Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Law Professor Kate Klonick dismisses death threats as a form of censorship against Prof. Jay Bhattacharya.  These people don't understand what it means to be threatened.  It prevents you from doing your basic job,  from thinking, from reading, from writing, from producing, and how the attempts to put the kibosh on debate is not a campaign of censorship?  The legal cunt belongs to the category of the criminally insane. 

He was put on a blacklist: only people that followed him could hear his voice.  He was placed on a black list because government asked Twitter to do it.  It wasn't just one YouTube suppressed it was a systematic effort by the government to suppress scientific discussion on COVID. The purpose of the platform if it were a liberal platform would have been to.  He along with many many scientists who were suppressed have standing which means they they targeted people with you know an important voice in the debate.  The consensus on the failures of the lockdown are coming and it would have been here much earlier had there been free expression in impress.

Kate says we're stepping backwards in our ability to have governance and by governance she means some sort of detente between governments and these platforms where the platforms can set the rules that they want for speech and the governments can be happy with the suppression that's happening.  In fact this is an Orwellian telling of the actual factual record.  The actual factual record does not show is that government worked to suppress the speech of regular people. 

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