 2 "magic bullet" theories.  

Still hiding stuff.  14,000 pages are still being kept from the American public, and I believe this is in direct violation of the law because in 2017, Trump said that he was going to release everything.  The day that this was supposed to happen, the FBI and CIA go into the Oval Office and read him the riot act, the speech that says "If you do this, you'll be endangering Agent X over in the Far East, Agent Y over in Central America, Z in Africa, and you will have blood on your hands if you do this . . . .  50 years later, [do] they still have the same agents in the same place?  Most are dead. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

No one ever tried to FOIA the Fed until after the 2008 global financial crisis

1:30  Robert and I moved forward, I guess instigated, a FOIA request, a campaign where I put up about $65,000 and then we did a Go-Fund-Me thing for the other $35,000 to come up with a FOIA request against the FED because we wanted to push back against the auditing that they're doing, but more specifically them completely ignoring the Federal Reserve Act in 2020.  So the way this work is that you've got to do the FOIA request first and if they tell you to pound sand long enough, then you've got to give them a deadline, you have to go ahead and sue them.  We were hoping we wouldn't have to come to the lawsuit part of it, we'd go ahead and do the request, we dot the i's, cross the t's.  It's incredibly expensive to hire an accountant to do that.  But we were hoping they'd say, "Okay, that's fine.  Here's what you requested," but I guess that's not the path they've taken.  

2:36  We started out with some basic requests, then we expanded it to a lot of detailed requests across the entire history of the Federal Reserve, so we wanted internal documentation on how they interpreted their own legal authority.  [Whoa]  How have they interpreted any limitations or restrictions or restraints on their legal authority.  How have they interpreted their authority to the income tax and various revenue acts that have passed.  The things we know that they have done some internal review on, we asked for everything that could possibly relate to that categorically.  So not just to specific items in 2020 and in past years where they took actions that appear to be outside the Federal Reserve Act but also everything they have internally talked and discussed about their own power or the limits on their own power and how it correlates with the income tax, and, of course, given that the Federal Reserve came in at the same time as the income tax, 1913.  And I've seen some documentation concerning other banks talking about what the Fed was talking about all the way back to 1915 in the New York Public Library.  So we incorporated all of that, . . . 

3:48  Hired a forensic accountant who is also a former bank auditor to say that we really want to audit the Fed, what should we ask for, so he came up with very specific requests as if he were auditing the Federal Reserve and we combined the two, submitted it, they gave us the run-around, the run-around, the run-around, and finally they said, "We have no idea what you're talking about.  We don't have indexed files here.  We don't even know how to search our own files here at the Federal Reserve.  If you could tell us exactly which day we actually did that analysis, then we can search for it.  But if you don't have the exact day and the exact time . . . ," the Fed has got away with this 

4:31  This is the game they play.  Explain that, Robert, because to the laymen, they may say, "Well, that's a legitimate claim, but no, no, this is just a game to draw this out as long as possible to make sure you're spending as much money and they're just hoping that you drag it on long enough to where you just forget about it or you run out of cash.  

4:51  It's apparent that no one has ever asked for this before.  No one ever tried to FOIA the Fed until after the 2008 global financial crisis and then some media institutions, including Bloomberg did, but they requested very specific information they already knew about in advance . . . 

5:07  And they were successful. . . 


Saturday, September 17, 2022

9/11 and False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda

Thanks to James Corbett @ The Corbett Report.  

Remember the chronology of terror: 

1983, Bombing of U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut.  See here and here.  

1993, World Trade Center, NYC.

1995, Oklahoma City Bombing. 

2000, Bombing of the USS Cole.  The media called it a terrorist bombing, but isn't the Cole a battleship?  Wikipedia explains that the USS Cole
is an Arleigh Burke-class Aegis-equipped guided missile destroyer home-ported in Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia. 
As a destroyer then, wouldn't that make the attack an act of war?  Why would the media continue to gas Americans that we are not at war, a war that we were secretly creating?

2001, Twin Towers in NYC along with Tower 7.  

I'm sure I am missing a few.