Showing posts with label — Dr Shawn Baker 🥩 (@SBakerMD) May 19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Dr Shawn Baker 🥩 (@SBakerMD) May 19. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2024

"we need to train doctors to silo a condition. And he was the largest funder of medical schools who profited from doing surgeries."

John D Rockefeller, he actually started the modern pharmaceutical industry, and he said we need to silo, we need to train doctors to silo a condition because then it's treatable.  Then we can drug it, or we can do surgery.  And he was the largest funder of medical schools who profited from doing surgeries.  His lawyer actually wrote the Flexner Report, Abraham Flexner.  It is the guiding document, the Congressional Law of Medicine to this day, and it said every disease has to be silenced.  We have to practice evidence-based medicine.  We need a placebo-controlled trial for any Intervention which actually just necessitates a pharmaceutical solution because you can't have a placebo on exercise, right?  You can't have a placebo on food.  In this report, it actually delegitimizes any form of holistic health, any form of nutrition, any form of lifestyle, and you actually enshrine into law the system where we have to silo conditions. What the medical system did is took the trust engendered by, you know, life-saving procedures on childbirth, appendicitis, sanitation procedures, antibiotics, and they said, "Okay great.  Now trust us on chronic," and then just one after another after another we started medicalizing chronic conditions.