Thursday, February 10, 2022


"Two injections, now you get a third, and they're telling you the third makes you more likely to get COVID.  It's a mad world.  Why you still living in a mad world!" 

"We heard our Ministers of Emergency and Public Safety come out today and, say, 'Nope, we're not listening to them.  We're not talking to them.  We've chosen our plan: it's mass vaccination.  And once you get vaccinated, freedom will return."

Well that didn't happen. 

Remember what they said, "Once we reach 75%, we'll get herd immunity."

They didn't do that.

"Once we get to 90%, they're just mad that the 90% don't hate the 10% enough.  They want to turn you into blood-thirsty murderers, people who turned the Kulaks in the Holodomor and murdered their fellow man.  It's not going to happen. We know you live.  We know they don't have the army we think they have.  We know that 60% of the people who got 2 shots are never getting a booster, guys.  The only thing that is keeping you down is that the government has mandated it and they keep telling us that you'll have freedom back once you get injected AGAIN.  You've had Peter McCullough say it takes 10 to 15 months to clear these synthetic, garbage spikes out of your body, but they want to keep doing it every 3 months.  They're trying to kill you!  We're trying to save you from killing yourself or at least not make us join you on your Jonestown, lemonade-drinking trip, okay?  We're getting out of this nightmare that you've created by just going along.  'But look at us.  We're complying. It's silent, isn't it?  This court injunction from the judge is lovely because they've at least acknowledged that this is a genuine protest and as long as we're not using air horns and train horns they're recognizing it as a legitimate protest.  So, as the police are being demanded by the bureaucrats to come crack down on us have no reason to do so.  We are peaceful people who've been misrepresented by false flags who only they, the criminals themselves, have been incentivized to commit, guys.'  Don't believe it.  Come down and see for yourself and remain peaceful when you do get down here.  But we do need numbers down here, guys.  It's going to be incredibly awkward to arrest millions of patriotic Canadians.  Bye.


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