Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Though this bill would grant citizens an opportunity to sue the federal and state governments gor the vaccine mandates, I sure do wish that workers in the U.S. would sue their employer, you know, the one who enforced the mandate on you that has caused you interminable grief since you took the shot. 

If you got a vaccine because of a threatening mandate from your company or your boss, then you should sue them, whether this passes or not.  If it does pass, sue your boss.  Would it be an uncomfortable suit?  Absolutely.  Will your employer defame you in the process?  Expect it.  But aren't you on good terms with your employer, kind of like a buddy system?  No doubt. But what they did to you was restrict your choices, didn't consider what you wanted and preferred with your body, treated you like a dog to force you to take a poison under legal terms that only granted the manufacturer immunity and an opportunity to rake in billions while they poisoned, killed, and crippled people you know and put you at risk for similar damage  Stand up now.  If you got the shot and regretted how your employer coerced you, take a stand now against them.  Vengeance is healthy, particularly against folks who probably got COVID money in the form of a PPP Loan or a CARES act loan.  And you got nothing for it.  In fact, they only got paid because you actually took the shot.  So sue these accomplices to murder.  

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