Saturday, March 16, 2024

7 Benefits of the Carnivore Diet

Lost 87 pounds in 6 months. 

Always clean teeth.  Zero plaque.  Feels like just got back from the dentist. 

The ability to focus is unreal.  Meat is like Nature's Limitless pill.  

Sleep for the last 6, 7 months, the deepest, most quality sleep I've ever had.  And I sleep a lot less too.

Energy: high energy, level throughout the day.  Doesn't get tired.  He used to be a big napper.  

Joint pain: Gone.  "Ray, you're 26, you don't have joint pain."  No, I did.  I had surgery at 14; they took out 60% of his meniscus, and ever since then stabbing knives in his knees.  On Day 3 of Carnivore, poof!  Gone.  

As someone who suffered from depression at a very early age, the only thing greater than all of the above is that he feels better than ever mentally.  It is so liberating. 


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