Friday, December 17, 2021

Viruses Are Exosomes, Which are Excretions Of Toxic Cells. Exosomes Are Not Transmittable

Viruses Are Exosomes, Which are Excretions Of Toxic Cells | Exosomes Are Not Transmittable

Viruses Are Exosomes, Which are Excretions Of Toxic Cells | Exosomes Are Not Transmittable | Hydroxychloroquine Works By Digesting Toxins, Not Viruses | COVID-19 Is A Completely Manufactured Fake Pandemic, There Is No Virus Or Disease | the Real Truth About Hydroxychloroquine – It Is Part of the Alice in Wonderland Program #DrAndrewKaufman on Instagram.  The lame stream media and a lot of “conscious” pages are posting these doctors saying Hydroxychloroquine cures COVID 19! 

How can a drug cure something that doesn’t exist!?! 

Let’s take a moment to remember the scientifically proven facts here for a minute. 

1) “SARS CoV-2” hasn’t been purified, isolated, or proven to be contagious. Therefore it hasn’t been proven to exist. 

2) When the body is attacked from a poison, pathogen or toxin it produces exosomes which look just like so called ‘virus’. Therefore exosomes come from within us after we’ve been poisoned. Some examples are vaccines, radiation, Chem-trails, toxic soil, etc. they just need to roll them out synchronistically and cover a large ground which they all do. 

3) Hydroxychloroquine works by digesting TOXINS! Not VIRUS’S! Let that sink in for minute… It also has a load of really nasty physically and psychological side effects. So there is no contagious virus going around. Don’t believe me or Dr Andrew Kaufman. 

Do your own research. Read Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense, Torsten Engelbrecht, 2007, for the history of scamdemics and The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, by Arthur Firstenberg, 2020, for the link between EMF upgrades and scamdemics. 

Or just watch and read Dr Andrew Kaufman’s work. 

The ruling establishment has covered up poisoning and killing millions for decades with supposed “contagions”.  It makes perfect sense when you [understand] how evil and power- hungry they are. 

Meanwhile Hydroxychloroquine is going to sell off the charts now…. The worst thing of all, the masses are in a deeper spell of believing there is really an invisible killer virus going around. There isn’t! It’s just a smoke screen for their goals of a digital totalitarian world.

Dr. Lorraine Day Tells Us the Real Truth About Hydroxychloroquin.  It Is Part of the Alice in Wonderland Program.  Casey Tells Us That This “Cure All” Has Been Scripted in the Spars Pandemic Paper Written by John Hopkins in 2017.  Awesome Videos for People Searching for the Truth!

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