Showing posts with label — HealthRanger (@HealthRanger) August 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — HealthRanger (@HealthRanger) August 10. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2024

HEALTH RANGER: YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki is now dead, after not just taking multiple jabs and getting cancer herself, but after erecting a monstrous, pharma-compliant CENSORSHIP COMPLEX that silenced anyone who told the truth about vaccines or cancer.

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki is now dead, after not just taking multiple jabs and getting cancer herself, but after erecting a monstrous, pharma-compliant CENSORSHIP COMPLEX that silenced anyone who told the truth about vaccines or cancer. It was Wojcicki who led the charge against censoring people like myself and lifesaving organizations like The Truth About Cancer. In effect, Wojcicki created the very conditions that led to her own death by silencing those who warned that COVID-19 jabs are deadly and can cause "turbo cancers" in some people. Notably, Wojcicki also pushed the climate death cult as well as the vaccine death cult. We should not be surprised when those who push death are consumed by it themselves. Although we are deeply saddened by it. Through her censorship zealotry, Wojcicki contributed to the deaths of many millions of people around the world. Her influence on this world, in my opinion, was incredibly destructive and evil. It's too bad she could not be saved (red-pilled) before she was consumed by her own destructive ways. Condolences to her surviving family members. May her own death be a reminder to the rest of the world to recognize the importance of freedom of speech and the cost in real lives when #censorship silences truth.