Showing posts with label Central Bankers of the G7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Central Bankers of the G7. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Central Bankers of the G7 nations made a decision over the next year to put 500 million people out of work.

They've been engaged in the financial coup for 20 years. We're now coming into the end game.  They have to consolidate the financial coup and they vote on the Going Direct Reset.  And with that one decision, they made a decision over the next year to put 500 million people out of work.  That's the equivalent of dropping several nuclear bombs around the world.  That's financial warfare, and they made it intentionally, they made it knowingly, and it was a plan.  And what's very important to understand when you think about this pandemic is people are not dying from magic viruses, people are dying from a tyranny; they're dying from a great poisoning that's part of that tyranny.  But our problem and the thing that we need to be afraid of is tyranny because the tyranny is about to get much, much worse.  And it's the passports and the system of central bank digital control that will give them the ability to do that.

The G7, or, the Group of Seven (G7) is an  intergovernmental political and economic forum consisting of 1Canada, 2) France, 3) Germany,  4) Italy,  5) Japan, 6) the United Kingdom, and the 7) United States; additionally, the European Union (EU) is a "non-enumerated member". It is organized around shared values of pluralism, liberal democracy, and  representative government. G7 members are the major IMF advanced economies.