Showing posts with label — Mark Groubert (@lordbuckly) June 14. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Mark Groubert (@lordbuckly) June 14. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

RFK, Jr. Cheerleads for Biden DOJ. Says Biden's Mental Capacity Is A-Okay.

Remember that Kennedy is pro-vaccine before he wasn't.  And he was pro-freedom and defender of the law before he wasn't.  Kennedy's remarks is THE smoking gun that Tucker Carlson laid out--that any dissenting view AGAINST AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY OF INVASION, OCCUPATION, OR PROXY WAR, MAKES YOU A TARGET BY THE. MOST POWERFUL, MOST VIOLENT ORGANIZATION ON EARTH.  Bill Hicks, among others, makes the same point: you're not allowed to tell the truth about America's deep-state crimes.  Yet, Americans continue to pay for its sins.

Indicting Trump for not breaking the law. What's the phrase, "They can indict a ham sandwich"? Hell, they can indict the lettuce too.  If you're an American or love the freedoms that America once stood for, I'd be very careful supporting this indictment. It sets a precedent that could just as easily be used against you.