What a damning indictment. Missouri embalmer began noticing fibrin clots in late May of 2021, which means that the clots don't take forever to develop. Whether it's the spike protein itself that generates the clots or the genetic sequences in the protein that starts the clots is not clear to me. What is clear to me is that the vaccines are 100% responsible, full stop. No doubt. Absolutely.
So now you know. Now you know. So what are you going to do about it? What are you prepared to do?
Nattokinase dissolves both platelet and fibrin clots. Serrapeptase dissolves scar tissue and fibrin clots that actually form the basis of tumors. These clots are a kind of tumor, but instead of the patient dying years later from cancer after his immune system puts up a valiant fight, people are dying of fibrin-clot-induced heart attacks and strokes. Clog the veins and arteries and you're cutting off oxygen and nutrients to vital organs.
Protect yourself: make Nattokinase and Serrapeptase, both enzymes, part of your daily regimen. You must survive. You must fight to survive. Get these compounds in your body.
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