Alzheimer’s, cholesterol & margarine.
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) April 1, 2024
Truly fascinating segment which is well worth listening too.
75% of the mass of the human brain is made up of a substance called myelin, and myelin is made up of 100% by cholesterol.
00:19. On a separate and completely unrelated subject Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative brain disease which destroys brain cells. Alzheimer's never existed until 1979 and yet now it is one of the leading causes of death in Western societies.
00:44. On a separate and completely unrelated subject, margarine was invented in 1869 because Napoleon wanted a cheaper and longer-lasting fat for his army to travel with and it didn't gain popularity until the Second World War when butter and other animal fats were scarce. It grew in popularity in the 1950s, but by the 70s the animal fats had been replaced with vegetable oils. Because obviously animal fats contain saturated fats and a lot of cholesterol so they want to to offer a lower cholesterol alternative.
01:28. On a separate but completely unrelated subject, margarine is one molecule away from being plastic. Now as any chemist will tell you, one molecule can make a huge difference in the finished compound. Take ethanol and methanol, for example. One molecule difference, but very very different results when ingested into the human body.
01:53. On a separate and completely unrelated subject, as simple experiment to do at home, take a slab of butter, a slab of vegetable margarine, no animal fats in them, a slab of plastic, and stick them all out in your garden and have a look what happens. Very quickly all the wildlife in the area is going to be attracted to that butter from the flies to the beetles and the mini beasts through the birds and the rodents all the way up to the apex predators, foxes, badgers, and bears. If there happens to be no other wildlife around, then bacteria and mold will very very quickly consume it because it's easily digestible for all organic life forms. The margarine and the plastic will sit there for weeks. Nothing in nature will touch them try it.
2:48. On a separate but and completely unrelated subject I invite all GPS out there to check your patient's medical records and see how many of your dementia and specifically Alzheimer's patients have been on statins and or low cholesterol diets for many years I'd be very interested to hear your feedback in the comments I have a fabulous day
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