Showing posts with label — Bob Van Wagner (@BobVanWagner1) March 29. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Bob Van Wagner (@BobVanWagner1) March 29. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Treat Alopecia with Zero Carb Keto Diet

I do like Twitter for the dedication on the part of many people, doctors, scientists, and other professionals to help with their insights.  It's something, and you can't beat something with nothing.  And of course, we're all limited to 280 characters to get our point across.  The result is that we're all forced to talk in shorthand, which is why if anybody wants any traffic to their message or views, you really need a blog or website to organize your thoughts and arguments, then simply place a link to your site in your tweet.  Wouldn't hurt to avail yourself of either. 

All this to say that you can often get more claims about some food, vitamin, mineral, or herb to fix this or that than you are to get any concrete proof.  The best we can do with claims is to simply try the products being recommended.  The worst that can happen is that you'd be out the time you devoted to the product as well as the financial commitment to see some results.  So that's where we're at.  Otherwise, you can spend hours combing through the scientific articles and inscrutable conclusions over at NCBI.  That can be fun.  

Zero-Carbo Keto diet makes sense to restore hormones.
Here we have red laser hats. And then pea protein in for the rescue.

But I think the hair restoration involves a handful of ingredients, biotin being a key one.