Saturday, August 17, 2024

01:23, ARMSTRONG. Britain is Orwellian on steroids.  It's just crazy.  Britain is giving a guy 20 months in prison for saying that "I'm tired of my money going to illegal aliens who rape our kids," and they gave him 20 months in prison for that.  Worse than that, they're actually saying that they want to extradite people from around the world who criticizes their government.  I mean what is this, the British Empire all over again?  And they don't respect territorial jurisdictions.  And so if you say something against their government in Phoenix, you can be criminally charged in Britain and extradited to prison there for 20 months?  I've never seen the world just completely fall apart like this nothing is respected anymore nothing.

02:35, MIKE. In regards to the UK, two things.  One, I'm in Arizona, and let's say I say something disparagingly about the UK government.  What would they do, have the DoJ send FBI to my door, cuff me, put me on a plane, and ship me over there?  

02:52, ARMSTRONG. That's what they think.  Legally you would be entitled to an extradition hearing, and the law would be they could not extradite you unless it is also a crime in the United States.  It's like the entire rule of law has just been trashed and set on fire, and burned, and all the books, like Hitler.  This is going too far it's just simply gone too far.

03:35, MIKE.  But we look at it in relation to Europe.  I don't know what the solution is, but in regards to the UK, you've got these people who went down and they caused havoc, and they caused damage.  What we both know is that the UK is one big surveillance state, so everybody that was there got caught on camera so what do you do if you're a patriot over there because how are you going to overthrow the government if that's the plan I don't the government is too powerful right now just sit back and continue hide?  

04:15, ARMSTRONG.  Usually the way a government falls is when it's own people within the government no longer support it.  S o when the police refuse to exercise these laws, things of that nature.  If you look at the 1991 coup in Russia, the hardliners didn't want to . . .  there was a proposition for Russia to join NATO, and they staged a coup against Gorbachev.  He was on vacation, they stormed his house, etc., and Yeltsin stood on the tank in Moscow and said, "Do not fire on your own people," and they didn't.  Because the military stood down, the coup failed and Yeltsin became president so that's the key it's when the police and the military do not support the current Administration regardless if you're talking left-right, or whatever, historically that's simply the way it goes.  The problem with what the UK is doing now is that they are risking Civil War because this is what happens when you are trying to suppress people.  Google 1844.  We were just coming out of the sovereign debt crisis, etc., in the United States.  They were called "the hard times" in the aftermath of the panic of 1837, and this is when all the Irish were coming in migrating to Philadelphia.  So they were taking jobs that the citizens were losing because of the recession, and that turned into gun battles on the streets of Philadelphia

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