Friday, December 10, 2021

Vaccine Injured. Who Isn't?

This was incredible. The average number of vaccines that children are scheduled for is 31. Unreal.
7:50  I got 6 vaccines while running a group for Apple in 1996.  I was going on a vacation and I was told to go to Travel Medicine and see what vaccines they wanted [her] to get and two weeks later I collapsed, and I am not an emotional . . . person.  I had no idea what happen, and when I got back frim that trip I found myself to be a physically disabled person.  7 months later, I had brain damage.  I couldn't read the Wall St. Journal and I have an MBA.  I couldn't read anything more difficult than Dr. Seuss. 

How did you put 2 and 2 together?

8:52.  Until I went on the gluten-free diet 3 years later, I was housebound having nausea, hypersomnia, which is sleeping 16 hours a day, joint pain, digestive issues, a permanent migraine, and fly-like symptoms, until I got through with most if that by going gluten-free, and that was not the end of my health recovery.  That was just the beginning.  And until I did that, I didn't have the mental capacity to figure this stuff out.  I like to say that I got 6 vaccines plus 1: the 7th vaccine was called Cognitive Dissonance.  

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