Sunday, May 21, 2023

"whatever you say to the 911 operator is NOT protected under your Fifth Amendment protections and is always recorded"

"The Absolute Wisdom of Fleeing the Scene of Justifiable Shooting," Paul Huebl, Sunday, May 21, 2023.

First, whatever you say to the 911 operator is NOT protected under your Fifth Amendment protections and is always recorded.  

Rather than get you police help the operator will ask you unlimited trick questions hoping to hear your admission to shooting, giving police a huge piece of the probable cause needed to arrest you.  

Today, violent crime trends are different. You are more likely to be attacked by multiple criminals working together than by a single thug.  It can happened at ATM, supermarket parking lot, gas station or for that matter anywhere.  This is not about somebody invading your home, which is much more rare.  

First, of because of the extremely high potential that your attacker or attackers, may even have more accomplices nearby, perhaps in a nearby automobile, quickly get away from the scene.  If at all possible retrieve any weapons the left at the scene for your’s and the public’s safety.  These weapons will most definitely disappear if you don’t.  They may well contain DNA evidence belonging the thugs that will later protect you.  It’s very rare that usable fingerprints are ever recovered from guns. 

If you shoot someone during this altercation, he’s going to need medical help.  You’re not qualified to pronounce death so never suggest that’s the case! It’s important that you make an attempt to notify emergency services that there is a bleeding man or men that need help.  If you can, persuade someone else to make the call, that’s the best.  

The following video was posted 7/22/21. 

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