Sunday, May 21, 2023

Good interview as usual.  

2:00  Alex Krainer: I already had the impression that many Western officials are not in this project wholeheartedly, and I think was very important because . . . I would group the officials into two groups: 

Group 1: the reasonably intelligent, reasonably competent technocrats and opportunists who are going along because they see it as something advantageous to themselves.  And among these reasonably competent opportunists, I see Olaf Shultz, maybe Manual Macron, maybe Georgia Meloni of Italy, and this person

Group 2: the blind zealots.  And among the blind zealots are people like Annalena Baerbock, the German Foreign Minister; Robert Habeck, the German Economic Minister; Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO Secretary General; EC President, Ursula von der Leyen; Chief Diplomat, Josep Borrell.  The only people who remain wholeheartedly committed to the Ukraine war are the blind zealots.  

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