Showing posts with label — The Patriot Voice (@TPV_John) December 9. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — The Patriot Voice (@TPV_John) December 9. Show all posts

Sunday, December 10, 2023

ALEX JONES: White people are only 7% of the world population, maybe 8%

Alex Jones does drop a lot of facts. During interviews, it's done often without citing resources. He claims that whites make up only 7% of the global population. So I checked. This is all I got from the internet,

"Seems to be between 9% and 12%, depending on how Hispanics are counted and of course, the Clintonian discourse on what 'white', 'is'. In unadulterated, strict 'European' (not Slav) origin of 4 generations of parentage, the number could be much lower - probably 5%, but impossible to verify. About 18 percent or 1.2 Billion People."